This is like having a straight friend for years, then calling them homophobic because they wouldn't let you or any other guy suck them off. Just because you're the thirsty hoe, doesn't mean they owe you anything, even if you feel they were flirting or leading you on. That's literally their prerogative. Don't like it? Grow the fuck up and move on.
You clearly only wanted one thing from Blake anyways. It's not like he went through and just deleted gay fans. There's nothing homophobic about his actions. He obviously doesn't have a problem starting over, now, lucky for him he's clearing out all the delusional gay fans who've convinced themselves he was something more than he ever led on to be. If anything, he's pushed his personally boundaries to please his fans, gay or not. If his thirsty gay fans don't get what they want? --- Booo why'd you censor?!... Boring... He use to be hot... --- Whether you call it baiting or just giving the majority of his fans (gay guys who flocked to his channel because of his physic and loose sexuality [doesn't take much]) exactly what they crave, you got caught in a trap you created for yourself. Oh well. Go suck a dick until you find another straight guy to crush on and end up disappointed by when they don't end up gay.