
  1. J

    Andy Allen Xxl

    Looking for more of this allegedly 6'9" monster. He has a twitter profile named AndyAllenXXL. Anybody know him? I believe he lives in Madrid.
  2. E

    Gary Muller

    I think this guy deserves his own thread. I posted this on the fitness model thread already but wanted to make a thread for him. Massive biceps and beautiful armpits. Name: Gary Muller Instagram: @muller_gary
  3. johnnyunitas

    Lady Boss And The Well-hung Temp

    I haven't edited this at all so it's pretty rough. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary was staring up at the ceiling waiting for her alarm to go off. She was excited. She was nervous. Her husband’s snoring was nearly drowned out by the sound of...
  4. Jamesishuge

    Let's Have Some Fun My Dick Is Thick So Go Check Out My Penis Pics!

    I posted a new slo-mo video if you're looking for something to check out. Nothing special just 4 AM drunken exhibitionism :-) XXX JIH
  5. B

    Photo Does Anyone Know Who This Is, Or Have More Of Him?

  6. J

    Photos & Videos More Of This Massive Cock?

    More of this massive cock?
  7. R

    Photos & Videos Best Looking Cocks

    Who do y'all think has some of the most attractive looking penises? l'll start: Luan Mastro Danny D/Matt Hughes Barrett Long Felix Jones
  8. ruggedfromrugby1

    Links My List Of Biggest Reddit Cocks

    Whilst what I'm attaching are NOT direct links to these REDDIT profiles, it is pretty LONG list if my FAVOURITE HUGE COCKS ON REDDIT. I have a pretty discerning taste, so you should find some VERY TASTY guys to suit you. You will just have to manually insert profile address Though the whole is...
  9. love4D

    Photo Id This Huge Lad

    does anybody knows who this hot lad is? he is so damn hot
  10. love2compare

    Are you turned on by your own cock?

    Sometimes i can browse thru my own pics and get so horny that i feel like stroking it! Anybody ever experienced such self-focussed jerking off as well?
  11. G

    Identify Massive Dick Twink With Big Dick

    Anyone know his name? Apparently. Goes by Caleb. And apparently has a MASSIVE DICK
  12. A

    Jules - Theyhatejules - Officialjuies - Therealjules

    Anybody have more of this black Baltimore twink with a massive cock? Used to be theyhatejules_ Now his twitter is officialjuies (he does the i uppercase so it looks like Jules) I think this is his only fans therealjules Instagram therealfckingjules Please share what you’ve got. Anybody...
  13. pinnacle88

    Danny dyer

    There's already a thread of him but it's outdated and nobody checks it out. So i decided to start a new one because it seems Danny's been packing a lot since these past couple of years and he deserves some recognition. I think he's cute and his bulge seems to be getting bigger and bigger each...
  14. T

    August Lisec

    Anything on this smokin hot muscle bull
  15. hugehungyogi

    Wishing Star (cock Growth, Mf, Mm, Orgy)

    Part I I close my eyes—the acrid taste of bitter drinks lingers on the back of my tongue. I didn’t want to be here. Another party—another endless night where everyone else seems to be having fun, but I feel incorrigibly alone. My roommate led me here—as he always does. I don’t like him...
  16. D

    This Top Is Massive. Who Is He?

    Does anyone know who is the top? He’s HUGE
  17. 2

    Would Anyone Be Interested In Writing A Story About Me?

    Quarantine has got me feeling lonely.... Since there's so many talented writers on here , I'd love to see if anyone could spin a straight story using my pics as inspiration :)
  18. I

    Showing Off Your Big Cock In Condoms

    Thought I'd start this as we haven't got this thread yet. Anyone else here love the feel of condoms on their big cock. Condom fetish
  19. ramblk1

    Any Recommendations For Good Sites For Meeting . . . .

    Does anyone have any good sites that they want to share to find big to huge dicks to play with? I am looking for individuals who want to play on the side.
  20. skaterboi

    Temecula Area Huge Cock Handjob

    Bi-curious 27 year old interested in jerking off a massive dick. Never had another experience with a man, but I'm open to it. All I want to do is feel a large, powerful cock cum in my hand. Not interested in kissing, blowjob, or anal. Ideally, it should be much larger than mine, which is 6.25 X...
  21. 1

    Photo Super Legs

    Anyone know whose legs are these? super legs
  22. Cisathickone

    Girth or length or both

  23. S

    Who’s the guy?

    Sis Didn't know I Was Filming | MOTHERLESS.COM ™ And Big White | MOTHERLESS.COM ™ hes very thick. Any more of him/them?
  24. I

    Challenge prove your 8 inches or over correct measurements only

    Let's get the thread rolling ruler or tape measure on top bone pressed ill start.
  25. bobi1990

    Massive bulge id

    Does anyone know who's the owner of this massive bulge? I think I have another video of him. I'll try to find it. It might help :D .
  26. J

    New kik group - biggerthantherest

    Hi everyone, Me and another woman have created a KIK group called BiggerThanTheRest - a group for women who have boobs bigger than Ds and men who are longer than 9 inches. Before you rush to KIK to try and get added, there are some rules. To be able to stay in the group, you have to submit a...
  27. I

    8 inches+ photos, prove your size!

    So often on this forum people make bold claims about their size with little to no proof. Let this thread be a show off thread for all genuine big cocks!