Your Thoughts Towards An Overall Fit Woman That Has Ripped Abs And Muscles


Experimental Member
Dec 5, 2020
Los Angeles (California, United States)
69% Straight, 31% Gay
What are your thoughts towards them? Any experiences, attractions whatsoever that you'd like to share? Any and all comments are welcomed; I'm just curious to know what other women think about this in general.

I sometimes see fit women catch a lot of flak from both men and women alike, but I don't know why - I find them very attractive.


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Women are all shapes, sizes, and are different in levels of physical fitness. I really enjoy watching American Ninja Warrior - I love what those men and women can do with their bodies.

As far as it is attractive? To me, it’s as attractive as anything else. It’s just one form out of many, that a woman can take.
Your tags of "muscle abs fitness lesbians" has me questioning if you feel only lesbians have fit bodies like what you posted or if you're wanting a lesbian opinion.

That aside, I find them just as beautiful as I'd find any other woman. I find them badass not only for the dedication and work they put into their bodies, but also the fact that they could likely break someone like a twig if they got too handsy.

There's nothing wrong with their bodies, getting shit for caring about your fitness is asinine.
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If I was attracted to women that's not the type I'd go for but I wouldn't be rude or nasty to them I'd more then likely ask for tips
I don't find ripped bodies of any gender attractive. I respect the time and effort spent. Less ripped but fit can be very pretty to my eyes, think triathlete kind of thing.
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Your tags of "muscle abs fitness lesbians" has me questioning if you feel only lesbians have fit bodies like what you posted or if you're wanting a lesbian opinion.

That aside, I find them just as beautiful as I'd find any other woman. I find them badass not only for the dedication and work they put into their bodies, but also the fact that they could likely break someone like a twig if they got too handsy.

There's nothing wrong with their bodies, getting shit for caring about your fitness is asinine.

No not at all! Any women is capable of attaining these physiques, straight or otherwise. I apologize for the tags mess up, I'm still new to posting on the forum. To clarify: anyone is welcomed to reply to this question.

Unfortunately I do see a lot of people - often times more men admittedly than women, but all the same nevertheless - throw shade at women with these kind of body types calling them "too masculine" and "disgusting to look at." It's really a shame to see that but that's not to say they don't get support for it either.
Women are all shapes, sizes, and are different in levels of physical fitness. I really enjoy watching American Ninja Warrior - I love what those men and women can do with their bodies.

As far as it is attractive? To me, it’s as attractive as anything else. It’s just one form out of many, that a woman can take.

100% agree that everyone is entitled to their own body, and American Ninja Warrior is badass! That's a fun show to watch.
I love women. I have been a gym rat and canoodled with gym rats. I also adore squish and think marshmallow is an erotic descriptor of tummies and thighs.

I love bread too much and am not willing to stick to the cut diet needed to maintain that level of definition. Hydration and body fat are my friends.

Ultimate take away if a lady is comfortable or on her way to comfortable with her body all is good with me.

If a lady is not happy or comfortable I am down for supporting/helping anyway she needs.
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I love women. I have been a gym rat and canoodled with gym rats. I also adore squish and think marshmallow is an erotic descriptor of tummies and thighs.

I love bread too much and am not willing to stick to the cut diet needed to maintain that level of definition. Hydration and body fat are my friends.

Ultimate take away if a lady is comfortable or on her way to comfortable with her body all is good with me.

If a lady is not happy or comfortable I am down for supporting/helping anyway she needs.
As always, BOOM
Mic drop, metaphorically.
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