Why Data Lounge Is So Full Of Toxic Gay Men?

Let me also add, that Datalounge setup/format/design is really annoying to read. I'm sorry. Maybe this is a me thing (it more than likely is lol) but yeah.
I went to Datalounge to see what it is about. As you say, the setup/format/design aren't intuitive, so I no longer bother with it.
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I have a VERY unpopular opinion. It WILL offend a lot of people, but here we go.....
I'm a Boomer by the skin of my teeth. I was born at the end of 64. I went into the military in 1985. I had slept with a bunch of guys before then, but went celibate for at least 2 years while I served. I was terrified of getting kicked out. When I returned home from being stationed in Europe everyone I had ever slept with was dead.
So, what was left?
There was a strange evolution at work here. All the attractive, funny guys who loved life and who could get laid caught the disease and died. What were left were the emotionally damaged (ME!) the ugly, the bitter, the socially maladapted...
Of course there were exceptions. Long term couples, lucky guys, tops who never got fucked...but the trend is there.
What we see now is the result of that. My generation is filled with bitter old queens who had miserable lives and who continue to bitch and moan and bring others down.
I hope I'm not one of them.
There's nothing offensive about stating the truth. If you are a Boomeror even Gen X, basically over 50, you saw one out of 15 gay men die from complications of HIV. Young Boomers actually *were* hit the hardest by the AIDS epidemic, as they were in their the most sexually active years - teens and early 20's, when it all started in 1981. I need young gays to understand that EVERYONE knew someone who had died from this. So yeah, it did have a profound affect on us, whether we openly admit it or not. I have made a concerted effort not to be bitter about what was taken from me - literally and figuratively -but to be grateful that I'm still here. But yeah, Data lounge is where the nasty, self-hating, tired, old, bitchy queens go to make everyone as miserable as they are.
A better question is "why is LPSG full also full of bitter toxic queens, despite having a younger average age?"
You cant compare LPSG gays to Data Lounge gays. You can see the difference right away. Data Lounge is all about bitter mean old gay men. They makes gay men look bad. Most men who post there are most likely 55 and older. They are always pissed, grumpy and moody. Many of their comments are cold, rude and ruthless. They always have something negative to say about everybody. Gay men here are just bitchy. But Data Lounge gay men are mean spirited.