"accidental" text from her boyfriend's nerdy friend


Legendary Member
May 5, 2016
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Alice sat in her underwear in her boyfriends room scrolling through social media on her phone. She was texting her BF and organising things for the weekend; multitasking as girl's tend to do. Any observer looking into the room would have noticed what a hot little piece of ass she was. Despite standing 5 foot two her breasts were very large, plump and perky for her size (something her boyfriend was very fond of) and with a smooth round curvy bum as well.

She had been with her boyfriend for a long time, over a year now, and had made friends with his friends as well.


She get's a text from her BF (John) asking if its ok if he brings his friend Paul to hang on the weekend. She found Paul very nerdy and a bit socially awkward but thought he was a funny guy always making cheesy jokes. She definitely never considered him from an attraction standpoint.

Alice: "Sure, he can hang. Just tell him not to wear that embarrassing Anime shirt with the girl with the huge boobs on it lol"

She sent the text and sat back on the bed, her boobs jiggling with the impact of her falling back.


She gets a text from an unknown number

"Hey that shirt is a treasure how dare you talk bad about her. You're just jealous of our love. xo Paul"

Alice has a little smile when she reads this, obviously Paul is with John and saw her text to him.

She replies:

Alice: "Trust me I definitely am not jealous. Have no idea what she see's in you haha".

Paul responds shortly

Paul: "True her boobs aren't as big as yours so I guess you shouldn't be jealous. But hey! She's with me for what I have in my pants. You're not the only one with big assets ;)"

She was a little taken aback by his boldness, he had never been so forward before. She put it down to playful banter between her BF John as she recieved a text from her BF saying

John: "Lol just ignore what he says, let him love his T-shirt girl. I've tried to tell him no one wants to hear about whats going on in his pants haha"

Alice responded:

A: Lol
That night her when her BF came home they had sex. Her boyfriend was a little below average at 4 and a half inches but she never really considered this a problem or something she really obsessed over. All her boyfriends, 2 previous, had been around that size. Her boyfriend John was a handsome guy, definitely more than Paul but and a little taller and beefier as well. He didn't really make that many jokes but when he was around Paul they definitely joked around a lot and had a laugh.

Oh, he's nearly done" as she snapped back and realised that her boyfriend had that look in his eye that he was about to cum.


She recieves a text and John pulls out and cums on her belly. She asks him for a tissue and nonchalantly wipes his cum off an puts it in the bin. She was glad that he was happy.

It's nearly bedtime so she's a little confused who would be texting her on a weeknight.

It's the unknown number as she realised she hasn't saved Paul to her phone yet. It's an image.

Her boyfriend has gotten up to go to the bathroom.

She opens the image, and it's a picture top down of Paul, presumably on his bed lying down but wearing the T-shirt with the "sexy anime girl with the big tits".
The accompanying Paul text he sent to the image was:

P: "We just finished an intense, rough and dirty lovemaking session with my love. She can barely walk straight but I think I rocked her world. Guess she likes it big hehe."

But what really caught Alice's attention was the fact that Paul was wearing tight boxers and you could see most of his pale skinny legs.

But that wasn't what made Alice's eyes widen and mouth drop so much as the substantial bulge in them coming out of his crotch. It was so prominent causing a considerable blockage of the TV screen in his room which was playing some nerdy Anime show, which only served to glow the outline of it.

She was almost entranced.

It couldn't be... no. He's clearly stuffed something in there as a joke. Paul was always pushing the envelope for humour and this time was surely no exception. Still, the situation had left her with a strange urge and tingly feeling in her nether regions. She felt strange.

She put her thoughts together whilst the BF was still in the bathroom and replied

A: "Haha sure sure you "stud" I can see all the imaginary cartoon anime ladies want to get pounded by your "big fat imaginary" cock. Lol I just finished the real thing with your friend John (remember him?) and in the real world it doesn't have to be rough and the size doesn't matter, its all about luv. I hope you're happy with her imaginary boobies too because mine are still better and bigger and actually exist. Ask John ;)
PS. Stuffing your underwear with a sock or banana or whatever was a nice touch, I don't know who you think you're trying to impress. Even if that's real, and it obviously isn't but let me teach you a little relationship lesson: it wouldn't matter how big because I'm sure what your "lady friend" cares about is emotional connection. "

She clicked send.

**Disclaimer: Let it be disclaimed that Alice is an overthinker**

She typed a lot more than she intended to. She's always been a talkative, impulsive person who says/types more than she means to when she's aroused/excited (not just sexually). She didn't know why she was so caught up in the moment. What a strange interaction. She thought for a second and thought she needed to change the subject from penis size to the weekend coming up. She figured she'd try and try and reframe the conversation to make it more about her giving him relationship advice for the real world and less about talking about penises. So she sent another text:

A: "PSS. Take that stupid stuffing out of your underwear too haha i don't want to see that OR that little miss jealous-of-my-boobs shirt when you come over on the weekend. Try and bring an ACTUAL lady friend if you have any."

