Videos where the girl tries not to cum

Lol imagine trying to explain this to someone. Very niche
In Japanese adult industry the motif of woman holding back to arousal, moan, orgasm, to maintain control etc. is very popular, there are literally hundreds of JAV movies around this themes.

It's due to Japanese culture where things like self-control, shame, guilt, discipline, will, pride etc. are firmly rooted in society and play more important role compared to e.g. the US. This reinforces all such JAV plots creativity and underline female orgasms control theme. When in the US industry woman is basically encouraged to cum every time she could.

It's also because Asian women generally have sensitive skin and body and they are often relatively easy to reach orgasm. When in the western porn the term "premature orgasm" considers men 99% of the time. In JAV "premature orgasm" is used 50/50 for men and women, maybe even more often for a women. That's why in JAV they assume generally they will make the girl cum anyway and probably many times, even if she resists as hard as she can, what often makes the movie more attractive to Japanese audience, playing on strong emotions to which they are particularly sensitive, fight of wills, pride, self-control, overpower, shame, guilt etc.

I speak Japanese just so-so and i don't have a time to make a proper translations, but if you're interested i can give you a few examples with very different types of plots, where girls are genuinely trying not to orgasm, sometimes with BTS showing the effort :)
In Japanese adult industry the motif of woman holding back to arousal, moan, orgasm, to maintain control etc. is very popular, there are literally hundreds of JAV movies around this themes.

It's due to Japanese culture where things like self-control, shame, guilt, discipline, will, pride etc. are firmly rooted in society and play more important role compared to e.g. the US. This reinforces all such JAV plots creativity and underline female orgasms control theme. When in the US industry woman is basically encouraged to cum every time she could.

It's also because Asian women generally have sensitive skin and body and they are often relatively easy to reach orgasm. When in the western porn the term "premature orgasm" considers men 99% of the time. In JAV "premature orgasm" is used 50/50 for men and women, maybe even more often for a women. That's why in JAV they assume generally they will make the girl cum anyway and probably many times, even if she resists as hard as she can, what often makes the movie more attractive to Japanese audience, playing on strong emotions to which they are particularly sensitive, fight of wills, pride, self-control, overpower, shame, guilt etc.

I speak Japanese just so-so and i don't have a time to make a proper translations, but if you're interested i can give you a few examples with very different types of plots, where girls are genuinely trying not to orgasm, sometimes with BTS showing the effort :)
So interesting, thanks!

I’ve seen some Japanese series with western women/pornstars- I wonder if there’s any of these Japanese productions out there that play on these themes with white women.
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Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.
The best post in the forum :kissing_heart: Thanks!
I feel like I'm cumming just reading this stories :yum it looks like Japanese adult scene is another parallel world, only hidden.

Can't blame the girls they are unable to stop themselves when they are doing such things to them. It's like all my wildest fantasies :blush::heart_eyes:
I would love to see more western actress doing such things...
Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
WOW!! Much appreciated!!!!
Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
Do you know if there is any english subtitles in your examples?
Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
guessing all of these are censored?
Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
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Ok, so just a few examples, i won't give you the links as forum won't let me, but the titles. They are very easy to watch for free on many different sites, be careful as some won't show you the whole movie, but the half e.g. 2h instead of full 4h. E.g. is nice, where you can often find a whole "Serie" below the video if you like some movie and want to see more from the same serie. I'll at least describe you a plot to let you enjoy without knowing Japanese. In most of them the plot is just a plot when actresses attempt and effort to control it is real and reactions are geniune.

(*) not to orgasm challenge plot - an actress or half amateur girl is being offered a prize if she can hold back from orgasming for certain time, while being stimulated. Either by vibrators, dildos, skillfull hands and penis of male actor, unskilled but persistent half-amateur "students" etc. Sometimes she is restrained, sometimes free to move, just having sex and everything in between.
E.g. IENF-127 or SKMJ-165 Girl can win the prize if she can withstand sex with professional AV actor but not to cum before him. Many similar movies in the series.
or ULT-143 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she can stop herself from arousal and not to make a sound for 10 minutes, they win.
or SVDVD-812 If the girl can stop herself from orgasm while being vibed, she wins, if not - she gets fucked. 3rd girl is reallt trying hard.
or DVDES-966 Famous pornstars are challenged by shy boys, if they can make her cum 10 times in 30 minutes they win, if she can hold it - she wins.
or MFO-016 or AKAD-114 Half-amateur girls are invited to the van - if she won't cum for just 3 minutes, she wins the price. There are whole series and dozens of such movies from different studios.
or SCPX-459 or SVDVD-884 Girls have to withstand being licked to win the prize. Many similar movies in the series.
or HJMO-433 A pair contest of trying not to squirt - the girl making bigger stain on her leggins loses. The girl in blue is a sexual energy vulcano. There is a whole serie with some 10 movies.

