A Romantic Camping Trip (Featuring my straight best friend) - True story


Sexy Member
Dec 27, 2023
Ok so this happened to me a couple of months ago and I can’t stop thinking about it so I decided to share it with you all!

So me and my best friend (let’s call him Kai), so me and Kai were on a camping trip with our other friend and after about 6 hours straight of walking we finally set up our tents. Kai is a straight man whereas i’m not (he doesn’t know that) so this whole thing is still a major shock too me. Me and Kai have always been close but we’ve never done anything remotely sexual, ok back to the story. As we lay in our tent I forgot to bring my inflatable pillow so Kai offered to share with me, I accepted and we both lay there facing each other. We started talking about life and Kai was feeling a bit down due to family issues, meanwhile our other friend had drifted off beside me.

As I comforted Kai a tear fell down his face and as I wiped it he pecked my fingers. Not much, just a brush with his lips all while staring at me. He slowly leaned in and we fully started making out. His tongue was exploring new parts of my mouth and I had my shivering body pressed up against his warmth. He grabbed my hair and made love too my mouth all while I let out suppressed moans. Keep in mind we have our friend fast asleep right next to us, not too mention the sea of tents filled with people at all sides. He was sucking on my tongue and licking my neck up and down like a feral beast. As if he was in a trance he kept repeating ‘I love you so much’ while precum was dribbling down my sleeping bag.

We went like this for I don’t even remember how long. When we came out of this feral trance we both just lay there in shock. What hurt me the most is afterwards Kai was like ‘ Why did I do that, oh my god’ and wouldn’t speak too me the whole day while saying it was my fault? Eventually we got past it but he was sensitive about the topic. I avoided bringing it up however he would joke around casually saying ‘You can’t say that too me with that mouth i’ve already kissed.’

This whole situation has really bothered me as Kai regrets doing it all even though he started it and he is extreeemely straight. It hurts a bit too think about but I’d love too hear your thoughts!
Ok so this happened to me a couple of months ago and I can’t stop thinking about it so I decided to share it with you all!

So me and my best friend (let’s call him Kai), so me and Kai were on a camping trip with our other friend and after about 6 hours straight of walking we finally set up our tents. Kai is a straight man whereas i’m not (he doesn’t know that) so this whole thing is still a major shock too me. Me and Kai have always been close but we’ve never done anything remotely sexual, ok back to the story. As we lay in our tent I forgot to bring my inflatable pillow so Kai offered to share with me, I accepted and we both lay there facing each other. We started talking about life and Kai was feeling a bit down due to family issues, meanwhile our other friend had drifted off beside me.

As I comforted Kai a tear fell down his face and as I wiped it he pecked my fingers. Not much, just a brush with his lips all while staring at me. He slowly leaned in and we fully started making out. His tongue was exploring new parts of my mouth and I had my shivering body pressed up against his warmth. He grabbed my hair and made love too my mouth all while I let out suppressed moans. Keep in mind we have our friend fast asleep right next to us, not too mention the sea of tents filled with people at all sides. He was sucking on my tongue and licking my neck up and down like a feral beast. As if he was in a trance he kept repeating ‘I love you so much’ while precum was dribbling down my sleeping bag.

We went like this for I don’t even remember how long. When we came out of this feral trance we both just lay there in shock. What hurt me the most is afterwards Kai was like ‘ Why did I do that, oh my god’ and wouldn’t speak too me the whole day while saying it was my fault? Eventually we got past it but he was sensitive about the topic. I avoided bringing it up however he would joke around casually saying ‘You can’t say that too me with that mouth i’ve already kissed.’

This whole situation has really bothered me as Kai regrets doing it all even though he started it and he is extreeemely straight. It hurts a bit too think about but I’d love too hear your thoughts!
Well it sounds like to me like he is attracted to you but probably feels bad about feeling that way towards a man if he has never felt like that before. Maybe these are new emotions that he has not learned to deal with yet. He may be confused and probably just needs time. If he jokes about it and says he regrets it then that is just his coping mechanism because he doesn’t know how to deal with it properly yet.

If I were you I would try to act like it’s no big deal, don’t bring it up unless he does, and just stay close friends with him. However, you shouldn’t agree with him about regretting it or make a joke about it. Make it clear to him that you enjoyed it and you don’t regret it, but again only if he brings it up again. Be confident and assertive and hopefully that will help him feel comfortable enough to come to terms with his own feelings.
Well it sounds like to me like he is attracted to you but probably feels bad about feeling that way towards a man if he has never felt like that before. Maybe these are new emotions that he has not learned to deal with yet. He may be confused and probably just needs time. If he jokes about it and says he regrets it then that is just his coping mechanism because he doesn’t know how to deal with it properly yet.

