I’m curious where everyone stands on the topic of open relationships and/or cheating. I had a potential partner who revealed to me they don’t think cheating is serious and that having sex with other random people while in a committed relationship isn’t cheating. And when I tried to say that I prefer monogamy, they said it’s cheating even if I ogle someone in a restaurant then. That urges to have sex are natural and should be followed through. He says sex functions differently than sex. And now I feel completely torn down. I respected his opinions but he completely attacked my concept of a relationship. Am I the one gay man that wants monogamy?
This is how he views sex and love, and it's a perfectly respectable opinion.
What is not fine, though, is that he's trying to make it look like a general truth valid for everybody, and not just his personal view.
I am totally not monogamous. If a guy I'm interested in told me that he prefers monogamy... I'd probably conclude that we're not a match, but I'd never tell him that he's wrong, or that his preference isn't valid or respectable. It's just different.
Having said that, you have to ask yourself and balance whether your feeling for him is strong enough to accept his polygamy.
I strongly disagree with your potential partner. I believe being committed to one person includes sexual fidelity to that one person. And no, checking out someone else is not the same as cheating. Just because you're in a committed relationship doesn't mean you're blind. It's the following through part that would be cheating, especially if it's done behind your partner's back.
Absolutely not! My husband and I have been in a happy monogamous relationship for over 27 years. Do we have challenges? Sure. Do we check out other guys? Sure. Saw a hot guy with killer legs and a great ass during lunch today, in fact. (We both ogled him.) But when it comes to actual sex, he's the only one I want.
I was madly in love with my ex boyfriend. Totally, like one of those types of love from movies.
But even when I was at the peak of my feeling for him, never once have I stopped wanting to fuck other guys. I accepted to not do it, because I knew it would hurt him.
At the time I thought giving up sex outside the relationship was a sort of "price to pay", and it was also just what the society expected from me. Now I've grown up and I realised that... Why should I renounce to something I like and makes me feel good?
So yeah, I'll be looking for an open relationship. But with someone who wants it too, who understands what it means for me and who is as gorgeous as my ex boyfriend