(*) time stop plot, where actresses have to try to hold off the pleasure, moans, orgasms, as she can't move whe the time is stopped, even when being stimulated. Sometimes they publish BTS, you wouldn't believe how many times they fail and have real orgasms. Depending on type of the plot they either cut this fragments out, let the actress to regain her composure, and continue - or, in challenge types, they record everything and the girl unable to hold it orgasms, spasms, moans this losing, being ashamed.
E.g. VAGU-233 An actress is a sex doll, she can't move or moan. The last 10-15 min is BTS compilation of a scenes where an actress wasn't able to control herself and she breaks the character with real orgasms and some pause to regain composure. There is the whole serie VAGU with some 30 such movies.
or VANDR-082 Girls are being trained to stay in character when time stops, it's half movie half BTS type.
or SDAM-014 Girls are looking for a job in a sex doll museum. During the interview they are put to the test, if she can maintain her composure as a doll, she has the job, it she reveals she's a girl due to client's stimulation, she's out.
or HJMO-421 or HJMO-440 or SDMU-313 Beautifull girls are invited as a model to an art gallery where students are painting them. She is constantly reminded to stay still, even though nauthy things are being done to the posing model.
or MIMU-028 Girls take a date pill, they have to sleep while being mollested. Uehara at 1:36 has particularly hard time as she is really horny and the man doesn't make it easier for her. Still they try to contain or at least hide it as much as they can.
or JBD-288 She's being trained to control herself.
or ARM-761 Girls have to maintain straight face, being mollested, to win.

(*) massage plot, where e.g. mom and daughter are being work on, divided only by thin curtain, trying their best not to make a sound or moan, later on even avoid orgasms. Male actors as massagers are obviously making it close to impossible.
E.g. CLUB-597 A mum and a doughter on a massage.

(*) abduction plot, extremely popular, where proud woman, often of high status, fights hard not to orgasm, not to give the oppressor the satisfaction, they are softer like wife traveling with her boss, girlfriend got drunk and went with some boy, or harder like woman being abducted by some murky types.
E.g. WSS-230 A proud teacher is being mollested by her students, then headmaster wants to prove her it's her fault being a slut, when she does her best to prove she's not, trying not to let him make her cum.
or DBER-018 or DBER-030 A detective is being trapped by criminals she was chasing. They want to break her sexually, forcing het to orgasms, but it won't be easy as she's strong and really determined not to let this happen. There is a whole serie.
or DPHD-011 or XRW-213 Similar to the previous one.
or GAR-416 Her brother with few friends capture his beautifull sister, a teacher. She obviously won't give them satisfaction. Or at least she is trying.

(*) training plot, where woman is being trained sexually, her orgasm self-control is also one of the most important skills the trainer tests and train.
E.g. ISRD-008 or VDD-104 or VDD-115 A respected woman is being taken into an Intimidation Room and being "broken" by her opressors when she resists, she won't go down without a fight. At the end she's being ordered not to cum without boss permission no matter what he's doing to her. There is a whole serie with more than 100 movies.
or ADV-R0229 Tall strong girl being trained to control herself, not being allowed to cum and having to hold it off when being tied down and stimulated really long. There is a whole serie with dozens of movies.
or CWM-183 A compilation of woman forbidden to cum, but forced anyway from a few different movies.
or WPSL-049 She can't cum without his boss permission, she better won't...

(*) female orgasm control tournaments plot, where girls are challenged not to allow to be made to cum, sometimes they even have special judges (experienced female and make performers) to decide if the girl didn't try hide her climax etc.
AVOP-222 A tournament where half-amateur 8 girls describe their fantasies and what makes them off. Then they are told they have to prevent AV actors from making them orgasm in a time limit. Some girls succums fast, some are able to fight off the urge, some are trying their very best, but they can't help it at some point. Experienced ex actors as jury are judging if they fail or not.