If I were you I would try to act like it’s no big deal, don’t bring it up unless he does, and just stay close friends with him. However, you shouldn’t agree with him about regretting it or make a joke about it. Make it clear to him that you enjoyed it and you don’t regret it, but again only if he brings it up again. Be confident and assertive and hopefully that will help him feel comfortable enough to come to terms with his own feelings.
Thank you so much, this was really helpful! I will definitely try too make it clear that I enjoyed it. Thanks so much again! And yes I would love too kiss him again😍.
Kai is “extreeemly straight???” No, he’s not. But, then, I believe the vast majority of men are bisexual to one degree or another. The problem is that there is tremendous societal pressure on men to identify only as strictly straight. Psychologists in the 1950s used the terms, “gay,” “straight,” and “bisexual” to try to explain human sexuality to a society that believed that most people were strictly heterosexual. I think many people are beginning to learn that sexuality isn’t so easily classifiable. This notion is sort of shocking and offensive to many men in our hyper-masculinized society. Likewise, it’s a shocking revelation to many men that they might feel any sort of attraction to another man.

I think @jjdiamond’s advice is good. Kai needs time to consider his feelings, and that the best thing you can do is be confident and assertive…comfortable in your own skin. Show him the way, not with your words, but with your behavior. The incident was nice, but not particularly earth-shattering.
Kai is “extreeemly straight???” No, he’s not. But, then, I believe the vast majority of men are bisexual to one degree or another. The problem is that there is tremendous societal pressure on men to identify only as strictly straight. Psychologists in the 1950s used the terms, “gay,” “straight,” and “bisexual” to try to explain human sexuality to a society that believed that most people were strictly heterosexual. I think many people are beginning to learn that sexuality isn’t so easily classifiable. This notion is sort of shocking and offensive to many men in our hyper-masculinized society. Likewise, it’s a shocking revelation to many men that they might feel any sort of attraction to another man.

I think @jjdiamond’s advice is good. Kai needs time to consider his feelings, and that the best thing you can do is be confident and assertive…comfortable in your own skin. Show him the way, not with your words, but with your behavior. The incident was nice, but not particularly earth-shattering.
Thank you for your input! I think I should’ve worded it differently, Kai is extremely straight in the sense that he’s homophobic. This is why this situation really shocked me and why I wasn’t sure what to do next. Hopefully he can learn that sexuality isn’t strictly likes men or women like you’ve said but anyway thanks a lot again for your input!
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Thank you for your input! I think I should’ve worded it differently, Kai is extremely straight in the sense that he’s homophobic. This is why this situation really shocked me and why I wasn’t sure what to do next. Hopefully he can learn that sexuality isn’t strictly likes men or women like you’ve said but anyway thanks a lot again for your input!
Ohhh that makes even more sense then. In my experience, when a guy is really homophobic they tend to be gay themselves or curious or bi etc. They usually have hidden desires that they try to hide by over compensating and act overly “straight” and homophobic. He definitely knows what he wants and just doesn’t want to accept it but with time I’m sure he will come to terms with it. Again, if I were you I would just let him take the lead so you don’t scare him off. Let him think he has control of the situation so he feels more comfortable approaching you. But again be very confident and assertive about what you like and your intentions. Make it clear that you enjoyed it if he ever brings it up again when it’s just you two.

Since you want it to happen again then most likely it will only happen if you stay in touch with him and if you find time to be alone with him. He will not act on his feelings if others are around because he has to keep up the front of being “straight”.

Again, take my advice lightly since I’m just a stranger on the internet and you know your relationship with him in real life best. You do what you think is best for you and what feels good to you.
I think it's really odd when things like this happen and one of the two parties either tries to deny it, blame it on alcohol, or otherwise won't take ownership for their actions. Hang in there, know that you did nothing wrong and get back to us with more info if anything else happens.
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I think it's really odd when things like this happen and one of the two parties either tries to deny it, blame it on alcohol, or otherwise won't take ownership for their actions. Hang in there, know that you did nothing wrong and get back to us with more info if anything else happens.
ofc i will keep i guys updated and yeah it does suck when people blame it on other things :(
I don't know what he was thinking. If he started the issue then he should own up to it. If he wants to deny that , and it was your fault, then I would give him a wide berth, if you get my drift. I would not be bothered with him again.
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I don't know what he was thinking. If he started the issue then he should own up to it. If he wants to deny that , and it was your fault, then I would give him a wide berth, if you get my drift. I would not be bothered with him again.
Yeah his reaction too this situation was quite confusing too me at first as well! Lets hope one day he’s able to come to terms with his sexuality.
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