help those of us who view this differently... and are not legally educated
three particulars in the OP statements and question
the prostitute told the police rape... the guy was arrested and the guy went to jail...
i presumed the police found sufficient evidence to support the prostitute's rape allegation because the police arrested him
i also presumed a court of law found him guilty of rape because he went to jail
i guess the police could have determined some contract violation and arrested him... and that's what he was convicted of and why he went to jail
Presumption that law enforcement or justice departments have reason to accuse is specifically why innocent people DO get convicted of crimes.
The OP is not clear that She accused him of rape. So that's a good question, because if she accused him of rape, then SHE is guilty of a false allegation. He did not assault her against her will and so he can not have raped her. But if she cried rape- then the only evidence they need is a swab of his semen, or his stipulation to having had sex with her.
Again- if accused of assault... you CAN NOT argue contract law in your defense. Its just not allowed.
In areas where prostitution is illegal- the police CAN NOT treat it as contract law. If she told them the truth of it being a matter of not being paid, and they sympathize with the prostitute's complaint, they may have no other recourse but to charge him with rape.
Or- its possible that their Law makes the same argument that YOU do- that, in the special case of
sexual barter, breach of contract retroactively revokes consent and coverts the sex into some kind of assault. However, just because that May be the law in Spain does not mean that such law is cogent, nor reasonable.
Laws get rewritten or rescinded all the time for being incoherent, or in violation of actual constitutional intent.
For example- it was, for a long time, legal in the US to deny gay people marriage. This was in direct opposition to the constitutional amendment demanding equal treatment under the law.
The fact the the supreme court did not overturn such laws earlier is NOT an artifact of solid legal argument, but evidence of cultural religious bias in their judgements.
The fact of its being incoherent is demonstrable thru argument in analogy.
If he had paid- she would not have turned him in, ergo SHE
only felt mistreated in the aspect of payment. This proves there WAS an agreement in place when she had sex with him.
In EVERY other instance you can cite of a monetary/service transaction in which payment was not made... non-payment is NOT treated as a conversion to armed robbery.
Ergo- the only thing that makes THIS scenario "different" is the COMMODITY being traded for.
That is unequal treatment under the law. You are singling out
sex for money and ONLY
sex for money for this 'special' time traveling conversion of Agreement into Assault. Would you agree to this notion if the 'special' commodity was Pizza? That refusing to pay for a delivery pizza got you arrested for Assault but everything else was just an issue of non-paying a bill?
It does not matter if the local laws Say this is okay- its BAD Law predicated upon current vogue over sexual contact, and not in any argument at law.
You have NO precedent for this treatment of any trade agreement.
You either have to convert ALL post facto non-payment under contract as retroactive assault. Or you can treat it ALL as tort dispute... But you do not get a pass for capriciously deciding that a woman can sell physical contact as Massage- and it falls under tort law, but that if she touches his dick it gets treated under retroactive assault law.
That is not reasonable. Its an emotional reaction to the dick and that's all it is.
Here's another way to look at it.
It USED to be considered a valid argument, in court, to suggest that a woman who HAD been raped, was dressed in a manner that was 'ASKING FOR IT".
Many a Genuine rapist got off light or scott-free because of that argument.
Just because the law- or a Judge- allowed that argument, does that make it a good argument?
Today- in fighting that very tradition, we make the focus of such accusations the concept of consent. And in our zeal to expose and prosecute REAL 'date rape'... in which we can establish that consent was not given or was revoked, we are conflating simple transactional Agreements into convoluted retroactive renegations of consent to try and appear consistent about the concept of consent.
But I argue that MONEY does make the difference. The Moment the initiating wrong is about PAYMENT- it can not be about rape.
Her consent was NOT to engage in lovemaking. It was to TRADE one thing for another.
One more analogy.
If you sign an agreement to rent a motor scooter, and the handlebars come off and you break your arm in the crash. The fact that you suffered damages does NOT mean you did not agree to rent the motor scooter.
You may be entitled to damages... but you can not argue that you were FORCED to ride the unsafe scooter.
From the opposite side.... if in renting a safe scooter you agree to pay for mileage when you return the scooter and then you refuse to pay for that milage... that does not mean you and the scooter rental store did not enter into an agreement. In fact- it is the agreement itself that entitles the Scooter rental store to claim injury in the form of nonpayment. They still have the scooter ( just as the Hooker still HAS her body ) so you can not have stolen it. You stole the USE of it, which you both agreed to being worth a specific sum.
The hooker was damaged monetarily. NOT assaulted physically because an agreement was in place when contact occurred.
And convicting the John of rape is an unreasonable miscarriage of justice.