What Celebrity Would You Go Gay For?

I'm not sure where you are getting that. I only see that applied to the Bi forum.

It’s in the terms/rules. “For the purposes of these sections, we consider bisexual to be 20/80 gay/straight or straight/gay.”

The math is pretty straightforward. More than 80% gay? answer the “ask a gay man” questions. More than 80% straight? this is your arena. A strict reading would prohibit 80% from those two forums, requiring 81% or more.

A moderator can chime in but we have long allowed responses from those 60%+ straight. Why does this upset you?

It doesn’t upset me, it’s just the interwebz... It does seem to me a little absurd to have admittedly gay guys answering questions posed to straight men. As I posted in a different thread:

“I think you would get a lot more straight "no" if the section were more restrictive. If you ask a straight man if he's ever wanted to suck his gym-mate's pecker, you're going to get a no. When you allow 80/20 (per the rules) or when higher gay ratios answer, you are more likely to get a yes.

In those latter cases, you don't have a straight man answering. You have a bi man who should stick to "ask a bi man" instead of answering in a category that he admittedly isn't a part of. It would make it a lot easier for the straight men to just answer no to the couched "are you secretly just a little bit gay" questions.”
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It’s in the terms/rules. “For the purposes of these sections, we consider bisexual to be 20/80 gay/straight or straight/gay.”

The math is pretty straightforward. More than 80% gay? answer the “ask a gay man” questions. More than 80% straight? this is your arena.

It doesn’t upset me, it’s just the interwebz... It does seem to me a little absurd to have admittedly gay guys answering questions posed to straight men. As I posted in a different thread:

“I think you would get a lot more straight "no" if the section were more restrictive. If you ask a straight man if he's ever wanted to suck his gym-mate's pecker, you're going to get a no. When you allow 80/20 (per the rules) or when higher gay ratios answer, you are more likely to get a yes.

In those latter cases, you don't have a straight man answering. You have a bi man who should stick to "ask a bi man" instead of answering in a category that he admittedly isn't a part of. It would make it a lot easier for the straight men to just answer no to the couched "are you secretly just a little bit gay" questions.”

Personally I dont class myself as gay..I wud same im straight but very curious :)
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To answer the original question, Daryl Hannah or Jaime Lee Curtis.

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so if thats the case then should i be taking part at all?

not in “ask a straight man”, or reconsider your percentage rationale if you consider yourself straight.
not in “ask a straight man”, or reconsider your percentage rationale if you consider yourself straight.

You don't make the rules. As I've always interpreted it, the 80/20 and vice versa just means you are welcome to post in the Bi forum as well. We have a long precedent of allowing 60%+ straight to post here. If you don't won't to see diverse opinions and topics then this might not be the best website for you.[/QUOTE]
You don't make the rules. As I've always interpreted it, the 80/20 and vice versa just means you are welcome to post in the Bi forum as well. We have a long precedent of allowing 60%+ straight to post here. If you don't won't to see diverse opinions and topics then this might not be the best website for you.

Neither do you. Doesn't matter how you've interpreted it, and your "long precedent" shit looks like it goes back to Jan 10, 2018.

70/30 isn't "straight", according to the posted rules. Scroll to the bottom, click the "Terms and Rules" link, and educate yourself. I didn't make those.
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Neither do you. Doesn't matter how you've interpreted it, and your "long precedent" shit looks like it goes back to Jan 10, 2018.

70/30 isn't "straight", according to the posted rules. Scroll to the bottom, click the "Terms and Rules" link, and educate yourself. I didn't make those.[/QUOTE]

Settle down. No need to get nasty.Ya know, we do have the ability to look back at threads before we joined. There's plenty of posts from 60% and 70%'s here. If there was an issue, they would have been removed. Someone in another thread considers anything other than 100% straight to be bi.

FWIW, I would be in favor of a dedicated forum for the 100% straights where only they can talk amongst themselves. They are the most often to get bent out of shape on this site.
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You seem to keep missing the point. It’s not an issue of straights being to talk amongst themselves. It’s that it’s pointless to have an “ask a straight man” section for questions that not-straight men answer. Might as well just get rid of the delineations and lump it all under the “ask a man” section.

Turn it around and think of a “top or bottom” question in “ask a gay man”. Some 1% or 10% ‘gay’ guy (or a 30% that just fantasizes and considers himself straight) responds with “neither, I don’t like dicks or assholes”. It’s not helpful or useful.
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Do masculine lesbians count in this lunacy? Sorry just asking for a friend
Not the case but I always loved Jodie foster, if I could be temporarily a woman and if she was available and willing ill give it a chance.
If it doesn’t work hey I got boobs for a while.
If a guy was curious and wanted to try man on man sex, what difference would it make that it was a celebrity or just some ordinary working stiff? Do you assume because someone has fame or wealth they are automatically more desirable and more likely to turn a man "gay"?

There are plenty of famous females whom I wouldn't mind having sex with if I had the chance but only because I find them attractive, but not because they are more or less desirable then any other woman.

So perhaps someone who was both bi-curious (or bi) and into starfucking might be able to choose one, but unless I could turn it into a Tell-All book deal, no male star really stands out.