Who's Doming Who? Part One


Loved Member
Platinum Gold
Mar 26, 2007
California, US
90% Straight, 10% Gay
When I was going to school the guy that lived next door was named Carl. When we were little kids we played together, but by the time we were in School we hung out with totally different groups of friends. Being pretty small in stature and rebellious against the idea of "fitting in" and "being popular", my friends were nerds and weirdos. Carl grew up to be very large both in height and weight. He was on the defensive line of the football team and hung out with jocks and popular kids.

In fact, Carl used his size and the backing of his popularity to bully some kids, including me. A pretty asshole-ish way to be, but of course we were eighteen-year-olds with lots to learn.
This situation got interesting one day after school riding the bus home. Carl and I got off at the same stop, naturally, and Carl decided that he was going to humiliate me when I got off the bus. He ducked to the right of the door as he got off the bus ahead of me and when I stepped off the bus after him he "pants-ed" me, reaching down to the hem of my athletic shorts and yanking them down to my ankles in one quick movement. Probably without even knowing it he had grabbed my underwear as well, so to his surprise and briefly his glee, he exposed my bare ass to everyone behind me on the bus. I heard laughing right away, as I bent over to yank my shorts back up, from the kids on the bus that saw it, and of course, from Carl. But, because he was standing next to me rather than behind me he had a different view than the kids on the bus. He got a look at my cock and balls and I heard his laugh get choked off in his throat as he saw my junk. He froze and uttered a kind of strangled, "What the..!?". Then he stopped himself and seized me by the arm and without another word he walked quickly straight to his house, pulling me along, and without a word to his Mom who said "hello" to us as we walked in the back door, up stairs to his bedroom and closed and locked his bedroom door. After doing that he finally let go of my arm, but then he pushed me against the wall and yelled, "What the fuck?.."

"I, I don't' know! What?!" I stammered back.

Still using his forearm across my chest to hold me against the wall he reached down and again yanked my shorts and underwear down to my ankles and glared down at my penis.

"How the fuck do you have THAT? You can't possibly..." Carl yelled at me, and then again was at a loss for words

I said, "I still don't know what you're talking..."

"Your cock!" he yelled right in my face. "A little puke like you can't have a big hanging donkey dick like that!"

The way he was acting still scared me, but I couldn't help but smile. "I have a big cock and balls, deal with it" I said simply.

"You can't..!" he said, still in denial.

"I can", I said feeling a bit bold, but knowing I better not smile at him the wrong way.

"Fuck, dude. It's..." He said and then, to my shock, he just grabbed my penis. Picking up my flaccid cock, he let it rest on his big wide palm with the back of his hand against my sack. "Jeez..." He said, staring.

I flinched a little when he grabbed my dick. I had never felt anyone touch my penis besides myself, every chance I got. He was still leaning against me pushing into the wall so I really didn't have a say about it, so I just focused on breathing despite his arm pushing into my chest.

Carl was quiet for a while. Just staring at my cock in his hand, breathing loudly. "So fucking heavy" he muttered to himself. Then he closed his hand and pulled on my cock very quickly and let it go. "So big and fat and floppy. I can't even...". He grasped my penis at base and flopped it around roughly disregarding my "Hey!" of dismay.

"And these!" Carl said, dropping my penis, pushing it aside and grasping my sack, giving my balls a firm squeeze.

"Hey! Careful!" I said, hoping that he would not squeeze any harder.

"Shut up", he said not even looking up at me. "The POWER!" he said. "I can feel the power of big ass bull balls! I wanna reach down in MY pants and feel all of this." Then as if he suddenly had an idea, he took his arm off my chest and covered my eyes with his hand, but he barely looked up at my face as he did it, and he was so careless about it that there were gaps between his big fingers and I could easily see what he was doing.

He let go of my ball sack and pulled down the front of his own shorts. He had an erection! But, oh my gosh, it was small, especially on his big body! His boner was smaller than my penis was flaccid, and he had balls to match it pulled up tight in a small-sized sack. Carl picked up my softy again and stepped forward until his dick was right next to mine, and he groaned. "Oh my god! What the fuck! This is not fair!" Then he whispered very quietly to himself, "Fuck, my dick is so hard!"

After a few more moments he pulled his shorts up and took his big fucking hand off my face. I made sure to give no indication that I had seen his boner.

"You shouldn't have that", he said accusingly, and poking me in the chest. "I should have a big porn star cock like that. I should! It'd fit my body way better."

"I, I'm not sure what to tell you, man..." i said trailing off.

"Liar", he said. "Tell me how you made your dick big. I gotta know!"

"I didn't to anything, I swear!", I said emphatically.

"You must have done something. I'm gonna find out what it is and then I'll have a big horse cock and huge balls too", Carl said with agitation.