(*) sport activities plot, when women are performing physical activities, sometimes competing each other, while being stimulated, obviously their job is most often to avoid orgasms, and it's made in such way it's often close to impossible. E.g. a race jumping on exercise balls seating on a dildo, riding on stationary (or not) bicycle with vibrator or dildo etc.
E.g. IKUNA-001 Two bratty girls compete each other in Wrestling-like combat. Their job is to hold back from orgasming longer than the other girl in front of the judges, through the rounds. When both are being rubbed, licked, vibed, fucked. It's a mess... :) There is a whole serie, very recent.
or HJMO-431 Sport girls compete on a balls with a dildo. At the beginning it doesn't look that difficult, but quickly the race is a mess. Girls are barely able to do a few jumps with a dildo deep inside, but they still thy not to lose and not to get punnished. A serie with a few similar movies.
or SDDE-662, SDDE-648, STARS-551 Athletic girls performing excercises, trying to ignore their mollesters.
or NHDTB-116 a doughter and a mum are excercising when brother want to be their trainer. They will try their best not to let him arouse them or make them cum, but he knows what he's doing.
orRCTD-153 If girl can't stop herself and cums she's won't have a small gift and she's being pushed to the swimming pool.
or HJMO-386 Girls perform their cleaning duties being stimulated by the guys, they compete each other whoever can clean more before she succumbs to orgasms.
or RCTD-003 A wrestling match for the pairs, with few rounds, whoever cums first - loses.

(*) Too proud to cum. E.g. BLK-486A "sex worked" definitely won' cum with a client. But whet if he knows what he's doing?

(*) boyfriend face-to-face avoid orgasm challenge plot, when a pair take part in a challenge where the girl is being stimulated or even fucked, she has to try not to move, not to moan, not to cum to win the prize for the pair.
E.g. SDMU-325 Two pairs compete in a game. Girls are being stimulated by the other's boyfriends. They have to prove they are loyal to her boyfriend to win the prize. If the girl succumbs and orgasms with a strange man the pair loses...
or SDAM-068 A great movie. A pair, a girls has to being stimulated by AV actors in front of her boyfriend, has to stop herself, not to move, not to moan, not to cum, to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the more money is being taken from the prize. The last girl is particularly in trouble, still she does everything to at least hide it as much as possible. There is a few similar movies in the serie, all very good.
or HJMO-256 A pair is being invited to the game, if the girl, being tied and stimulated, can hold herself back they win, if she cums the courtain is being raised to humiliate them even more.
or NKKD-019 A pair, a girls has to withstand being taken by AV actors in front of her boyfriend to win the prize for her and the boyfriend. The more she fails the less the money.
or SDMU-846 A pair, a girl is being tied and stimulated by an actor. She has to hold her orgasm before her boyfriend manages to untie her.. Good luck.
DIY-021 Similar to the above, half amateur girls is being mollested by the actor, her boyfriend watches her face in a room next to her. Can she not get aroused with a stranger?

(*) boyfriend phonecall plot, where actress is challenged to maintain proper conversation with her boyfriend (usually obviously an actor) and if she isn't able to maintain her composure / hangs up the call feeling impending orgasm / he hangs up when she start moaning or losing sense - she lost the challenge. Plus many different variations.
E.g. AP-646 She has to phonecall her boyfriend and not let him find out what she's doing.
or HJMO-617 She has to phonecall her bf in front of the camera, and tryhard to ignore what they are doing to her under the table. A girl starting at 1:42:00 is an experienced actress so she won't go down easily, but vibrators are relentless..
ATOM-386 She can't make a sound through a few progressively more difficult rounds.

(*) Contests, like E.g. SDDE-698 Two teams compete in a knowledge tournament, every mistake means faster stimulation, which does not help with concentration...

(*) Arousing, edging woman to the extreme plots, where actress is being stimulated to the very edge of orgasm, then stop. Sometimes many times through the scene or even through few subsequent scenes, collecting more and more sexual energy without release. Stimulated by male actors, by remote vibrator, often in genuine public places motivating her to hold it back even more and adding to the excitement. Obviously in the last scene, normally already very sensitive girl, after such female blue balling, bacomes one twitchy, wet, horny mess, so oversensitive she's ready to cum after few seconds of stimulation. Many times.
E.g. MOGI-054 In every scene she's being edged, she has to hold it and the guys are not making it easy. In the end scene she can explode at the slightest touch.
or DV-1478 They are making her hold it time and time again untill...
or CAWD-197 or PRED-509 or CEMD-017 Edging a girl time and time again to make her mess.

