a friend


Cherished Member
Feb 4, 2012
Sikeston Missouri
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Just wanted to share a story. A true Story! I went to college with a guy from NJ. My college was in the mid-west and a Christian college. We were both music majors and this college was a Conservatory of Music so it was one of the best in the area. He was a band person, I was a vocal - piano major. Back in the day there was always at most universities a going rivalry between the band jocks and the vocal people. The piano people were kind of in the middle. I played trumpet in the band as well as mallets in the percussion section and took voice lessons as well as piano and organ lessons. I also accompanied in several vocal lessons and played for a lot of instrumental juries too. My friend who lived on the same dorm floor as me was a tuba major. After graduation I went on to graduate school and earned a double Masters Degree in Choral Conducting and piano performance. My friend taught Band then entered the Army and was in the Bugle corp and then married. He and his wife had 2 girls and then I later married and I have a son and daughter. I have not heard from him in years and finally found him on facebook. The last name is a polish name so it was unusual and I found this person who had a female first name but the same last name as my friend. I sent a message to this person and they told me their name used to be ( boys name) and now he was a she. This was my friend from college. We exchanged phone numbers and called each other. Talked for a LONG time. The good thing is his wife stayed with him through this change and his daughters did also. I still find it hard to say SHE when I know them as HE, but I am working on it. I accepted the change and she told me that so many of her friends from college totally dropped her as a friend. I told her I was not going to do that. I still cared about her and now we chat a lot on the phone, facebook, and have a great relationship. I am so glad she is happy living the life she was meant to live. She is still a band teacher and no one in the school district knows that she used to be a he. I am just proud of her and glad she is my friend. I just wish others felt the same way.