Viva mickeylee

@MickeyLee, you're cute and angry, and cute when you're angry, and still angry when you're cute.

ML = Pastel Hulk? avec bunny years? I can live with that *smooch*

I would fuck shit up for ML.

I will shit on a fuck up for ML.

ML is the shit, so I'll shut the fuck up, and pass her this bong...


I think we should break out the edibles, get fucked up, crack the fuck up, and look for shit to fuck up.

My favorite bat-cat thingy. Yours truly, the Lone Wolf, is happy to be following you. *howls with pride*

Fellow Creature of the Night, so glad you brought ya posting self to light. *hugs* You got a sweetness to you. Ya know, for a bloodthirsty apex predator.

The Triplets of LPSG. In Mr. MPoC's defense when you find a gif that expresses ya soul you put that shit out there for all the world to see. HA!

Lovely Miss T&J, I'd love to have the opportunity to rail you so sweet you'd need oxygen for days.;)

HEY!! MPoC, keep in ya pants big fella ;) You can't put moves on one woman in another woman's thread, ya dog.
I love reading @MickeyLee—she is sooooo funny and entertaining. And quick witted when she sometimes repsonds in minutes with something funny. And how about her custom language: “wamangs” “the boy” .... AND not just comedy, but she offers good information on things too. Oh, and I can’t leave out that her mysterious appearance—only a bat as a hint ;) Although in my imagination she’s tall and strong and pretty. :)
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I love reading @MickeyLee—she is sooooo funny and entertaining. And quick witted when she sometimes repsonds in minutes with something funny. And how about her custom language: “wamangs” “the boy” .... AND not just comedy, but she offers good information on things too. Oh, and I can’t leave out that her mysterious appearance—only a bat as a hint ;) Although in my imagination she’s tall and strong and pretty. :)

she's twelve stories high and made of radiation
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I love reading @MickeyLee ...
her custom language: “wamangs” “the boy” ....
shoot—dang autocorrect made me type it a few times and I got it wrong. I meant “womangs”. She’s still funny though ;)
“She’s a womang,
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
She’s a womang.
Talkin’ about the womang
And that womang is ours!”

Them some tight ass pants.

Tom Jones' pants have gone beyond bulge tight. Those pants are checking his blood pressure tight.
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Had the pleasure to see Tom Jones live at the Lyric Theatre in Baltimore back in 1977. My then-boyfriend was a massive fan; he played his complete Tom Jones record collection nonstop for the week before the show.

And yup, them pants was tight. Along with a body-hugging, second-skin shiny black silk shirt with buttons opened to reveal his dark chest hair and gold chains for days!

The show started and the hips got to movin' and the place got to swoonin'. It was epic.

Great show. Great showman. Panties, bras and hotel room keys were flying onto the stage from the front rows. I can still hear the strains of Why Why Why, Delilah. Awesome entertainer.
Jumping topics a bit, but @MickeyLee have you heard of a comic called Sunstone? Beautiful art, BDSM, and a female/female couple as the main characters. A friend suggested it to me and I'm barely started into it and it made me think of you :heart:
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