Why Men Prefer To Wear Swimsuits That Are So Long?


Legendary Member
Dec 28, 2014
New York
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Now that summer is around the corner, I would like to ask a question about fashion. Why most men, especially straight men, prefer long-board shorts and usually dislike shorter swimsuits, no speedos, just shorter swimsuits overall?

I am mostly talking about in the US, Canada maybe the UK as well. Before the 90s, swimsuits were shorter and then it became trendy to wear super long shorts, which are very impractical from a swimmer standpoint. I understand that's a preference, but when being asked to wear something shorter, some guys just hate any short or swimsuit that shows too much skin, as if showing some thigh is a no-no, and they react as if it was inappropriate, ridiculous, or call it "gay". I'm genuinely curious.
I'm not sure there's a single answer for this.

There's a variety of factors at play I think. American society has always been inclined towards showing less flesh (our Puritanical origins, perhaps) and remnants of it still remain. European and worldwide cultures tend to be less uptight about nudity.

Madison Avenue also plays a part: society tends to wear what fashion czars dictate.

Personal modesty also factors in: some guys might be self conscious about themselves. Pale/chicken legs, modest endowment, scars and other things might cause some to wear baggier clothing to conceal themselves. I've seen men wade into the water at the beach with T-shirts on, which told me either they were ashamed of how they looked shirtless, or perhaps they were just avoiding a sunburnt torso. I didn't pass judgment or dwell on it too much; it's none of my business.

I think you'll probably find that with shifting attitudes about sexuality some of this stuff will disappear along with shifting clothing trends.
Well, the modesty angle wasn't true in the 60's and 70's. Shorts were very short, and swimsuits as well. Even basketball shorts. I'm not sure how or why Americans because so uptight through the 80's and beyond but they have. "Shorts" that hang down below knees are just stupid, but thankfully, it seems like that is finally reversing a bit. I noticed at the end of the 2019 swim season that younger guys were starting to wear swim shorts that were well above the knee, so I hope that continues. I think the answer to your question is a combination of (unnecessary) modesty and fashion, going along with the other guys around them. When shorts are down near the knee, versions that are much shorter would probably seem "gay" to some of those men you mention, which keeps them away from that type. I wear shorter ones because I don't care. lol
Body shaming and fear of not living up to Madison Ave image of the perfect male. Fear of not being big enough in the cock department because of seeing all the shopped cock photos on electronic media (porn). The lack of group showering after P.E. at school, sports and gym workout to expose them to the range of body, cock and ball sizes in the real world. This all combined to cause false modesty and fear I am showing too much and I am not the perfect specimen of a human male.
Because Americans are obsessed with sex, and have turned speedos from "the swimsuit that dries up faster and allows you to have a better contact with water" into "ewww bro, i dont want to see your junk outline, thats so gay"

This has lead us to the situation where videos like WAP are assumed artful and liberating but wearing a speedo is seen as highly sexually suggestive.

broad-shorts vs short-shots fall into the same category as "a bit bit short isnt it bro?".

The more skin a man shows, the more likely he is to be ridiculed as a homosexual through this warped pseudo-puritanic lens dominating american media, and trickling to the rest of the western world.
IMO it's nothing to do with modesty or culture. It's just the style here in the US. It hasn't always been in my lifetime and won't always be.

Given that 70% of the US population is overweight--including 42% obese--I'm glad men cover more.

Here in the states I wear board shorts at the beach and for casual swimming. When lapping or on beaches outside the US I go speedo.

When in Rome... ;)
Now that summer is around the corner, I would like to ask a question about fashion. Why most men, especially straight men, prefer long-board shorts and usually dislike shorter swimsuits, no speedos, just shorter swimsuits overall?

I am mostly talking about in the US, Canada maybe the UK as well. Before the 90s, swimsuits were shorter and then it became trendy to wear super long shorts, which are very impractical from a swimmer standpoint. I understand that's a preference, but when being asked to wear something shorter, some guys just hate any short or swimsuit that shows too much skin, as if showing some thigh is a no-no, and they react as if it was inappropriate, ridiculous, or call it "gay". I'm genuinely curious.
First I adapt to the place I am but I prefer speedos (Seamless boxer cut) type because you can swim better, I wear the surfer trunks over my speedo if I swim I take of the surfer trunks and back on the beach.
I swom with jeans to train so the more fabric the harder to swim.
Regarding to hide my anatomy you could guess it no matter which swimwear I use.
I think the problem with speedos is that some confuse them as thongs, micro pouch or something a stripper would use.
The surfer trunks I suppose are designed to cover from the sun but they don’t come with a mesh inside so I guess the you should use underwear that gets wet or another swimwear.
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I like my beachcombers because the material covers my knees and I could kneel on rocks, surfboards, gravel etc. with them.

I can't do that in a speedo.
Thankfully freedom of choice is still allowed in the U.S. and Canada. Med do not have to explain why they prefer one thing or another , to another's satisfaction . This topic has been asked a million times in multiple threads; and no matter the answer it will pop back up again re-polished and republished

To answer the OP. This is like asking why the boxer or the boxer brief is so popular with men. Heck, I guess it must be for comfort , as the garments are generally covered up. Possibly some men want the same level of comfort they experience daily, extended to the beach.
Swimwear for men has followed male fashion in general and there seems the be an almost reverse-Victorian trend in the last few decades where women's exposure has increased and men are expected not to show as much skin.

