10 plus inch possible?

Well, if I get to a low erection level where I can still push it down the way he does as well as manually induce a downward curve similar to his, I get 9.5" BP with soft tape. Measured correctly at the same erection level I get 8.75". I can't be sure my semi behaves in exactly the same way as his fully erect cock would, but that should give you a rough idea.

Maybe not 10", but it sounds like you are more than "well appointed", so who cares!
Yes, 10" is not only possible, it exists. Seen it. We even broke out a tape measure and looked at it from a couple of angles. Thing is, it was just too damn big to have real fun with. While 9.5 x 6 is ideal and incredible fun, I'll take 8 x 7 any day, as it feels like getting nailed by the business end of a Louisville Slugger.
Yes, 10" is not only possible, it exists. Seen it. We even broke out a tape measure and looked at it from a couple of angles. Thing is, it was just too damn big to have real fun with. While 9.5 x 6 is ideal and incredible fun, I'll take 8 x 7 any day, as it feels like getting nailed by the business end of a Louisville Slugger.

Yes, 10" is not only possible, it exists.

Again, like everybody else, do you have proof? Measured on top with a hard ruler in a straight line.
Again, like everybody else, do you have proof? Measured on top with a hard ruler in a straight line.

This was in 2001, well before the advent of selfies and past the age of Polaroids. No one carried around a camera then, unless you were a tourist. Besides, who has an incentive to lie? Either you have seen one or you haven't. It's clearly not an accomplishment on the part of the viewer (that thing was extremely difficult to work with), and I'm certainly not claiming to be the owner of one. If I were, your call for proof would make sense. As it stands, it does not. More importantly, before sites like this (and others) it may be difficult to believe, but everyone with a big dick wasn't necessarily dying to expose themselves to the world. Had I insisted on pictures (where the hell would I have gotten them developed, Walgreen's -- how mortifying), this particularly reserved person probably would have died of embarrassment, refused, and kicked me out of bed.
This was in 2001, well before the advent of selfies and past the age of Polaroids. No one carried around a camera then, unless you were a tourist. Besides, who has an incentive to lie? Either you have seen one or you haven't. It's clearly not an accomplishment on the part of the viewer (that thing was extremely difficult to work with), and I'm certainly not claiming to be the owner of one. If I were, your call for proof would make sense. As it stands, it does not. More importantly, before sites like this (and others) it may be difficult to believe, but everyone with a big dick wasn't necessarily dying to expose themselves to the world. Had I insisted on pictures (where the hell would I have gotten them developed, Walgreen's -- how mortifying), this particularly reserved person probably would have died of embarrassment, refused, and kicked me out of bed.

Besides, who has an incentive to lie?

Uh, almost everyone on here...

Secondly, I'm not saying you're lying. More likely just mistaken and/or not adhering to strict measurement standards. This happens all the time with people who "swear they saw" a penis a certain size.

As it stands, it does not.

I believe asking for proof of something not proven to exist makes sense, owner or not.

but everyone with a big dick wasn't necessarily dying to expose themselves to the world.

This is absolutely right. Not everyone does, so we do have to acknowledge the possibility of 10+ existing. I definitely agree there. The thing is, the fact that guys with huge penises are far more likely to display on the Internet, especially on sites like this is still very telling of what's out there. Even from this vastly skewed sample towards the large end we have on this site, there still exists no proven 10"+.

At the end of the day, this is just another anecdote with nothing to back it up. I'm not saying you're a liar, or a jerk, or trying to deceive. Just that you were *probably* mistaken and overestimated the size/ measured incorrectly. Or who knows, maybe you are someone who did see a legitimate 10" penis properly measured (properly measured being the key words here), but w/o proof, how are we supposed to acknowledge it? It's just another story in the ocean of tall tales. We need hard evidence or it's just not going to cut it.
Uh, almost everyone on here...

Secondly, I'm not saying you're lying.
>> You said it was a "tall tale." This implies I lied, which is completely uncalled for what was supposed to be a polite discussion.

I believe asking for proof of something not proven to exist makes sense, owner or not.
>> Proof is compelling, but you are not owed it. In this context, it is the equivalent of demanding everyone drop their pants to satisfy you, or (at the very least) expose what would otherwise be very intimate, and private, photographs. You are not entitled to this, and vehement disbelief is not at all dispositive when it comes to the existence of a truly abnormal penis. With billions of years of evolution behind us, absolutely anything can happen, including penile gene mutation.