He was so worked up and acting so crazy. I had know idea what he was going to do next but it was my genitals that were his focus and that made me damn nervous. Especially because he was so big and strong and so aggressive!

"Make it hard", he suddenly commanded, and he started yanking hard on my cock head.

"Oww! Quit pulling on my dick so hard!" I complained.

"Shut up!", he said glancing up at my face. Then he looked back down and went back to pulling on my penis. His hands are so strong!

"That fucking hurts, Carl. I promise you that is NOT going to make my dick hard!", I said, trying to talk calmly.

"Damn it. I have to see how big it gets". He stopped pulling on my penis but he did not let it go. There was a fairly long pause while he seemed to be deciding what to do while staring at my cock in his hand.

"Fuck it!" he said suddenly to my penis. "I want to do it, so I'm just going to do it"

Then he looked at my face. The way he glared at me was really scary.

"I know a way to make your cock get hard that you can't possibly resist. I know you're not going to tell anyone about it, because you know that I would literally cave your head in!" he said with deadly intensity.

"Oh shit. What are...", I started to say.

Carl knelt down quickly. With one of his hands still pushing hard against my solar plexus he took my penis into his mouth and started sucking very vigorously on it like a calf on it's Mama's teet.

I was a virgin at the time. No one had ever paid any attention to my penis but me. So I was unprepared for the sensation of his mouth. He was sucking on my dick very clumsily and way too hard, but wow, his mouth felt so wet and warm. In about one second my cock got very hard.

Carl pulled my dick out of his mouth and said, "Ha! I knew that would work. I totally control you!", and then, “Holy Shit! This fucking thing is huge and SO powerful! I feel so fucking powerful holding it! So powerful!” He squeezed my erection firmly with his big hand and stared at it groaning intensely.

"I'm going to make this big cock cum" Carl said with an “all in” tone in his voice.

"Oh, I don't think..." I mumbled.

"Shut up. You don't have any say it this. You'll just stand there and be quiet or I'll give you a beat down", Carl said glaring up at me from his knees.

Carl went back to sucking my cock. He was on a mission. He was not careful with his teeth, but he was relentless. I stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom, listening to the slurping sounds he was making and thinking about Marcy who sat in front of me in Biology Class.

Before long I felt my orgasm start to build. I waited another couple seconds then said, "I'm going to cum".

Slurp pop "Yes!", said Carl and began stroking my cock way too hard with his big ape-like hand, staring at it.

It didn't matter. I was past the point of no return. "Here it comes, watch out!", I warned him.

He kept stroking and then he cupped his hand just in front of my cock, as if he expected my cum to dribble out.

It did not. I launched a pre shot that coated his neck.

"What the hell!?", he said just as the first big rope of my jizz shot out and went diagonally across his face including into his mouth. He choked and swallowed reflexively and then yelled, "No way!"

He fell back a bit on his heels still holding my cock and just watched, frozen with wide eyes as I shot nine more big ropes of semen all over the front of his Def Leppard t-shirt.

He finally let go of my cock, but it was still dropping smaller batches of cum on the floor. He fell all the way back now on his ass just looking shocked and bewildered. I noticed with amazement that he had a small wet spot oozing through at the crotch of his shorts.

Maybe he saw me looking and he shook off his stupor.

"Get the hell out of here, you fucking donkey dicked little puke, and keep your mouth shut!" said Carl.

I pulled my shorts up over my sloppy erection and got out of his room at fast as I could. Downstairs I had to walk right towards Carl's Mom to get out the door. I was worried she would see my cock still mostly hard in my shorts, but I had to keep moving. Oh no. I saw her eyes move downward and her expression change.

"Bye Mrs Blake" I said a little too loudly, trying to distract her.

"Oh, um, bye..." She said trailing off as I walked right be her and reached for the door knob.

I ran home. My mind was whirling. What the hell? Did that just happen? What does all of this mean?

The next morning I awoke from a fitful night of sleep, my mind racing about the previous day's events, to hear Carl's voice! In my house! Coming closer! What the fuck!?

"...I told Will I'd walk him to the bus stop. I'll get his butt in gear.", said Carl to my Mom. Bullying his way past her with a weak-assed story to get to my bedroom. What could my mother be thinking right now?

Then bam! Fucking Carl! Opening my bedroom door! He came into my bedroom and shut the door. I lay frozen with disbelief, looking up at him, holding my blanket up under my chin. "What the fuck are...", I started to complain.

"Shut up!", Carl said and he sat on the corner of my bed.

"I've been thinking all night and I'm pretty sure I've got this figured out", Carl said staring at me intensely.

"Got what figured out?", I asked still trying to wake up from this nightmare.

"Shut up. Why does your cum taste like that?", Carl asked.

"Like what? I..." I asked him.

