I was circumcised in australia (rural WA) before I left the hospital in 1986 - circ was going out of fashion is Aus in the 80s, but stayed more common in rural areas for a while. My mother told me when i was older that all the boys there got cut.
She agreed to it or organised it with out telling my uncut british father (i dont think he was happy about having been done, but too late) all of his family (my uncles cousins etc) were uncut but all the men on my mothers side were cut - i was told this over the years.
I cant remember seeing my dad’s dick growing up except one memory of showering when i was really young. I can sort of remember what it looked like but never really thought about the different at that age. He also never discussed the difference or anything penis/sex/puberty related. I only really learnt the difference when they bought me a puberty book at age 10/11 and there was a page on the two types of willys.
when i moved closer to the city for school i only saw two mate’s when changing (1 had british parents the other was from zimbabwe) both uncut. One mate i know was cut though because he described his girlfriend giving a bad handjob.
I wish my father had discussed things more, and that nudity wasnt so rare amongst boys nowadays.