Would you believe that it's a photo that I took from an old issue of Blueboy Magazine? I don't have a scanner, so I just had to snap the shot! Turned out pretty well.Great Tommy Cruise pic! Where did you find it? ! made a post about him a while ago.
Would you believe that it's a photo that I took from an old issue of Blueboy Magazine? I don't have a scanner, so I just had to snap the shot! Turned out pretty well.
I'm surprised that photo isn't more readily available online, but then again I have only ever been able to find a handful of pictures of Tommy on the Internet.
There are also several photos of Kevin Williams in a similar position, spread out over the bonnet of the car...
I remember seeing him "dance" at Nob Hill Theatre in San Fran...Great Tommy Cruise pic! Where did you find it? ! made a post about him a while ago.
Him and Josh Elliot were my favourites from the classic era of Bel Ami.Tim Hamilton - BelAmi's Blond(est) Boy
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It's a amazing pic. It's very unfortunate we can find more pictures of Tommy and his beautiful ass online. Kevin Williams is great. I made a post about him too. Would you mind sharing those Kevin pics as well?