Even so, you know what you're getting into to begin with. Setting yourself up to possibly be disappointed. They identify as straight. That's where they're at with their sexuality at the moment. If you want to go ahead and test the waters for your own personal wants, don't be surprised when it doesn't pan out the way you wished. Again, they identified as straight. Everybody in Blake's case knew this. We also know sexuality isn't an exact science and a pin point of 100%. If they end up gay, yay! If they don't, that doesn't make them less of an ally. That just means you're more unaware of reality and how to handle it than you thought you were.
Too many gay guys are out here setting themselves up even after all they know, then using being gay as the reason for feeling like the victim. I never saw any gay guys coming to his defense when parched "fans" push push and push to get what they want even if he might be uncomfortable. Just because he did it eventually, doesn't mean the selfish demands and behavior that led up to it gets a free pass. You call yourselves fans but have no real consideration for the actual person. Acting like you cared is still acting and completely fake at the end of the day.
First of all the gay ally trend is patronising polite homophobia. Secondly as you say sexuality isn't an exact science and more research is showing that there's no such thing as a 100% monosexual (gay or straight) person.
I do totally agree that a lot of gay guys disrespectfully push the boundaries with straight guys and try to force their desires onto straight guys when they know there's unrequited attraction and then play the victim card. Ironically this behaviour is common amongst straight women in their attitude to men as well.