"Mine tastes bitter and nasty! Your cum tastes completely different. Like, clean somehow, and MANLY", Carl said, searching for the right words and growling the last one. "I'm sure that's the whole secret. It's those damn bull-sized balls and all that powerful man juice that comes from them. That's what grew your cock to that freakish size."

"I don't think...", I started.

"Shut up. You don't want me to know your secret. Your Mom fed you tons of eggs or avocados or vitamin M or something that made you have huge balls. It's not fucking not fair!", said Carl. "But, I'm gonna fix it. I've figured it out!"

"Avocados? I don't even..." I tried to explain.

"Shut up", said Carl again. "I'm gonna force you to give me your power, because if you don't I'll crush you like a bug. So, if I can drink enough of that potent man stuff, then my cock will grow just like yours did. It only makes sense. Like a work out shake, but for power building a huge penis.

"No, Carl. You can't do that. It just doesn't work like...", I said, but he cut me off again.

"Shut up. I can do it and you can't stop me. I proved it yesterday. I can hold you down and suck your dick until you give me your jizz", said Carl with a fuck you smile. "I could tell that it was working right away yesterday. My dick has never been bigger or harder. Your man power flowed into me right through your big fat cum-squirting cock. I could totally feel it!”

I just stared at him open mouthed, thinking he'd gone crazy, or I was asleep still having a wild-assed dream.

"Ha! Nothing to say? That confirms it. I've got your secret." Carl said with a very self-satisfied smile. Then he grabbed my blanket and yanked it off me. "Yep I knew it. You sleep naked and you wake up with morning wood. Jeez! Your cock is so big and beautiful and powerful. And, I'm gonna have one just like it too. Fuck! That is so exciting!".

"Carl you can't just..." I said anxious and annoyed with his ignorant aggressiveness.

"Shut up. I'm bigger than you, so you can't stop me", said Carl with a smile, then he held me down with his big gorilla arm and started sucking enthusiastically on my hard cock.

"Ouch! Fucking watch your teeth", I said trying not to let him hurt me as much as last time.

Carl pulled my dick out of his mouth to say, "Shut up. You can't tell me what to do. Besides this fucking donkey dong is so fat I can barely get my mouth around it!"

"Look, man, I'm not going to be able to give you what you want from me. Could you cum while it felt like a dog was chewing on your penis?" I said trying to reason with him. "Please just open your mouth a little wider and make sure your back teeth aren't grinding on the sides of my knob."

"Yeah, okay. I get it", he said staring at my cock all shiny from his saliva. "I can't wait to have a huge manly dong like this!"

Carl opened his mouth as wide as he could and began doing a very decent job of sucking my cock. After a minute he looked up at my face and said, "Mmmfh?" with my dick still in his mouth.

"Oh yeah, that doesn't hurt at all. Just do that if you want to make me cum", I said with relief and suddenly, pleasure. I smiled and watched Carl suck my cock. I certainly wasn't attracted to the big asshole but it was pretty hot that he was sucking my dick, at his insistence. It looks like he's really enjoying it too. And right after that idea entered my head I felt my orgasm begin to build. "Alright, Carl. Get ready. I'm going to cum hard", I said, giving him fair warning.

Without even changing the pace of his sucking Carl nodded slightly and said, "Mmm hmm", through his nose.

I let my orgasm build until I could hold it back any longer and then I shot my load right into Carl's mouth. My first shot must have hit the back of his throat hard. He choked and exhaled hard through his nose, but gamely kept my cock in his mouth for the second rope. Then he backed up off my cock until just the tip was in his mouth. This allowed him to swallow, then he took my cock deeper again to continue to orgasm into his mouth. Actually hearing Carl swallowing my semen was SO amazing to me! Wow! He let three more shots build up in his mouth, then he backed up to swallow again. Three more and another swallow. Then he just kept nursing for a while. Sucking all the cum that he could out of my penis. After another minute my erection started to fade a bit and Carl pulled my cock out of his mouth and licked it clean.

"Fuck, dude! You shoot SO much jizz! Holy shit! I think I just swallowed a pint of it!", said Carl. "Those nuts of yours are fucking potent!"

"That is what you wanted. Right?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah, the more the better, and I can feel the power already. My cock was SO hard I came without touching it! I've got it wrapped up in a sock this time so I wouldn't mess up my pants. Man, that is powerful!"

I chuckled at that and said, "You're welcome".

"Shut up, you little puke", he said not amused, and he sat on the bed until I got dressed so we could leave together for the bus like Carl had told my Mother.
She looked a little mystified as I scarfed down some breakfast with Carl waiting then we got out the door barely in time to meet the school bus.

I felt different at school that day. I walked around with the feeling that my cock was well used and that I had a big secret that the whole school would freak out if they found out about.

See Part Two