6:00 PM couch
“Sit up straight, you pussy.”
That’s what I read. And guess what I’m doing now. I unplugged the computer. I’m erect (in my back). I’m
not even gay. I think I grew out of that basically entirely when I grew out of my intoxication phase. Is
homosexuality, in part, for me, a side effect of a disoriented mind? I don’t know. I’ve definitely thought
about penises a lot. I’ve also masturbated to trans women on pornhub a bit. But, somehow, I feel dirty
afterwards. What the FUCK does it matter. Keep reading! Force it. You have to force it, Michael.
You can do everything right. No aclohol. No mind altering shit. Stay focused. Stay on
your own shit. Accomplish what you need to. Do everything in your power to remain
superior to everyone else. Never stoop down to their pathetic levels ever again.