Want to find videos of guys fucking and doing poppers

Super hard to find but in porn videos when guys hit poppers its super hot. Sometimes you can see it happen briefly in films from the seedier studios or amateur porn, but it's hard to find any scenes where its more prominent or whatever. I've seen maybe a couple like that but I didn't save them and I figure with the rise of amateur porn on Only Fans and Just For Fans and other sites maybe other people know of creators that I just haven't seen myself that might produce content like this. I am 100% completely uninterested in solo dude jerking off popper videos, there's plenty of those and they aren't hot. I'm looking for videos of dudes hitting poppers when they are fucking. Anyone know of any?
Duke Cage, id was Dukecagexxx and Bryan Pump id Bryanpumpxxx these are the ones where is the fuck and deep sniffing