Vintage Gay Porn Lovers

Dear @dpv78

I really want to thank you for all your efforts bringing back vintage gay porn to us. Great work you are doing and I am a bit sad that not more members do appreciate what you are doing

Thank you, great what you present to us. That's just wonderful. Cheers- Ted

Not many will remember him but he was a star of the old BRENTWOOD STUDIOS in the 70's and his name was GARY BOYD.

He became famous because of his large endowment and was also a frequent model for different gay magazines.

Gary was starring in old loops such as MARINE FURLOUGH, TRUCK STOP or THE BIG ONES and. The quality of the films was not very pleasant but the "star" was always a big sensation.

It's hard to find material of that era but I have collected old stuff I can present here. Enjoy old memories more than 50 years ago when the private pleasures were still managed via substandard films long before video.


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