What kind of underwear was popular when you were in college/college aged?


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Apr 22, 2007
99% Gay, 1% Straight
So I am really into guys and their underwear. The age range I am into is mostly 18-24. Unfortunately, I was late to realizing/accepting my gayness, so I didn’t get the opportunity to do anything with guys when I was in college.

So my questions are:
  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age)
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here)
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other)
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear?
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear?
  • What underwear did you wear then?
Feel free to elaborate/tell any stories if you wish.
College 1974-1980
Mid-Atlantic states
Briefs by far were the most popular, with "tighty whities" leading the way. Some guys wore colored briefs. Some wore bikini briefs. Except . . . the guys from California wore boxer shorts. Apparently the boxer shorts rebellion had started there earlier.
White was the most popular color for briefs. My roommate of 3 years wore white J.C. Penney briefs.
I wore boxer shorts. I had been wearing them since 7th grade. Except for the California boys mentioned above I did not know anyone else who wore boxer shorts. Sometimes my roommate would find them amusing because I often unintentionally wore boxer shorts that matched my shirts. For instance, blue striped boxer shorts and blue striped shirt. I think it was a subliminal thing.
No social pressure. One gay guy in our "suite" (6 rooms gathered around a shared bathroom) who wore white briefs himself told me that he liked my light blue Jockey boxer shorts.
I was in college 1996 to 2000 and I only saw guys in boxers. This was in rural Mississippi and I’d guess most if not all of the guys I saw bought their underwear at Walmart, JCPenny, Sears, Kmart, Target etc. boxer briefs may have existed then but hadn’t made an appearance in our world.

I arrived at my dorm in with just plain tighty whities as that’s what my mom bought for me. However i only saw boxers and was a little embarrassed so i bought some Hanes or FTL boxers and switched. I still wear boxers to this day.
  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? 1995-99
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? mid-Atlantic, USA
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? boxers, mostly; a few wore briefs; I did not see boxer-briefs until my senior year (98-99)
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then? mostly generic ones, I think; Hanes, Fruit of the Loom, etc.; my freshman roommate wore Joe Boxers with loud prints
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then? stripes or plaids, mostly; the brief wearers all wore regular white ones; boxers with sports team logos were also popular at the time
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear? probably 85% boxers/15% briefs, with boxer-briefs replacing briefs later; I never knew any commandos in college, nor did I know anyone who wore anything other than boxers or briefs (or, later boxer-briefs)
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear? not that I remember
  • What underwear did you wear then? boxers, and occasionally none (I went full-time commando after graduating)
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  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? 1980s
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? Midwest, USA
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? briefs; this was pre-boxers and boxerbriefs. Most wore tighty whities but colors were showing up too
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then? Seemed like Hanes, FotL, and Jockey
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then? White but then the colored jockeys with the white piping showed up
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear? 85% tighty whities and 15% color
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear? none that I recall
  • What underwear did you wear then? I quickly followed the Jockey colors with white piping trend
  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? 1980s
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? Midwest, USA
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? briefs; this was pre-boxers and boxerbriefs. Most wore tighty whities but colors were showing up too
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then? Seemed like Hanes, FotL, and Jockey
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then? White but then the colored jockeys with the white piping showed up
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear? 85% tighty whities and 15% color
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear? none that I recall
  • What underwear did you wear then? I quickly followed the Jockey colors with white piping trend
This matched my experience when I was in college in Ohio from 1980 - 1984.
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  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age)
Late 2010s, early 2020s
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here)
Northeast US
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other)
Boxers were the most popular, followed by boxer-briefs
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
American Eagle, Hanes, Fruit of the Loom
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
Plaid, black, blue, red, gray
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear?
~85% boxers, 15% boxer-briefs, <1% other
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear?
Yes, if you wore briefs you'd get made fun of
  • What underwear did you wear then?
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Reactions: jockbear
  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age)
Late 2010s, early 2020s
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here)
Northeast US
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other)
Boxers were the most popular, followed by boxer-briefs
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
American Eagle, Hanes, Fruit of the Loom
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
Plaid, black, blue, red, gray
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear?
~85% boxers, 15% boxer-briefs, <1% other
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear?
Yes, if you wore briefs you'd get made fun of
  • What underwear did you wear then?
WOW, im shocked, my college era was same time as yours, but true boxers were so rare it was an odd sighting. I will say a lot of guys in the dorm had a pair or two they kept as sleep shorts or hang out in the dorm with a girl attire, but other than the occasional gangly skinny guy who wore most of his stuff looser, Boxer shorts were just not a thing.
Being a wrestler of course i wouldn't expect to see boxers among my closest peer group, but even in the dorm as a whole, it would have been less than 2 percent. And those would all have been AE brand
My community college years in Mesa, AZ were from 1980 to 1984. White briefs were the most common underwear; colored briefs were catching on, too. During my second year, I began to notice that some of the young students were wearing boxers under their shorts. You could tell because the legs of the boxers were longer than their shorts. My initial reaction was that I thought it was korny to dress that way. Then another realization struck me: often I could see the outline of the penis showing on the guys who wore boxers as there was no support to keep things in place. Popular at the time were tennis shorts, coach's shorts, and OP cord shorts. Each of them did a great job of highlighting the guy's assets when worn with boxers.

