Based on my experience, most Latino/Hispanic men tend to shave their body hair (legs, armpits, chest, and pubes.) There's nothing wrong with that, but I am curious to know why is this so common, especially here in the U.S.?
With other ethnic groups, it is more of a mixed bag between body hair and non-body hair (Muslim men also tend to shave but for religious reasons) but most Hispanics/Latino guys I meet tend to shave almost everything. I am Hispanic myself and I don't do much manscaping, I personally find body hair attractive. However, whenever I'm on a dating app, it's almost sure that if he is Latino, he has no armpit hair or hair on his legs.
Genuinely curious.
With other ethnic groups, it is more of a mixed bag between body hair and non-body hair (Muslim men also tend to shave but for religious reasons) but most Hispanics/Latino guys I meet tend to shave almost everything. I am Hispanic myself and I don't do much manscaping, I personally find body hair attractive. However, whenever I'm on a dating app, it's almost sure that if he is Latino, he has no armpit hair or hair on his legs.
Genuinely curious.