10 plus inch possible?

I am sure there are 10 inch cocks, but I don't imagine there are a lot of them.

How can you be sure? There's never been definitive proof anywhere on the web of a legitimately measured one, at least that I know of, and I've been looking for years and have probably seen more than anyone here.

I'm not saying it's impossible or that they for sure don't, just that how can you be certain when one has never been shown?
Oh, ok. I meant blood displacement in his thumb, indicating that he's gripping the ruler tightly in an effort to push it into his thigh fat.
Oh sorry thought you meant guys like ron jeremy who squeeze their base to get a hard on.

Despite what was posted earlier on this thread, Quercusone is not 10 inches (see above). One of the biggest dicks out there and it still isn't quite 10.
I had a conversation with a buddy the other day that claimed he had a 9 inch penis. I told him about the site...citing if he really did... then to sign up and post his pics adding that he would be in instant legend.

When I should him how the correct way to measure was using this quercusone's picture... he never said another word.

It's amazing how informed I am because of this. Thanks to all the contributions.
I had a conversation with a buddy the other day that claimed he had a 9 inch penis. I told him about the site...citing if he really did... then to sign up and post his pics adding that he would be in instant legend.

When I should him how the correct way to measure was using this quercusone's picture... he never said another word.

It's amazing how informed I am because of this. Thanks to all the contributions.
What's that quercusne measurement pic?
When I should him how the correct way to measure was using this quercusone's picture... he never said another word.

Do you mean you think he's measuring correctly in that pic? Because he's not.
sdp, how long would you say is quercusone erect measured correctly?

Well, if I get to a low erection level where I can still push it down the way he does as well as manually induce a downward curve similar to his, I get 9.5" BP with soft tape. Measured correctly at the same erection level I get 8.75". I can't be sure my semi behaves in exactly the same way as his fully erect cock would, but that should give you a rough idea.
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Plausible, but not holding my breath when this is the 'proof' video

This has already been beaten to death with about 10+ threads.

First off, the claim is that it's 6 inches of actual penis and 13 inches of foreskin and overgrown skin, which would disqualify it as a legitimate penis.

Secondly, nothing had surfaced since and there's no physical evidence to prove that it's not a hoax. Not saying that it is, just that it's a possibility. And even if it isn't, it's still just a run of the mill penis size.
Twatever, it seemed applicable and hadn't seen mention of it in this thread. At least one of us contributed something constructive.

This has already been beaten to death with about 10+ threads.

First off, the claim is that it's 6 inches of actual penis and 13 inches of foreskin and overgrown skin, which would disqualify it as a legitimate penis.

Secondly, nothing had surfaced since and there's no physical evidence to prove that it's not a hoax. Not saying that it is, just that it's a possibility. And even if it isn't, it's still just a run of the mill penis size.
Twatever, it seemed applicable and hadn't seen mention of it in this thread. At least one of us contributed something constructive.

It was already mentioned, which you would know if you took the time to read the thread, which no one does. It's not constructive to bust in with the same old news, which is what this thread has pretty much turned into now.