"vintage or when men had pubes"

TED ROCK HUDSON posed fully frontal Nude for Wyngate & Bevins in 1967. The photo was likely taken by Bob Mizer who tried to distance himself from Wyngate & Bevins by not keeping accurate records. W&B operated on the fringe of the Law and Mizer was cautious. Special thanks to Brian E. for this photo.
Hudson, Ted-006.JPG
TED HUDSON AKA TED "ROCK" HUDSON posed for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1965. TED was from Grand Rapids Michigan and was 22 and was 5 Feet 9 Inches and weighed 163 pounds. Mizer's codes tell us that TED liked Women and was a TOP with Men and an exceptionally talented LOVER and expensive. TED made 5 AMG short films. He also made films for Wyngate & Bevins fully frontal Nude circa 1967.
"Homeland Nudists 3" by Wyngate & Bevins was filmed by Bob Mizer in the Desert near Palm Springs California in 1967. On the Far LEFT is TED HUDSON AKA TED ROCK HUDSON. In the Center standing is RON WALLACE. TED was from Grand Rapids Michigan and I do not know what became of him. RON was from Debuque Iowa and he passed away in a Nursing Home in 2010. RON fathered 6 children with 2 women and never married.
TOM SALVATORE posed Nude for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1967 and he made a 1967 AMG short film called "Five Athletes at Hemet". TOM also made several Wyngate & Bevins Nude COLOR and b&w short films in 1967 including "Homeland Nudists 3".
RICHARD COOPER posed for Bob Mizer at AMG in 1967. There is a solo film of his, AMG catalog C074. There were 32 individual images of him on his AMG catalog cards. His photos were taken on April 30, 1967. The man who brought Richard Cooper to AMG to be photographed was a 1950s AMG model named Leon Simmons. Leon Simmons later became a regular model supplier to AMG. Simmons was murdered in his Hollywood Hills home in 1973 by a 21-year-old he "knew" named Warren Marchialette, who had escaped from prison while serving a previous manslaughter charge.
If you own the 1971 AMG playing card set, Cooper is the model on the five (5) of Diamonds!

RICHARD COOPER posed for Bob Mizer at AMG on April 30, 1967. There is a solo film of his, AMG catalog C074. There were 32 individual images of him on his AMG catalog cards.
If you own the 1971 AMG playing card set, Cooper is the model on the five (5) of Diamonds!
