I am a regular user of viagra, levitra and cialis. Each one works great in different situations. If I have just eaten, I've noticed the viagra takes longer where levitra works better after a large meal. I've also had a little bit of the congestion problems with viagra but not with the other two. If I know I'm going to be on the go for a couple of days and I'm not sure what my exact schedule is going to be I'll take the cialis. Just remember if you take 50mg of viagra, then the next day you still have about 25% left, and so on. So don't follow one after the other, let them wear off...
I really had to give myself a laugh over the first time I took cialis. Everytime I turned around for the next several days I was popping a raging hard on everywhere I went. I was at the store and I guess the cart I was pushing was up against my cock and I was freeballing it that day--the next thing I knew I was hiding this huge cock with my groceries. I am now aware of the potential effects so I'm more careful what I'm wearing and what activities I'm involved with. I think they're great and if your doctor says it's ok give them a try. And yes my cock feels stronger, harder, and looks bigger (it does not increase size but feels like it) and can last through the foreplay and the pleasure moments.
I really had to give myself a laugh over the first time I took cialis. Everytime I turned around for the next several days I was popping a raging hard on everywhere I went. I was at the store and I guess the cart I was pushing was up against my cock and I was freeballing it that day--the next thing I knew I was hiding this huge cock with my groceries. I am now aware of the potential effects so I'm more careful what I'm wearing and what activities I'm involved with. I think they're great and if your doctor says it's ok give them a try. And yes my cock feels stronger, harder, and looks bigger (it does not increase size but feels like it) and can last through the foreplay and the pleasure moments.