The thing is, the fact that guys with huge penises are far more likely to display on the Internet, especially on sites like this is still very telling of what's out there.
>> This does not necessarily follow. All people on this site do not post pictures, so what you see many not be wholly representative of what's out there. Many here are exhibitionists, but many are voyeurs. You have no idea what the latter possess, as they are largely silent on the issue. Moreover, it is highly unlikely you have seen every picture on this site, unless you have copious amounts of spare time on your hands.

Or who knows, maybe you are someone who did see a legitimate 10" penis properly measured (properly measured being the key words here).
>>This seems to be very important to you. As cited here, measurement with either a straight ruler or tape will give an inexact reading.
http://www.penimaster.com/Questions-and-answers/measuring-the-penis.html When measurement is not perfectly accurate, estimation must be used. This introduces error, even in studies published in medical journals of urology must deal with this issue, as do most reputable scientific, peer-reviewed journal articles.

You said it was a "tall tale." This implies I lied, which is completely uncalled for what was supposed to be a polite discussion.

That does not imply you lied, and that is no what I meant. Tall tale simply indicates a highly unlikely story. In no way is it an accusation of lying, I even stated that outright in my post. There was nothing impolite about what I said at all.

[QUOTEProof is compelling, but you are not owed it.][/QUOTE]

You are right, I am not. But If the claimer wishes for me (and everyone else) to believe his story and acknowledge it as credible, then we are absolutely owed proof.

In this context, it is the equivalent of demanding everyone drop their pants to satisfy you, or (at the very least) expose what would otherwise be very intimate, and private, photographs.

This is not at all what I said. You can post whatever you like, and claim whatever you like. All I'm saying is that if you want people to believe it, evidence is and will be required. In no way do I "demand" everyone "drop their pants for me" to satisfy my belief in or non-belief in 10"+ penises. All I'm saying is I simply haven't seen it, and I have every right to ask for evidence if you expect me to take the claim seriously.

You are not entitled to this

Again, if you wish for your post to be taken with a view of credibility, then I absolutely am. If you're just expressing opinions and couldn't care less how people perceive them, then go ahead.

vehement disbelief

These 2 words here tell me that, like many others here, you're having a hard time grasping the logic. Nowhere did I state or say that I have a position of "disbelief" of these sized penises. I simply remain neutral on my position. When proof is shown, I will place belief. If it isn't, I will continue on in my perfectly justified position of neutrality. In other words: maybe they exist, and maybe they do not. I cannot say for certain either way because I have not seen proof of a penis that length, but I have also not measured every penis on Earth. So again, I am not saying "yes" or "no" to their existence. Rather, that I do not know and can't positively acknowledge existence until presented with evidence.

With billions of years of evolution behind us, absolutely anything can happen, including penile gene mutation.

Again, what does this prove? This is just a baseless statement. How can I believe you on these grounds? Just because you say penile mutations can occur, I am supposed to automatically believe your story or claim of 10"+ penises?

All people on this site do not post pictures, so what you see many not be wholly representative of what's out there.

For Christ sake, I KNOW this. I'm simply saying that from what we have to work with, that's clearly visible on the internet, there exist no proven 10" penis.

Moreover, it is highly unlikely you have seen every picture on this site, unless you have copious amounts of spare time on your hands.

I've seen just about every "big" guy on this site, and none that are clearly real are proven 10 inchers. Again, this doesn't mean that somewhere on this site there isn't one, or somewhere out in a remote rainforest South American jungle there isn't one, or somewhere in the middle of Shanghai in a tiny apartment there isn't one. I'm simply saying from what has commonly been seen on these boards and over the internet in general.

As cited here, measurement with either a straight ruler or tape will give an inexact reading.

Well that source is wrong. Length is a one dimensional measurement and only hard rulers are acceptable. Tapes measure in 2 dimensions. That's not length. If we allow tapes, then why not allow slanted measurements, or tilted rulers, etc. There has to be one standard and penis perpendicular to the torso, with a hard ruler, measured in a straight line on top is the only way.
That does not imply you lied, and that is no what I meant. Tall tale simply indicates a highly unlikely story. In no way is it an accusation of lying, I even stated that outright in my post. There was nothing impolite about what I said at all.

Tall tales are intentionally exaggerated stories. The intent sounds like a lie to me.