(*) "Premature Girls" - girls cum too fast to easily...
E.g. SKMJ-292 Half-amateur girls, the one at 1:58:40 is just genuinely embarassed by how easily they are making her cum...
or MIUM-297 or SCUTE-1402 or MOGI-100 or SDAB-271 or LULU-244 Just very sensitive premature girls.

(*) Western/caucassian girls in JAV holding their orgasms or challenged
E.g. HIKR-143 US stewardess has to hold it untill given permission.
or STARS-607 Half-European girl is trained to control her arousal and orgasms.
or HIKR-184 Alix Lynx can cum, but she can't seat. And the more she cums the more she needs to seat...
or YMDD-031 Mia Malkova can't make a sound near her sleeping man. She made many JAV movies. Like SB-003 when she was tied and she didn't do such things in US.
or STC-005 Alanah Rae "abducted", she held back when he vibed her for the first time, but the second time she came.
or STC-002 Lily Lovette resisting. The whole STC serie is about western woman abducted, trying to resist. Some seems surprised they are going to make her cum for real
or HR-002 Melody MArks trying not to moan in a tent camp.

This are just a few examples, there are hundreds of similar movies in JAV, i still spent an hour to type it. Enjoy. Comment. In my opinion our western industry could benefit a lot by including many of this plots and ideas, genuine emotions and effort etc.
Thank you for putting all this together. You have good taste. I say that because this list agrees with mine. Female orgasm control and denial has been one of my kinks for a very long time. The Japanese seem to explore this aspect of sexual taste far more than any other society. Most of the time its about men. Over the years I have managed to gather a fair sized library of video material covering all aspects of the subject. What I have found is the western view of female orgasm control mainly comes with ropes whips and other forms of BDSM related paraphernalia. That's not for me. I mean if you've one it usually means you've seen them all. Also another observation is that a man seems to be far more convincing when controlling female responses than two woman do. However in some cases there are some women out there are very good at it. Look up videos by Ashlyn Diamond, you'll see what I mean and Ashlyn is very good at not cumming. Another favourite for orgasm control can be found on pornhub, Search for NakedCrusade under models. In almost every video she has to ask if she can come and the answer is usually no, her struggles to resist are very cute and she often has to get him out of her in order to comply. I found these two by accident because they do not have a video posted anywhere on porn hub which mentions denial or control. There are many short videos on Pornhub that cover this subject but only a few are convincing and hit the spot. Here is one more from Ustwo-9193. He often tells her not to cum and watching her try not to is quite delicious. Lastly, going back to the Japanese. I have an ID for one I think you may like if you haven't seen it. MIDE-793 This along with MOGI-054 is probably one of the best Japanese female orgasm control movies I have seen. Again thank you for the time you put in to creating that list. If you can think of any more, I'd be grateful to watch them. xx
Thank you for putting all this together. You have good taste. I say that because this list agrees with mine. Female orgasm control and denial has been one of my kinks for a very long time. The Japanese seem to explore this aspect of sexual taste far more than any other society. Most of the time its about men. Over the years I have managed to gather a fair sized library of video material covering all aspects of the subject. What I have found is the western view of female orgasm control mainly comes with ropes whips and other forms of BDSM related paraphernalia. That's not for me. I mean if you've one it usually means you've seen them all. Also another observation is that a man seems to be far more convincing when controlling female responses than two woman do. However in some cases there are some women out there are very good at it. Look up videos by Ashlyn Diamond, you'll see what I mean and Ashlyn is very good at not cumming. Another favourite for orgasm control can be found on pornhub, Search for NakedCrusade under models. In almost every video she has to ask if she can come and the answer is usually no, her struggles to resist are very cute and she often has to get him out of her in order to comply. I found these two by accident because they do not have a video posted anywhere on porn hub which mentions denial or control. There are many short videos on Pornhub that cover this subject but only a few are convincing and hit the spot. Here is one more from Ustwo-9193. He often tells her not to cum and watching her try not to is quite delicious. Lastly, going back to the Japanese. I have an ID for one I think you may like if you haven't seen it. MIDE-793 This along with MOGI-054 is probably one of the best Japanese female orgasm control movies I have seen. Again thank you for the time you put in to creating that list. If you can think of any more, I'd be grateful to watch them. xx
Exactly same kink for me.. Spot on!!!!!!
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