Despite my initial resistance, I wanted to try boxers. I went to the mall and looked at the selection. There were regular boxers that I associated with old men, but there were also sporty "trim fit" boxers that were designed like gym shorts. There was contrasting trim on the sides and along the leg openings. The trim fit boxers seemed like a better option with shorts than standard boxers because only 1/2" of the boxers hung below the shorts compared to regular boxers that hung 2" - 3" below the legs of the shorts. I went for it and bought a few pair. It felt strange to not have support, and my dick liked the feeling a little too much! The first time I wore my light blue boxers with white trim to college was with my navy tennis shorts. The dark color provided some modesty when I walked from class to class with the inevitable semi that resulted from the friction of walking. Can't lie; it felt awesome! The next day I got braver and wore my white double-knit Adidas tennis shorts with navy and white pin striped boxers with white trim. and a navy blue t-shirt. I liked to match the navy stripes with the navy t-shirt. I was self-conscious of how obvious my dick outlie was, yet other guys were dressing that way, too. Boxers had become a fad. As I walked to my second class, I felt Junior starting to bone up. I held my books in front of me to hide my predicament. L.O.L.!

Throughout the '80s and '90s, I wore colored briefs most of the time and only wore boxers once in a while when the mood struck me. In 2006, I made the switch and boxers became my default underwear. The looser fit became a more comfortable option for me.
WOW, im shocked, my college era was same time as yours, but true boxers were so rare it was an odd sighting. I will say a lot of guys in the dorm had a pair or two they kept as sleep shorts or hang out in the dorm with a girl attire, but other than the occasional gangly skinny guy who wore most of his stuff looser, Boxer shorts were just not a thing.
Being a wrestler of course i wouldn't expect to see boxers among my closest peer group, but even in the dorm as a whole, it would have been less than 2 percent. And those would all have been AE brand
I barely knew or saw anyone wearing anything except boxers
My community college years in Mesa, AZ were from 1980 to 1984. White briefs were the most common underwear; colored briefs were catching on, too. During my second year, I began to notice that some of the young students were wearing boxers under their shorts. You could tell because the legs of the boxers were longer than their shorts. My initial reaction was that I thought it was korny to dress that way. Then another realization struck me: often I could see the outline of the penis showing on the guys who wore boxers as there was no support to keep things in place. Popular at the time were tennis shorts, coach's shorts, and OP cord shorts. Each of them did a great job of highlighting the guy's assets when worn with boxers.

Despite my initial resistance, I wanted to try boxers. I went to the mall and looked at the selection. There were regular boxers that I associated with old men, but there were also sporty "trim fit" boxers that were designed like gym shorts. There was contrasting trim on the sides and along the leg openings. The trim fit boxers seemed like a better option with shorts than standard boxers because only 1/2" of the boxers hung below the shorts compared to regular boxers that hung 2" - 3" below the legs of the shorts. I went for it and bought a few pair. It felt strange to not have support, and my dick liked the feeling a little too much! The first time I wore my light blue boxers with white trim to college was with my navy tennis shorts. The dark color provided some modesty when I walked from class to class with the inevitable semi that resulted from the friction of walking. Can't lie; it felt awesome! The next day I got braver and wore my white double-knit Adidas tennis shorts with navy and white pin striped boxers with white trim. and a navy blue t-shirt. I liked to match the navy stripes with the navy t-shirt. I was self-conscious of how obvious my dick outlie was, yet other guys were dressing that way, too. Boxers had become a fad. As I walked to my second class, I felt Junior starting to bone up. I held my books in front of me to hide my predicament. L.O.L.!

Throughout the '80s and '90s, I wore colored briefs most of the time and only wore boxers once in a while when the mood struck me. In 2006, I made the switch and boxers became my default underwear. The looser fit became a more comfortable option for me.
Did you ever notice guys wearing briefs under their boxer shorts?

