Vinnie Hacker (tik Tok)

I'm shocked that the "yOu GuYs ArE dEsPeRaTe AF I oNlY sEe A pLaIn OlD tOwEl FoLd. wHaT bUlGe!?!1!" people haven't hopped onto this yet. let's hope this busy getting their eyes examined

Perhaps you are lost... This isn't the Jeremy Hutchins thread...
vinnie is most definitely straight and he’s stated it multiple times. there’s something called being secure in your sexuality. just because someone does something effeminate doesn’t make someone queer. do y’all hear yourselves like lmao?
vinnie is most definitely straight and he’s stated it multiple times. there’s something called being secure in your sexuality. just because someone does something effeminate doesn’t make someone queer. do y’all hear yourselves like lmao?
Absolutely. The only person to decide his sexuality is him. The rest is just fan fiction and wishful thinking.