What Jobs Do You See Most Nudity?

The only job I ever had where I saw a fair amount of nudity on occasion was working overnights doing hotel security. I never was a voyeuristic creeper who purposefully sought it out and it was all unintended that I happened to stumble across and most of it was very brief.

Sometimes it would be from inside the room when guests left their curtains partially or fully open and I happened to be walking by and even in a few cases, they would answer the door only half dressed; some women wearing see-thru nightclothes.

Other times it would be outside the rooms, either from guests skinny dipping in the pool after hours or sometimes having actual sex somewhere on property.

In most of the instances, if they were caught or noticed that I noticed them, they registered embarrassment. However, in a few encounters, they clearly didn't care that I (or anyone else for that matter) saw them; including one large breasted woman myself and another employee caught topless in the pool after she jumped the fence. Not only was she unfazed about being caught half naked, but she even offered to remove her bottoms as well and let us watch her swim if we let her have a little more time before escorting her out. No need to tell you what our decision was other than saying with the image still fresh in my mind, I made good use of some solo time in a storage closet later on that night.
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Police officer

You see more naked people than you could ever want.

I have a friend who is an EMT in Gainesville, FL, and he says there's no a week that goes by that he doesn't have to bring one or two naked people to the hospital or morgue. Mostly meth. So not really the kind of naked people you really want to see.
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I have a friend who is an EMT in Gainesville, FL, and he says there's no a week that goes by that he doesn't have to bring one or two naked people to the hospital or morgue. Mostly meth. So not really the kind of naked people you really want to see.

You could have made-up that your EMT friend was also a talented musician. And as a musician his band frequently entertained at a famous upscale nudist resort near Tampa during peak summer holidays and Halloween. That upscale nudist resort could sorely use another retro band.
I have a friend who is an EMT in Gainesville, FL, and he says there's no a week that goes by that he doesn't have to bring one or two naked people to the hospital or morgue. Mostly meth. So not really the kind of naked people you really want to see.
Meth heroin alcohol etc.

People having sexnin various places all over the city

Dead bodies

Domestic violence calls (many happen while naked)

Lonely women during the night shift hearing "intruders"

Loud parties

Last but not least...nudists....

For Some reason they just choose to remain naked while you take their report.

But yes many are not ones you want to see...unless you work as campus police at a university lol
The only time I ever saw nudity on the job was WAY BACK when we used to have film cameras. In high school I worked at a photo mat and occasionally I'd develop a roll of film with some nude wives. My boss was very adamant about us destroying those - claimed a guy used to keep a whole photo album of copies he made of nudes he developed and got arrested. Guess he was a proto-pic collector before the digital era.
A few years ago I saw a job posting for a “Drug Tester.” The job description said that this job was to supervise drug tests. AKA watch guys pee to make sure they aren’t tampering with the sample. Oh man I wanted that job. Imagine getting paid to look at cocks all day long. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a call. :(
My hot neighbor works at an all-male Korean spa. A the start of their shift they're assigned a uniform, then they have to go shower and change. So he's seen all of his co-workers naked at some point. There is mandatory nudity for the clientele throughout the spa and his job is to patrol the various areas and make sure there aren't any shenanigans (there never are). So he's literally looking at dicks all day. I have visited a few times. I would say about 20% of the guys who attend are fit.
I have always wanted to go at the start of his shift to see if I could get a peek, but I have never gotten up the nerve even though he's already seen me naked a few times.
My hot neighbor works at an all-male Korean spa. A the start of their shift they're assigned a uniform, then they have to go shower and change. So he's seen all of his co-workers naked at some point. There is mandatory nudity for the clientele throughout the spa and his job is to patrol the various areas and make sure there aren't any shenanigans (there never are). So he's literally looking at dicks all day. I have visited a few times. I would say about 20% of the guys who attend are fit.
I have always wanted to go at the start of his shift to see if I could get a peek, but I have never gotten up the nerve even though he's already seen me naked a few times.
That would be a great job. As a white guy with a big softie, I wonder if I would get any attention. :). (I know it's not a place for cruising.)