You have to check before ordering if the videos can still be downloaded, click on download and there you will see if they still work or not (404)....males-cam is an expensive page that has few orders, it is not worth it for me to subscribe yet, when I do I will let you know in the thread.....
If all you can do is the xgays ones for right now that’s fine
I think rec-tube is no longer working, you can't download anything, flirt4free you have to pay per video, sometimes those videos appear as torrents and I can upload them, this one isn't there, for the rest you have to click on download and it will show you if the download link still works or not.



I think rec-tube is no longer working, you can't download anything, flirt4free you have to pay per video, sometimes those videos appear as torrents and I can upload them, this one isn't there, for the rest you have to click on download and it will show you if the download link still works or not.

Oh yeah the rest of the links I clicked download and it said the files were deleted by its owner sorry for wasting your time on those but the other order I submitted those are from xgays so they should work no problem i submitted it like a hour and something ago I think