will republicans vote black

I think the question becomes almost as relevant under the terms, "will republicans vote arch-liberal"?

answer is a definite no.

Republicans would vote for a moderate Colin Powell
Republicans will not vote for an extremely liberal Barack Obama

well Republicans weren't always the racist party.

Don't forget...it was the Democrats who were the evil racists up until the end of the 60s.

Strom Thurmond was a democrat.

then all the wretched racist a-hole democrats left and became wretched racist a-hole republicans.

well Republicans weren't always the racist party.

Don't forget...it was the Democrats who were the evil racists up until the end of the 60s.

Strom Thurmond was a democrat.

then all the wretched racist a-hole democrats left and became wretched racist a-hole republicans.


racism sucks no matter what party it's coming from. contemplating a "will democrats vote white" thread.
racism sucks no matter what party it's coming from. contemplating a "will democrats vote white" thread.


frankly, I am staying out of the "will democrats vote white" thread :wink:

even then, if the Hillary folks do what they say and vote for McCain, that's one even the dems can't blame on the republicans.

this could actually be the most ridiculous election in our history...even more then 2000.

all the arch conservatives vote for Obama to spite McCain, and all the Hillary supporters vote for MCCain to spite Obama...LOL

talk about a clusterfuck. :biggrin1:

frankly, I am staying out of the "will democrats vote white" thread :wink:

even then, if the Hillary folks do what they say and vote for McCain, that's one even the dems can't blame on the republicans.

this could actually be the most ridiculous election in our history...even more then 2000.

all the arch conservatives vote for Obama to spite McCain, and all the Hillary supporters vote for MCCain to spite Obama...LOL

talk about a clusterfuck. :biggrin1:

i don't think the election is ridiculous, i haven't seen anything here that hasn't been done before a far as tactics and whatnot, i think the way its being interpreted and the fervor and ignorance used in the debates among voters is what's made it so damn irritating.
... i think the way its being interpreted and the fervor and ignorance used in the debates among voters is what's made it so damn irritating.

Simply stunning ignorance. They know Britney but don't know who David Souter is. It's too bad they get one vote. Maybe if you can't pass some sort of competency test your vote only counts as half. When you grow up and can articulate and understand what the fuck your voting for THEN will you get full credit. :smile:
Simply stunning ignorance. They know Britney but don't know who David Souter is. It's too bad they get one vote. Maybe if you can't pass some sort of competency test your vote only counts as half. When you grow up and can articulate and understand what the fuck your voting for THEN will you get full credit. :smile:

a-fucking-men. i'm scared to think that bigots and sexists and racists people are allowed to vote. i think there should be a screening/competency test for voters instead of letting anyone vote, including people with misconceptions and misguided biases.
Will Republicans let democrats have a black President?

What an odd question. It would seem to be the "job" of most republicans to not let the democrats have any president, whether that person is white, black, male or female. Just like the democrats would not really want republicans to have a president, whether white, black, male or female.

With that said, I guarantee you this, some republicans will vote for Obama and some democrats will vote for McCain.

What was the point of this thread?
a-fucking-men. i'm scared to think that bigots and sexists and racists people are allowed to vote. i think there should be a screening/competency test for voters instead of letting anyone vote, including people with misconceptions and misguided biases.

Once upon a time we had screening tests designed to not let just anyone vote.
a-fucking-men. i'm scared to think that bigots and sexists and racists people are allowed to vote. i think there should be a screening/competency test for voters instead of letting anyone vote, including people with misconceptions and misguided biases.

I believe that's what little red books are for ...

to keep those not complying with the party line out of well-paid jobs, and positions of influence
a-fucking-men. i'm scared to think that bigots and sexists and racists people are allowed to vote. i think there should be a screening/competency test for voters instead of letting anyone vote, including people with misconceptions and misguided biases.

That disgusting statement in itself would exclude YOU from voting, and I think it should do--because you, as much as anyone on this entire site, are stuffed to the gills with 'misconceptions and misguided biases'. You accuse others, including myself, of racism, with nothing to back it up except your self-righteous bullshit and ability to put people on the defensive with your cheap rhetoric, but it is YOU who are the real racist, you are in the mold not of Martin Luther King, Jr. or Obama or any of the other great black leaders, but of the demagogues and super black racists like Al Fucking Sharpton and Skull Mason and that retard tripod, who claims to 'pass for white'. Yes, they should fucking screen--and YOU WOULD be the first one excluded.