Your first wank lube...

My girlfriend at the time (now wife of 44 years) learned from one of her more adventurous girlfriends about using Vaseline Intensive Care lotion as a lube. She surprised me one date by pulling a small bottle out of her purse and using the lotion to give me a handjob in the car.
I used Vaseline for the first time I ever masturbated. After about a year or so I started to mix it with a little bit of water to make it slippier. Then, I found baby oil in a family member's dresser. They had long since stopped using it. I loved the way it felt but I preferred the kind with no scent. Later on in my mid 20's, I purchased lube for sex. It was just okay for masturbation but better to use during sex.

I've never shared lube with anyone.
I usually JO dry, but think the first time was during a mutual JO hookup with a business guy who invited me to his hotel room after answering my Yahoo ad (circa early 2000s during college). When things got heavy the guy went to the bathroom and came back with a bottle of the hotel issued lotion. It was cheap since it didnt last long, think we used whole bottle while giving each other a hand :)
Also first I used was vaseline but this was too messy and didn't really use it ever again, Did baby oil a few times but the smell was a tell tale sign something was up! Also tried some of my mom's Ky Jelly (seriously this stuff is shit!) First lube I bought was Astroglide liquid dried way too fast! Trojan with Aloe &Hyaluronic acid in it this wasn't bad better than the Astroglide, I bought a bottle of Gun Oil water based but think this made me bleed more when I tried to use my dildo. I bought a tube of Astroglide Gel this wasn't bad Longer lasting than the liquid, Last one I bought was Swiss Navy and I think that has been my favorite. Had a few packs of Str8cam Jeff's spunk lube he had pink white and pure silicone these were just meh to me. Tried some of my uncles wet Platinum that was good stuff. But THE BEST was Pjur's Analyese Me silicone and perfect for anal!
The very first thing I used to jerk off with was butter. Grabbed the little tub of it and went to my room. It served the purpose for the most part, but was quite messy. It got a lot better feeling though once the butter started to melt from my hand and the friction.

After that, I used spit for the longest time. Basically an unlimited resource. Now I use AstroGlide for all my masturbation needs. I still occasionally will use spit, mainly because it makes the session last longer since I have to apply more throughout the tug.
probably hair conditioner in the shower. Followed by vaseline. Real lube it was some kind of KY liquid lube. Then Astroglide liquid for fleshlights. I've found Fuckwater to be excellent. Now I'm on Fleshlight's water based lube. Its the very best for handjobs and for jerking off.
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Used Vaseline a few times because that’s what my buddy showed me. Saw some hand lotion one time in another friends room and tried that at home. Later tried KY in college and then on to astroglide.