I'm not sure where you are getting that. I only see that applied to the Bi forum.
It’s in the terms/rules. “For the purposes of these sections, we consider bisexual to be 20/80 gay/straight or straight/gay.”
The math is pretty straightforward. More than 80% gay? answer the “ask a gay man” questions. More than 80% straight? this is your arena. A strict reading would prohibit 80% from those two forums, requiring 81% or more.
A moderator can chime in but we have long allowed responses from those 60%+ straight. Why does this upset you?
It doesn’t upset me, it’s just the interwebz... It does seem to me a little absurd to have admittedly gay guys answering questions posed to straight men. As I posted in a different thread:
“I think you would get a lot more straight "no" if the section were more restrictive. If you ask a straight man if he's ever wanted to suck his gym-mate's pecker, you're going to get a no. When you allow 80/20 (per the rules) or when higher gay ratios answer, you are more likely to get a yes.
In those latter cases, you don't have a straight man answering. You have a bi man who should stick to "ask a bi man" instead of answering in a category that he admittedly isn't a part of. It would make it a lot easier for the straight men to just answer no to the couched "are you secretly just a little bit gay" questions.”