I noticed this a time or two. My uncle who would have been in college early and mid 90's said he had seen it before even in high school. Said some of the soccer kids did it so they could just take off thier boxers for practice and not have to get totally naked to have some support for practice. I noticed this one kid do the same thing coming to wrestling practice. I watched him a few days then borrowed a pair of boxers from a buddy who had them to sleep in and wore my jockstrap under the boxers, then did the same thing standing beside the kid that day getting ready for practice, shucked off my boxers, already having my jockstrap on and made sure the kid saw me and realized the stupidity of what he was going. Of course right back beside him after practice, i stripped off even my jock to go shower, again showing him the error of his ways. With some push i finally got him to quit double underwearing and he went back and forth with briefs and boxers a while, at first changing into briefs on the days he wore boxers, finally got him to give a jockstrap a try, and for a while he wore boxers for underwear and changed into his jock for practice, but he eventually migrated to some AE boxer briefs as his underwear choice.
No. Perhaps some guys did, but I never saw it.
It wasn't like a lot of guys, but just some that like either wanted support for sports but wanted the style of boxers all day, or just liked the style of boxers to be like some others and couldn't stand not having the support i guess.

I was trying to remember some, the one guy on my wrestling team was like one i think of doing it the most, but I went to the beach once with some friends and we made friends with this other group of guys at our motel and one of them had all kinds of cool boxers he walked the halls in, and he wore boxers under these white shorts to swim, and one day coming back from the beach and showering off the sand i noticed he was also wearing briefs under his boxers under those white shorts to swim...

Just talking to a college pal who played soccer and he said boxers were maybe a bit more seen on soccer guys than wrestlers, but still he would not call them popular or anything but he does remember seeing some. I think in the dorm, everyone had a pair of two to just lounge around in.
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  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age)
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here)
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other)
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then?
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear?
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear?
  • What underwear did you wear then?
since i have been commented on this thread, i guess i should fill out the original survey

College years were fall 2013 till Covid hit. I was on a 5 year plan for undergrad, then doing some grad classes.


BoxerBriefs and shorter Trunk style no-fly types.

Grey's, blues, other crazy stuff on them. some liked black, some more white

Being that my peers where heavy on being wrestlers, but what they wore for underwear 5 percent briefs, 45 percent Trunk style, 48 percent boxer briefs, 2 percent boxers

outside of our wrestling group, being seen around the dorm in briefs, def got some ragging, and even trunks at first, but they were more norm across the spectrum of guys, ending up back at the dorm in a jockstrap def got you some looks, but honestly, less teasing than maybe briefs.

My choice for underwear was usually the shortest leg boxerbriefs or trunks i could find, i had some briefs, jocks, I grew up in a Jockey family, so had the pouch, the Y front and the H fly types. I loved when AE had the 2" inseam boxerbriefs they called them.
  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age) 1988 to 1992
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here) mid-Atlantic
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other) briefs, longer Boxer briefs
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then? Fruit of the Loom, Jockey, Champion, Tommy Hilfiger
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then? white and heather grey, started seeing more colors and like someone else mentioned, colors with white piping or trim.
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear? 15% boxers, 15% long boxer briefs mainly Jockey and Towncraft, 60% briefs, 10 % bikini briefs or those with no actual waistband like JockeyPoco
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear? Not really.
These were answers provided by my Dad.
Current information from my 18 year old

  • What years were you in college or in the 18-22 age range? (Feel free to give a decade if you want to be more private about your age) 18 Now
  • What part of the USA/world did you go to college in/live in at ages 18-22? (Feel free to be more general here) hills of Appalachia
  • What styles of underwear were most popular with your peers then? (I.e. boxers, briefs, boxer-briefs, other) briefs, trunks, boxer briefs
  • What brands of underwear were most popular with your peers then? AE, Hanes, PSD, Nike, Reebok, Addidas, Pair of Thieves
  • What colors of underwear were most popular with your peers then? everything, color is good, designs are great.
  • What percentage of your peers would you estimate wore each style of underwear? Boxers 10% usually skinny non athlete guys, 15% briefs random guys like me and some shorter guys and soccer guy especially south of the border ones and some wrestlers, 30% Trunk or very short boxer briefs, 45% boxer briefs mostly AE.
  • Was there much social pressure and/or teasing for wearing a “minority choice” of underwear? sure all the time, but no body cares, we like getting teased and a lot of us wear stuff that will get noticed.