Your argument reads like you have legal training. If so, I suspect you'll recognize your errors once they're pointed out. The scenarios discussed here are not about contracts. Rape, and the botched surgery analogy I advanced, are rooted in tort and/or criminal law, not contract. Agreement (or meeting of the minds) is the basis to make a promise legally binding as a contract, but these situations do not arise in contract. Rape is a form of battery. Consent or agreement is a defense, not an element of the action. Moreover, your argument is tautological. Because you incorrectly assume the legal framework is contract, you require agreement for that contract to exist. As contract is not the basis for the legal cause of action, the lack of agreement doesn't defeat the legal basis for action, it merely denies the accused of an important defense. Moreover, even in contractual arrangements agreements are not static. You can consent/agree and then terms change and you can withdraw it. If party B oversteps the agreement, s/he breaches, and party A's agreement isn't a defense.
Okay- so you clearly have NO experience in law. and none in logic, either.
Breach of contract is not a CRIMINAL violation, its a Violation in TORT. Which is adjudicated in CIVIL suit, and NOT in criminal courts.
Tort law covers any infringement of rights causing damages or injury in which a plaintiff can prove the defendant had a legal obligation that was not met.
That can cover someone hitting your car with theirs... they have a legal obligation to not only obey traffic laws, but also a legal responsibility to carry insurance to cover that liability.
But it ALSO covers legal obligation arriving from CONTRACTS or agreements.
If you rent a scooter and refuse to pay the agreed sum for mileage, then you are in breach of contract and the rental store can sue you in civil court for damages. Their damages are limited to the MONEY they did not get that you agreed to pay. They can not claim your USE of the Scooter DAMAGED them in any way since THAT is specifically what they were selling. USE of the scooter.
The only way in which they were damaged is in not being paid the agreed sum for that use.
If you rent unknowingly an unsafe scooter and it falls apart, injuring you - the rental store has
not breached contract... you have a case in that agreement to the contract places a liability on the rental store regarding the safety of the equipment for the usage of which you agreed to pay rent.
You suffered damages from their failure to provide a safe scooter so they are liable.
NO ONE COMMITTED A VIOLENT OFFENSE and NO one gets tried in criminal court under criminal law.
Get it?
TORT has nothing to do with RAPE. ( although, a victim of rape might- in addition to the criminal accusations heard in criminal court- sue the rapist under Tort law for damage to her clothing, emotional distress and harm costing her for therapy, and other such damages- but again, if she prevails, the Rapist SERVES NO TIME. She can win a judgement, and that is all she can win- see the OJ civil suit )
Your example of botched surgery is the same.... However... in the OP scenario the hooker can not claim ANY physical injury because ALL that happened was SEX- which is the very commodity she was WILLING to sell.
It was, in every reasonable metric, a RENTAL agreement. And nothing more- she STILL has her pussy- and she can RENT IT OUT in the future.
Nothing the john did damaged her goods or her 'equipment' nor in any way prevented her from earning more money with future pussy rentals.
So the most she can claim is non-payment in a simple breach of contract.
She can ASK for punitive damages, and if the court agrees the john had no reasonable excuse for not keeping his contract then she might well win additional monies... But, once more. he doesn't go to jail. Its not heard in criminal court.
Still and again... you don't get to accuse a doctor who fucked up of being a rapist. He doesn't get to accuse YOU of being a rapist if you don't pay your bill.
OR- if you don't pay, he can not claim he never agreed to operate on you.
The ENTIRE VALIDITY of either of your claims rests SOLELY on the fact that you BOTH willingly entered into an agreement.
It is the AGREEMENT and ONLY the agreement that makes either of you liable.
Ergo- retroactively rescinding 'consent' is retroactively saying no agreement was signed.
That is incorrect and more importantly meaningless.
IF the hooker can claim the agreement was contingent upon payment so there was no agreement.... then the JOHN OWES HER NO MONEY. He can claim, oh- there was NO agreement to pay because she says there was no agreement to pay- so she must have come up to my hotel room, undressed, and spread her legs and let me fuck just for the fun of it.
Her counter that it only wasn't agreement because he did not pay.... proves there was in fact an agreement to pay and that it was a simple RENTAL agreement.
How was she wronged?
NOT by the sex... because the consent was NOT retroactively rescinded until AFTER he refused to pay.
She was wronged by non-payment in an agreement to pay for sex.
She's OUT only the sex she intended to get money for.
SHE HAD EVERY INTENTION TO ENAGE IN SEX- ergo she was not forced to have sex.