A prostitute can be raped?

Why do you need a pimp? It's your body, your wish to rent it's use to make some cash dollars. Why split what you make with someone who may not even have your best interests at heart?
Some people view the pimps as "protection/enforcement", some as business managers. Others view them as leeches, almost as bad as hiring agencies.
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This is the stupidest fucking question I’ve ever seen. Anyone can be raped. To suggest a person can’t be raped just because they’re a prostitute is diminishing their humanity. Didn’t think this needed to be said but because some ppl don’t respect sex workers and don’t treat them like humans, it has to be. SEX WORKERS ARE PEOPLE TOO. Some random person you meet at a coffee shop could be a sex worker. Would you treat them differently once you found out theyre a prostitute? If your answer is yes, you’re scum of the fucking earth. Not so friendly reminder that consent can be taken back at any point. If it continues after consent is taken back, IT IS RAPE!!! Some of yall need to brush up on your consent knowledge…and possibly knowledge in general bc a lot of you don’t seem very bright.
Rape is by definition the action of forceful sex that is continued after the person says stop .. quit..pull out .. soon as any word that says anything to stop .. and you don’t stop.. is considered rape ..

Some guys enjoy this which isn’t good and I am sure he wouldn’t want it to happen to him if he says stop

Then at times the one ( or ones if multiple guys) .. kick and punch the shit out of you telling you to shut up — until you do..

And your question .. is it still considered rape.. yes
And being raped isn’t any fun and hope you never have to deal with it
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