Where can college guys pose nude (In post-Playgirl world)

That really exists?
I have hired nude house cleaners a handful of times, decades ago. And once I got two college guys who I had hired to do nude housecleaning together to come back and alphabetize my book collection in the nude. But this was decades ago when Craigslist allowed for risqué ads.
I have hired nude house cleaners a handful of times, decades ago. And once I got two college guys who I had hired to do nude housecleaning together to come back and alphabetize my book collection in the nude. But this was decades ago when Craigslist allowed for risqué ads.
Love that, easy money. Was there a JO to finish?
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I've wondered what the appeal was with nude housekeepers...do you get to interact with them...is it acceptable to jack off while watching them work?
I did not, on either occasion. But I did get them back one more time, along with two of their friends, for a modified game of strip poker where I was paying money as well as clothes when I lost, while they were just losing clothes. That game involved dares as well, and it was much more interactive. But no touching or J/O on the other occasions. For me, I really did need some housecleaning and figured why not have some eye candy at the same time. I was working at a dot com at the time. Unfortunately, I no longer have that job nor that kind of money.
It is a big dream of mine to do photography...mostly of male nudes. I'm interested in the idea of masculinity and the armor that men wear to protect themselves emotionally..I'd like to take a class but not sure where I would find one, even though I live in a big city. There is a friend that I'm really interested in photographing...he's straight and married but seems pretty open-minded. I am nervous about asking him though. I don't think he'd react badly but I'm worried he might tell some of our mutual friends and they would just think I was trying to get into his pants.
It is a big dream of mine to do photography...mostly of male nudes. I'm interested in the idea of masculinity and the armor that men wear to protect themselves emotionally..I'd like to take a class but not sure where I would find one, even though I live in a big city. There is a friend that I'm really interested in photographing...he's straight and married but seems pretty open-minded. I am nervous about asking him though. I don't think he'd react badly but I'm worried he might tell some of our mutual friends and they would just think I was trying to get into his pants.
Community colleges and adult education programs (sometimes run by the county) sometimes offer photography classes. If you enrolled in a legit class you could then tell your friends you need people to practice on, don't even say anything about taking saucy photos, and see how he reacts.
So how would you ask a straight friend to pose naked for you?
Buy a book on becoming a better photographer. Let him know you're working on improving your skills and one of the chapters in the book is on shooting better shots of the human body. Tell him one of the exercises is in shooting the nude human form, especially with different studio lighting and tell him he's the only person that you felt close enough to to ask and would he help you.