Cut as an adult here as well and my answers are pretty much identical to the poster above me; very well written post!
What’s it like to have a foreskin?
it’s all you know really, mine functioned normally however even with good hygiene and foreskin etiquette, i still didn’t like the hygiene of my foreskin and i would also have episodes of balanitis. this was enough to spark my interest in getting cut, alongside the look. my frenulum was also a hair-like trigger with cumming so could be a nuisance at times.
What do you do differently?
I could masturbate without lube before taking long strokes pulling the skin back and forth. now obviously there is less skin to pull. there is pretty much no maintenance that needs to be done either and there hasn’t been any issues with hygiene or balanitis.
When do you pull it back or when does it come back?
mine would stay forward unless i got hard then it would roll back. i would pull it back while pissing and showering though, and if left behind the head it would have stayed there until rolled forward again or if i bent over in some cases haha
How much extra weight and girth do you get from one?
no extra weight really, i think my cock looks thicker, refer to my albums for a before and after
Does it dull or heighten sensation?
they’re different, difficult to compare. maybe different in sensitive areas but not in pleasure
Do I cum early because I don’t have one?
I wouldn't know. I last longer now.
Do you feel more or less secure or confident in a locker room shower with one?
it’s interesting, i used to be insecure of my foreskin at urinals etc. but now i almost feel like a black sheep with so few young aussie guys being cut.
Do men or women have a preference for uncut?
everyone has their preferences, not going to dig into something so subjective haha
Are there any downsides? Like a less visible VPL?
my VPL is more visible now, having to rely more on lube is a downside i guess not having skin to use but that doesn’t matter too much with a mouth or hole around it right?
Are there any other cut guys like me who wish they had one?
i’m the reverse, wouldn’t mind having been done at birth!