Would This Tattoo Put You Off A Guy?

I would need a clearer picture to say for sure. I am an ink snob. The subject doesn't give me pause, a shit application would.
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Sorry about the pic, it's a bit blurred, but I mean the design?

Not an issue. I mean, ya either decidedly non-homophobic or ya are into astrology.

Wootwoot non-homophobia!

Astrology? I'm an Aries, Mars is aligned with my headspace.
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I had had terrible luck with bi men, so it would probably put me off. But that’s just me and my experience.
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im not huge into ink, and I think if someone went to the effort of getting it, I'm never ever going to be able to scratch that itch. No offense or lack of acceptance... just i won't ever fully do it for him and that won't work for me.
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I am well aware not all folks who are interested in more than one gender do not have loyalty problems, but my experience with folks who have a penis and are interested in more than one gender has been.. very poor.

I am not remotely heterosexual and have always been loyal, but my past experiences do shape things some. Were I single it would not be an immediate hard no, but approach with significant caution. Especially if it were to be a closed, monogamous relationship.
Like straight dudes don't cheat?

This bums me out. Cuz I love my boy. He's a walking bucket of "look how fucking amazing this human is."

It's never a measure of what he's not, what I could have otherwise. I'm a content lil tea bag steeping in happy. Too thrilled with my bird in the hand to even ponder hands in bushes with other birds:rolleyes:

If we parted ways no doubt I'd return to Happy Sapphric Frolicking of Pre-TheBoy times. Cuz womangs are loverly for so many reasons. And I am queer like that.

Maybe cuz I am dog-loyal, and make a point of handling hearts like precious objects, cheating has never been on my acceptable behaviors list. Honesty and respect are independent of gender/sexuality.

If a person is unhappy, needs more, is done/checked out? Communication is always better than hurt/resentment. Resolved might not mean happy ever after. It will always mean growing as a person.
I mean the one in my avatar - would a woman be put off having sex with a guy if he had this tattoo? Or would you not care? Thanks for answering :)
No not really, as @MickeyLee has said if it's badly inked I might think it's a bit naff but that's all.
My husband has old school traditional tatts that have faded and blurred, doesn't bother me, I like tattoos myself but never committed to any permanent ones, I used to change my look quite regularly and wore professional transfers mainly and also had a few henna ones.
It's a tattoo, no. There's a few tattoos that are instant no for me, but that's not one of them. Nor is your sexuality an issue.
Also snobbish about ink. And placement. And bumperstickering up your hide.
I’m also monogamous.
In my age group, guys with that ink are dedicated to their husbands. so, no, I’d not be boffing them.

FWIW, tweety bird/taz, other cartoons, sports team logos, names of exes, ink above clavicle, right wing political/racist, ICP, metal bands, and misspellings in any language would also put me off.

If I’d been inclined to ink, I shudder to imagine my Grateful Dead/SCI/Leonard Cohen fedora/hula hooper/bat hanging from my clavicle/ trees conglomeration would look like.
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It would put me off. I'm just not interested in being with someone who's bi, and I don't really like tattoos. I did laugh when I volunteered to give a new BF (6'4" muscular guy) a massage and when he took his clothes off, I discovered he had a one inch tall teddy bear tattooed on his ass. :heart:
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I like (well done and not bigoted) tattoos. I have ink, want more ink, and my partner has lots of ink. I am thankful I did not get any of the tattoos done that I wanted at 18 ish. I would have had some.. not bad ink, but not representative of my present self ink.

As far as infidelity, obviously anybody o any background, preference, whatever can be a cheater. It is not like I go around thinking "all people who are not hetero are cheaters" because that's fucking stupid. My personal experiences giving me a reason to be cautious if pursuing a full on relationship with someone? Pretty fuckin' reasonable, I think. My personal experiences also give me reason to be cautious if pursuing a full on relationship with someone who cannot demonstrate consistent self-sufficiency. I do not see it as any different. Similar vein, but different thing, I am for body positivity, but for myself I know I want and need to change how my own body is. Just because I am accepting of all sorts o ppl living their lives all sorts of ways does not mean I have to ignore or pretend my experiences have no say in shaping my behavior.
I've stated before that I could not have an intimate relationship with a bisexual because I would not be able to completely satisfy their appetite.
Ummm bi/pan/poly folks can be completely satisfied with one partner. There is literally no difference in a bi-etc person or a mono-sexual person partnering with one person.

Like, a someone who will cheat will cheat, doesn't matter who they cheat with, it's cheating. Sexuality is not the problem, a complete lack of respect and empathy is.

This thread specific. The tattoo is a very clear representation of a significant part of the wearer's life. Ya can't be more up front. But an interest in men doesn't mean monogamy isn't something the tattooed person seeking.

Admittedly, if I were the type to seek a long-term relationship or wanting monogamy I would ask questions about expectations. I would ask those questions to anyone outside of a hookup.

LPSG with all the ookery does paint a horrible picture of what people do behind partners backs. The Use of a Cocksucker thread is ever in my mind. Totally gross. Most of those dudes identify as straight. They are deluding themselves, absolutely. Those assholes are not open and honest bi-men. I don't understand why a completely great by guy gets stuck with the label of cheater.
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