
Are you okay!!! Search the history of queerbaing & it's effects and how it's still affecting us. Learn your own history because you are gay as well.
This video from "Rowan Ellis" is a good place to start:

The Evolution Of Queerbaiting: From Queercoding to Queercatching:

First, that's a you issue. And most importantly, nobody is telling him not to post. We or in this case, I am telling him to stop gaybaiting & stop trying to market himself as gay/bi. He can still post whatever he wants to just minus the "I wanna suck a big D", "I wanna bottom to this D", "maybe I've already done those, Check my OF to find out" etc.
Giving it a look thanks for not name calling~
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He did say that once, but I don’t believe him. He’s just playing the game
thats all he does, you cant see people's likes on twitter anymore but they were all under female porn stars, but he always post comments under gay porn stars pictures "can I have some of that dick" , "would you fuck me like that" "I'd happily play with that dick" lol
I love how people in here are still in denial. He's not Gay or Bi. It's obvious. He's using you for your money. Just because he wears a skirt and plays with dildos, Doesn't mean he's Queer. Don't you think he would put out content with a Man by now if he was queer? Now, I agree, He's extremely hot but please come to back reality.