You are right, I am not. But If the claimer wishes for me (and everyone else) to believe his story and acknowledge it as credible, then we are absolutely owed proof.
The burden of proof would certainly be on the claimaint, but they need not prove it to *you* for it to be true. Once again, entitlement.

All I'm saying is I simply haven't seen it, and I have every right to ask for evidence if you expect me to take the claim seriously.

There are numerous galaxies beyond our own. I have never seen them. That does not mean they do not exist. Astronomy/Astrophysics suggests they do, using estimation and approximation.

If you're just expressing opinions and couldn't care less how people perceive them, then go ahead.

Your post is entirely opinion: "I have not seen it, therefore, it is unlikely to exist. Anyone who claims otherwise, is wrong, mistaken (a condescending position), or lying."

These 2 words here tell me that, like many others here, you're having a hard time grasping the logic.

You fail to understand measurement. The citation I provided used a straight ruler and admitted error. This is present in *all* measurement. If you cannot accept that there are other standards of measurement beyond "from the torso," which is a long body part that can be obscured by fat, then you fail to understand scientific inquiry. I invite you to visit any university math or engineering department for further information or a demonstration. You likely believe your computer is accurate in its dealing with numbers, yet if you were familiar with floating-point error, you would find that you are dead wrong. You seem to want certainty. It is rare in this world.

Again, what does this prove? This is just a baseless statement. How can I believe you on these grounds? Just because you say penile mutations can occur, I am supposed to automatically believe your story or claim of 10"+ penises?

We're not talking about unicorns here. All genes are subject to change and vulnerable to both positive and negative mutation. See an expert or graduate student on cell and molecular biology for further information.

For Christ sake, I KNOW this. I'm simply saying that from what we have to work with, that's clearly visible on the internet, there exist no proven 10" penis. I've seen just about every "big" guy on this site, and none that are clearly real are proven 10 inchers. Again, this doesn't mean that somewhere on this site there isn't one, or somewhere out in a remote rainforest South American jungle there isn't one, or somewhere in the middle of Shanghai in a tiny apartment there isn't one. I'm simply saying from what has commonly been seen on these boards and over the internet in general.

This site does not contain a representative sample of male genitalia, thus your sample is statistically too small for you to make any credible inference. As per the internet, I assume you are looking at porn as opposed to science. You cannot accurately measure anything from a video anymore than a physician can diagnose a patient without examining his patient or, if s/he is unavailable for a consult, the assistance of a similarly qualified individual who has met the patient.

Well that source is wrong. Length is a one dimensional measurement and only hard rulers are acceptable. There has to be one standard and penis perpendicular to the torso, with a hard ruler, measured in a straight line on top is the only way.

As noted above, the citation used a visible depiction of a ruler, measured from the base of the penis, a rather logical place on which to estimate penile length, yet error still existed. Your measurement too would be subject to error. Your aversion to the concept suggests you would even doubt the measurement produced by someone using your methodology. As per a single standard, I will side with medicine and the urological community -- via the publication of journal articles addressed to that cadre -- to make that decision, rather than a member of LPSG.
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Well, if I get to a low erection level where I can still push it down the way he does as well as manually induce a downward curve similar to his, I get 9.5" BP with soft tape. Measured correctly at the same erection level I get 8.75". I can't be sure my semi behaves in exactly the same way as his fully erect cock would, but that should give you a rough idea.
The legendary sdp speaks.
Empty give it up. There are maybe 2 or 3 guys here who are double digets(bignlong)is one.. who really cares? I have seen picks that seem to show (usually bbc)at about 10 or more...perhaps they are out there.. I'm still waiting to see a real 10 plus
Are you that disillusioned? Really?

To me it looks like he has damaged his penis by pumping and stretching. He look no more than 6 inches at his best but not any legit measurements, weird that he's claiming to get to 11", lol. Let people live in their fantasies though. o_O
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Empty give it up. There are maybe 2 or 3 guys here who are double digets(bignlong)is one.. who really cares? I have seen picks that seem to show (usually bbc)at about 10 or more...perhaps they are out there.. I'm still waiting to see a real 10 plus

bignlong is about 9.5 BP the same size as Mandingo. He is not quite double digits. And majority of monster dick pictures you see especially on tumblr are fake or manipulated in some way, they don't really prove anything. What we have established beyond doubt:

1. If a 10" plus dick does exist out there it is extremely rare.

2. More importantly 10" plus has not yet been demonstrated with solid empirical evidence.