When I was growing up in the 70's and early 80's, shorts were almost unisex in both length and fashion. It wasn't till about the 90's I noticed the length began to increase no doubt caused by the Michael Jordan/basketball, hip-hop and surfer trend and unfortunately has showed no signs of abating to this day and now seems pretty baked into the culture of acceptable male fashion.

This was very evident a few years ago when I tried to find a pair of new bathing trunks for an upcoming trip to the beach. Around that time I had been heavily dedicated to lower body work and wanted something that would show off my efforts. Every single brick & mortar store only sold pairs that were mostly below the knee, with only a few just barely at it. None were above it. Only a few online websites that seemed more geared for a gay or European clientele seemed to offer anything close to what I was looking for (and similar to what I wore when I was younger), but they were both expensive and I didn't really have the time for shipping , especially for something that I was only going to rarely wear. I ended up having to buy a regular pair of cheap jams that were slightly below the knee.

Why that is I think is varied. A lot has to do with what I and others have mentioned in that fashion dictates it and what began with the trend of basketball/rapper pants and boardshorts has become the standard now and there really has been no big effort or demand to change that. In fact it's become so ingrained as to become ridiculous without question. I've seen guys with shorts so long as to barely qualify as such and only showing an inch or two of bare calves it makes me wonder why not just wear regular trousers?

Another reason has to do with what was already mentioned as well, is male modesty. Although I think there has been a subconscious effort with society in general to deemphasis male bodies and sexuality (while increasing women's), a lot of it also has to do with men's individual insecurities as they (and Americans in particular) have become more overweight and out of shape while being bombarded with images of the "perfect' male physique (no different than what women had to go through for a long time). Although I am not personally interested in seeing other men's bodies, even I do admit it might be for the best some remain covered up. Seeing as how most guys in my gym ignore lower body work, I would not want to be subjected to the image of their chicken legs practically all the way up to their inseam.

I think the final reason has to do with the fact very short pants or swimwear has become more associated with gay culture; a fact born out by most of the websites where they were sold at. I think this has become such a given stereotype that again, unlike when I was growing up, most straight men would no longer be comfortable wearing anything that is of a length similar to what women wear no matter their physique or modesty level. Even if not worried as being perceived as gay, at most I think others would judge such a man as at least of a bit of a perv who is hoping others might get a nut flash.

Given all this, I see no possibly this trend will change in the near future at least; a fact that I for one lament. Of course as you mentioned this is my opinion for trunks above the knee only. As far as speedos and their ilk go, then I would not be so keen on seeing any big change as I would neither wear or want to see anything that emphasized genitals in public, either on men or women.
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Thankfully freedom of choice is still allowed in the U.S. and Canada. Med do not have to explain why they prefer one thing or another , to another's satisfaction . This topic has been asked a million times in multiple threads; and no matter the answer it will pop back up again re-polished and republished

To answer the OP. This is like asking why the boxer or the boxer brief is so popular with men. Heck, I guess it must be for comfort , as the garments are generally covered up. Possibly some men want the same level of comfort they experience daily, extended to the beach.
You're right, no one has to explain why they prefer something over another. I am asking those who are willing to answer. Those who don't want to respond, just ignore my post.
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Just fashion I guess. I despise long shorts or any baggy swimwear for that matter. I normally wear boxer brief-type swimwear that is tight fitting and doesn’t feel like I have a bag of water dragging from my waist when I get out of the water. I really do not care what others think and I value my comfort over their opinions.
Comfort. Mine stops about halfway down my thighs. Hate small, tight swimwear squeezing everything together. Need room to move and breathe down there.

Also convenient that you can go from the water to the mall or anywhere else without having to cover up. Boardies or similar shorts are both swimwear and everyday casual clothes whereas small, tight, uncomfortable swimwear are not.
Also convenient that you can go from the water to the mall or anywhere else without having to cover up. Boardies or similar shorts are both swimwear and everyday casual clothes whereas small, tight, uncomfortable swimwear are not.

This is exactly why I believe in France they insist that your wear "Speedo" style swimwear in a pool to stop water contamination from shorts that have been used as casual clothes.
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This is an american style thing. You won't see many, if any, american men wearing tight fitting clothing in general, let alone swimwear. Add to this, any homophobia and guys steer clear of this fashion, IF they can even find it in the local Walmart. Now, what I've always found funny, is how men/guys on a Saturday night date will dress in long shorts and a tank top, while the gals will all be dressed for the red-carpet. I live in a 'beach town' so summers are full of tourists and it is a yearly observation as the couples head out to the clubs.
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Probably body shame. Not everybody needs to see exactly what I am packing and I have fat pale thighs. :D

Wild thing is, in the 40s and 50s, guys used to wear nothing on swimming teams in the US.
We went from those long old-timey swim suits, to nothing for college boys teams, to trunks in public.
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