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I’m changing internet provider, and the sales guy was around my neighborhood and asked if I was free to finalize the paperwork and could ask questions. I said to come on by. He was a young guy in his 20s. While we’re sitting and he’s talking, I can see him glance in the direction of my crotch. I look down and realize the tip of my dick is right at the edge of my shorts. So when I take the tablet from him to read the stuff, I had maneuvered to push the tip of the head out in the open. I would glance and see him looking at it. Even after giving the tablet back, I would see him look down every now and then. I didn’t acknowledge, just wanted to give him a peek. Nothing more happened, just wanted to show a little bit.

I’m changing internet provider, and the sales guy was around my neighborhood and asked if I was free to finalize the paperwork and could ask questions. I said to come on by. He was a young guy in his 20s. While we’re sitting and he’s talking, I can see him glance in the direction of my crotch. I look down and realize the tip of my dick is right at the edge of my shorts. So when I take the tablet from him to read the stuff, I had maneuvered to push the tip of the head out in the open. I would glance and see him looking at it. Even after giving the tablet back, I would see him look down every now and then. I didn’t acknowledge, just wanted to give him a peek. Nothing more happened, just wanted to show a little bit.

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I would have been staring to!
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Always love this photo because you can tell that the guy next to him (seemingly related, almost twins?) also would be completely on show if not for his underwear so you can tell it's not intentional.
In fact, there’s two more where you catch a glimpse. Unfortunately not of their skin, but it is definitely not staged
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