jerk off

  1. Ray3

    Photos & Videos Brad Jarek - FratmenTV

    Brad Jarek appeared on FratmenTV many years ago and did a photoshoot and jerk-off video (Brad Jerks Off). I managed to find said video a while back but in poor quality. Would someone here by any chance have an HD version of this video? (see attached). Maybe 1080p or at least better quality 720p...
  2. J

    Jerk off group Video

    Anyone know of someone who host jerk of session through video? Or if anyone is interested lets starts one? I am 26 hispanic living in Colorado and want to have some fun.
  3. U

    Help ID this guy please

    Anyone know who he is? He looks familiar and I think he has an only fans but I’m not sure
  4. Sexydrive

    Straight JO Buddy Wanted

    Hi. I am a straight 34 year old guy looking for a straight guy to stroke with. Someone who can host and be discreet about it because I want this private and separate from my personal life. I don't want them to record or take pics, but yeah just someone to stroke wit and have fun watching porn...
  5. C


    Who is this guy??
  6. D

    Can someone ID this guy?

    Does somebody know this guy? If you do can you post his twitter, OF or his thread here? I will be forever thankful <3
  7. G

    WATCH HIS VIDEO HERE! Help Me ID this hunk of an Asian man

    I found this video in twitter, i was really curious on his other films, maybe if anyone can ID him i would be able to enjoy his moans and writhing body, my initial speculation would be this model is from peter fever, but im not quite sure, help me Here's the link ...
  8. D

    Size compare video

    Hello I am looking for a video that I saw in this forum. It was a link to some post about some 3 straight guys who have onlyfans probably. I remember that in this video firstly two of them were arguing who has the biggest one. Then one by one went to toilet to jerk off and measure dick. I’d...
  9. D

    Does anyone know this video?

    Hello, I am looking for a one video that I saw in this forum but I do not remember the name at all. It was 3 guys who were going to bathroom one by one to measure their dicks and jerk off to find out who has the biggest one. I’d appreciate your help :)
  10. L

    Help ID this model?

    Hey guys, I’ve had this video in my files for years and have never known who the model is or the studio the video is from. Any help would be appreciated :)
  11. B

    Help ID hot smooth hunk?

    Does anyone know who this is? Tried reverse image searching but came up with nothing. Thanks!
  12. L

    Video I wake excited up

    I jerk off alone
  13. G

    help identify this twink

    anyone know who this twink is jerking off in a clothing store???
  14. B

    Help me ID this magnificent example of muscle perfection

    Does anyone know the identity of this stunning example of male muscular perfection? The pics included here are screen grabs from a VERY HOT jerk off video of him.psoted on another site (link given below). The partial face pics included here are as much of his face that’s visible during this...
  15. O

    Help iding an hottie

    Hey guys, Can someone id this hottie?
  16. A

    Can someone ID this guy?

    Need a name, I suppose his on TikTok too HOT TIKTOK BOY CUMS
  17. J

    Video Help ID this hot car jacker

    Desperate to find who this cute guy wanking in the car!! Thanks
  18. I

    Anyone know this tattoed stud?

  19. K

    does anyone have a full video of this korean guy?

    hi, i've been looking for the full video of this korean guy in green shorts. i only found the one of him wearing red shorts but right now i'm desperate for the green one. please help me!
  20. M

    Help me find a video of a Korean trainer

    I first saw this video on PornHub a few years ago before the whole purge (but I think that it was on other sites). Anyway, it was titled simply “Korean Trainer” and it’s a solo video of this Korean guy jerking off on the floor in what I assume is a gym. The video isn’t very long and he cums...
  21. N

    Help find a video

    I get from tumblr: But I searched for a long time and still can't find the original video. Does anyone have it?
  22. JJ Lautner

    Airline pilots

    Just flown to JFK with United and an incredibly hot FO came out of the cockpit to greet passengers as we were exiting the plane. Got me thinking about any pics / videos or even stories folks may have about pilots or cabin crew? Something about their job and uniform does it for me!
  23. M

    Solosexual - chats, stories, photos, videos, etc.

    Noticed that we have dedicated forums for straight, gay, bi, trans, and even asexual, but not solosexual. Only a thread that’s been dead for 5 years. Maybe this thread can act like a common room for all things solosexual related (chats, photos, videos, ads, etc.). I’ve seen people reduce...
  24. A

    Can Anyone Identify This Guy Jerking in A Car?

    Does anyone know who is this handsome guy?
  25. R


    does anyone know who this guy is? pls help
  26. R

    Help me ID this cute asian twink

    if anyone has the link to the video, please send it to me!!
  27. R

    help me ID this guy

    or if anyone has the link, please send it to me. thanks
  28. D

    Can someone help me ID this guy?

    I need help on finding this guy chaturbate or thread on the site, if someone can post it here it will be great. Hope someone ID him :$
  29. D

    Links _Elejas / thesweotter

    Hello, guys! I've just found this handsome guy on twitter: And then found out that he has alt twitter with nudes: But he seem to accept others kinda reluctantly and...
  30. I

    Anyone has an idea who this guy might be?