Would You Like To Be Featured By Us?

Hi Everyone :)

We would like to start featuring LPSG Verified Members. If you would like us to feature you please let us know.

We will be featuring users here and on our Twitter account (for those that are interested). Please let us know if you are interested :)
How the hell do you get verified
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Hi Everyone :)

We would like to start featuring LPSG Verified Members. If you would like us to feature you please let us know.

We will be featuring users here and on our Twitter account (for those that are interested). Please let us know if you are interested :)
Yes please would be amazing XOXO
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Reactions: BIGdickRodney
Hi Everyone :)

We would like to start featuring LPSG Verified Members. If you would like us to feature you please let us know.

We will be featuring users here and on our Twitter account (for those that are interested). Please let us know if you are interested :)
Feature on here and twitter @MyBearSquirt
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