What can I say about Erik Thornally? Regarding the show, he seemed to hype up his inclusion on Netflix‘s Temptation Island a lot on his Instagram. Maybe it was part of his contract or maybe he really was that excited about being on the show. This was all more to the disappointment that was his character.
He barely says or does anything during the show; his largest contribution was writing a hand note to one of the female leads about how much he likes her in order to ‘stand out’ from the other suitors. It didn’t really work out because he ended up still getting eliminated at the start of episode 4, with the other leads also remarking that he was “as quiet as a mouse.” It really seemed like he either didn’t try to stand out (it’s hard to say with reality TV, as some of it might be scripted) nor did he really try to connect with anyone. I think he thought that just being shirtless with his large pecs was enough to lull the females towards him but again we see that a good personality is really what’s important because he honestly had none. Basically his only words on the show were at the start when he introduced himself and they asked him what he did for a living. All the other guys replied with several things that they do for work, yet all Erik managed to utter was that he owned a “candy company” and that he’d love to “shove his lollipop in their mouths” as his cheeky one liner. I guess it makes sense that that’s the only thing he could mention, because it would be awk if he also told them that he also scams people on IG and OF on the side which is what segues on to my next point about him.
I remember I contacted him on Insta to see if I could purchase some “exclusive” content from him. He actually replied but wasn’t able to confirm what exactly he was selling other than saying that he’d “make an incredible video for me”. When I inquired as to what that was, all he said was that “it was time for me to make the payment” so that “I could see”. Basically telling me to hurry up and pay him for whatever he wanted to show me. All of my scammer flag alerts went off inside me and again when I asked politely what the video would be about he again just pressed me to pay him and left the video content up in the air and intentionally vague. At that point I decided it wasn’t worth it, and not to mention his price point was ridiculous, something like 75 to 150 USD for 1.5 to 3 minutes of essentially a mystery video that would have probably not had any nudity (probably just him flexing and applying lotion on his abs from what I gather from others).
So yeah, my impressions of this guy are not so great. If he actually followed through with what he claims he offered, he would be much more successful and less disliked. That might be the case in the future though, as although I do wish him the best in his candy enterprise, he doesn’t really offer anything novel or proprietary compared to the other influencer candy startups that are a dime a dozen. Just the regular “zero sugar” so therefore it’s healthier for you stuff. Pretty much what you would expect from fitness personality “influencers” and Netflix “actors” who don’t do anything.