what will the guys think?



da_blissmachine: this summer i am taking a trip to europe with my class and will be rooming with some guy friends of mine for 16 days. this is the first time in my life i have really been allowed to make good friends with other guys so its new to me. chances are on such a long trip in close proximity penises and masturbation will be braught up and it is possible we will jack off together (which i am actually hoping, i believe masturbation together can bring male friends very close, like a brotherly bond). but i am wondering:

How will they react when they see my size?

Will they feel bad about their own size?

Will the difference in size hurt our friendship?

Will they spread the rumor around to other friends, girls?


Retired Moderator
Mar 5, 2002
1.  "Wow! You've got a honkin' big penis!"

2.  Maybe, maybe not.

3.  No

4.  Probably.

Have a good time, da_blissmachine!



Ineligible: I'm sure it will be a great experience whatever happens.

Whether anything happens at all will depend on the other guys personalities, and how you are rooming. If you are staying at youth hostels, they usually have large dormitories that you'll be sharing with lots of other people, and chances of any shared masturbation are pretty slim. If you are two to a room the chances are greater - but I'd still say not all that high. Of course, even without any shared masturbation, you may well see each other in the showers.

How people will react will depend a lot on their own personalities, and I don't think can be easily predicted. Since you are obviously well above average, I don't think you're likely to make people feel bad about their size (it's the average-to-slightly-above people who do that, unwittingly, to me). Nor should it hurt your friendship (unless it's someone whose self-esteem has rested on considering himself the biggest in the class).


Experimental Member
Oct 8, 2002

You cause me to wax nostalgic here.

Many, many years ago, I was able to travel abroad during my senior year of H.S. Although we went as a large entourage of students from virtually all over the eastern U.S. I wound up rooming with a guy two years my junior and we never "shared a view"...I can't recall we ever had any ideal opportunities to! He and I had different itineraries which resulted in great variances in our dressing times and showering times. If this trip allows you the chance (and it seems that's what you'd like) then it could happen for you!

The four questions you pose are virtually beyond your grasp to handle. So, why sweat it? Your friends reactions are going to be just that....THEIR reactions.

The only thing I know you can do to encourage commaraderie and less dissension among the other guys concerning your size is not to "lord it over them".
Take things in a non-chalant manner with the idea when your size reigns superior (which it no doubt will!) just think of your response (to them) as "I'm sure yours will do the job just fine" and let it go at that. If they see you are not cavalier and ego-driven by your good fortune, the other guys will more than likely "back off" and not pursue it too much. (But, you can bet they will admire your size and be somewhat envious I believe.) Guys are guys and size is important to us as males.
It's inherent. We can't help it. You certainly have an advantage. -You already know that. So tuck that little consolation deep inside you and for the sake of friendships, don't let it rule your demeanor. Okay. You made me say this: Avoid the COCKY attitude! (should you be tempted)

Lastly, I stress to you to not let this matter of your friends' "reaction" ruin your trip. An awful lot of what's in your mind hasn't played out yet and it may not. You have a chance of a lifetime to travel and see the world.
Enjoy it. ;)


da_blissmachine: no we will not be staying in a youth hostel. hotels, very nice ones. 3-4 to a room with private bath.


Donk: Two expressions that come to my mind are "don't borrow trouble" and "cross that bridge when you come to it." Don't spend several months agonizing over a potentially awkward situation that might not even arise (so to speak :)) and, if it does happen, just go with the flow and accept that, yes, your endowment will attract attention (unless, on the off chance a significantly bigger guy is also present).

To help put your mind at ease, think of the unfortunate guy on the other side of the spectrum. I bet there is at least one guy in this group who has a penis that is small--or that he thinks is small--who is just terrified that other guys will get the chance to see it on this trip. Put yourself in his shoes and then you should realize that many guys have a tougher insecurity issue to deal with than yours. Any attention that your penis receives will be caused by envy and admiration. Other guys must face the fear of ridicule. Count your blessings and demonstrate to the smaller guys, by your attitude, that you know their worth as men does not depend on what is between their legs.


Icarus213: You should probably also prepare for an anticlimax. I've been on many trips with many male friends, and never had a real life incident involving our bodies like you might be picturing.

It might happen, of course, but if it doesn't, don't be surprised. Sometimes real life is just plain old real life. :-/

Enjoy the rest of the trip, though. I love travelling.


BIGBOYDAVE: dude just go and enjoy yourself your young you are getting a fantastic trip to explor Europe Enjoy it. If other things happen explore them to but don't plan on it. Just let it happen. Chances are it probably won't anyway. Besides you don't know what your roommates got hanging between there legs you might end up being biggest, smallest or in between . if so they too may have same concerns as yourself.
My biggest concern for you is that If war breaks out you probably won't get to go anyway. But lets keep our fingers crossed that you do go.


prepstudinsc: Bliss--
Don't worry about what could happen too much. I agree with all the other posters that you just have to cross that bridge when you get to it. When I graduated from high school, I spent a month in Europe with some other kids from my school on a tour. I never once saw my roomate naked and he never saw me naked.

Even in college, when I lived in a dorm, my roomate and I never saw each other naked, the closest to being naked we ever got in our room was in boxers. One night, however, the college's Health Center sponsored a talk on safe sex for our floor. (each night it was on a different floor in a different dorm) After it was over, they handed out condoms. We got back to our room and he was saying something about that he didn't like wearing rubbers. I told him that a regular rubber was too short for my dick. We were joking about it, but he didn't believe me, so I got a bone, pulled it out and stuck the rubber on it, and showed him. He couldn't believe it when he saw it, and from then on he just teased me (in a friendly way) that had a big dick.

I didn't try to intimidate him with it, I was just stating a fact. I showed him while laughing about it.
If for some reason, you happen to be naked and your roomates on the trip happen to see you naked, don't rub it in their faces that you're bigger than they are. Just act normal about it. When you can laugh and joke about it, just go with it. They will probably tease you about it, but don't get upset. Just laugh with them about it. They're probably going to be jealous, but there's nothing you can do. Guys will always find something to tease each other about, and that's fine as long as it's not malicious. I get teased by my friends at the gym. I just laugh with them and find things to rib them about.

Bottom line....don't worry about what might happen until it happens. And when it does, just act nonchalant about it and laugh with your friends if they tease you. I'm sure you'll be able to find things to joke with them about.

Have a great trip!