
I feel really stupid and embarrassed, I had a crush on him for ages. This is a lot of baggage to unpack :weary_face: I thought he was just some cute english lad who still lived with his parents. I was duped for quite some time in his chats and it wasn’t even him :sob: This is a real dagger to the heart, but I blame myself for being so horny for him. The more I learn about him just makes me feel like a total fool.
Way too emotionally involved with someone youve never met who is just supplying porn. And your other responses just now show you’re still the same
Ok Wes , nice second account did you forget your password again, why don’t you go gamble some money away and smoke some more weed you’re off your head. I thought you were leaving social media?

Guys here buying his crappy rehashed content, then simping him all over social media. I’m giving people a heads up here take it or leave it. I’m out….
Go therapy mate you need it more than him
Ok Wes , nice second account did you forget your password again, why don’t you go gamble some money away and smoke some more weed you’re off your head. I thought you were leaving social media?

Guys here buying his crappy rehashed content, then simping him all over social media. I’m giving people a heads up here take it or leave it. I’m out….
You think I’m Wes?? wtf, you’ve lost the plot mate 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