She read back what she wrote and thought
"Well that wasn't directly about penises at least it was about that stupid sock in his underwear to make his dick look bigger. That text will show him. I totally called him out for not having any actual skills with REAL women. But that doesn't explain why he's being so forward and blunt with me all of a sudden? I don't know where he's getting this cockiness from he's a nerd. Why doesn't John act that cocky he's better looking and they've been friends for ages."

Alice was a little confused in herself as well, the more she thought about it, that she used such forward descriptive sexual language as well and focused so much of the conversation on penis size.
"Well I'm still a little horny from sex with John, I guess thats why I talked so sexually. I mean... It's not like I was turned on by the sight of a big bulge or big penis. Because it's obviously just a stuffing. I mean I don't care about penis size it doesn't matter even if Paul does have a big cock..."

She then put the phone down still in a jumble of thoughts.

"But he doesnt... it was just a stuffing. John is probably bigger than his nerdy friend anyway."

She noticed that her boyfriend had started a shower so it would be a while before her boyfriend came back. She absent mindedly adjusted her big tits and put her cold hands down her panties to warm them up. She noticed she was wet but passed it off as nothing and fell asleep.

She had some strange dreams. About her loving boyfriend of just over a year kissing her and lying with her in a hammock on a tropical island. But she she swore she briefly saw a really geeky looking guy but with a GIGANTIC massive swinging penis standing in a crowd of big breasted anime girls.
And she couldn't stop looking even as her muscular boyfriend became more and more passionate in the dream in the hammock. Kissing her all over her body and worshipping her. Trying to get inside her with his little penis. But she was resisting.
"Wait no no come on Alice your boyfriends penis isn't small and little remember its perfect just the way it is. Love and gentleness is all that matters!" a little voice in her head cried out.
This voice seemed to give her boyfriend hope and he began to try even harder but Alice wasn't listening.
She kept pushing him off in the dream because he kept getting in the way of her view.
Of her view of the skinny boy with the massive swinging cock being worshipped by all these unrealistically proportioned hentai/anime girls.
And in the dream she began to realise she was jealous of them. She felt very competitive all of a sudden. She wanted to kick them away. She was getting violent and rough.
The voice encouraging her to love the man next to her was becoming more and more faint.
She pushed the muscular man, who was still passively worshipping her body, out of the hammock because she was getting mad and annoyed. The muscular man with the little penis whose name she'd forgotten right now was distracting her from looking at the big fat real penis.
The delicious juicy veiny pulsing cock in the distance that looked like it was getting closer and closer.

The little voice tried to make one last comeback as it tried to justify: I mean she wasn't focused on the cock as much as how ridiculous and stupid that whole situation was. She didn't care about the penis. The "big cock". Yeah. They're all so stupid over there. Obsessed over this so called "big dick". What was the fuss about anyway? This nerd had a cute face but was thin as a rail.
What did those girls see in him?

She had a better body than these stupid sluts. They thought they were sexy and deserved that cock? Pfft they had nothing on her. Those stupid anime girls boobs were big but not as big or as nice or as supple as hers.
Yes. Her fat tits were bigger and juicier and perkier.
She began grabbing them as she watched the scene and compared herself. She began to notice the more she squeezed and was pinched and was rough with them the smaller the anime girl's boobies seemed and the closer the big yummy cock appeared to come toward her.
Yes her big boobies were so BIG and FAT. So much better than their little titties. The cock wants me to be it's busty slut because I have the best body. Yes. It's coming closer. The anime girls were clawing at the skinny boy whilst their boobs were getting smaller and Alice's were getting bigger and more sensitive.
Oh fuck. It was so close now and her breasts were on fire and her pussy was tingling and the COCK was so close and so big and fat and so thick and veiny and so warm and so HOT. and SO FUCKING BIG AND-

Alice awoke to a screaming orgasm as she found herself on the floor of her boyfriend's room. She had fallen out of the bed. One hand ruthlessly groping one of her massive natural tits and the other furiously fingering her little pussy. She began to cum violently and intensely more than she ever had with her boyfriend in recent memory and it felt too good to stop.

Her fingers were moving furiously on her clit - she began to tear the thin fabric covering her huge squishy tits - SHE HAD TO KEEP CUMMING-

"YESSSSSS!!" and she had one the most mind bending orgasms of her life. Her panties were soaked.

Her boyfriend's handsome face looked startled down at her with wide worried and concerned eyes.

"Jesus Alice babe! A nightmare?" he asked.

Alice: "John? Oh JOHN! I- I'm on the floor? I don't remember..."


I'm not a writer by any means. This is my first sex story longer than a page. I'd say I'm trying to fill in for the absence of a Baltimore style story who seems to have disappeared :(.

I find it more engaging to go for "stream of thought" style writing for the girl so her "brains" and "goodness" has to fight against her lust which, in sex stories, will always win.

The inspiration for the primal "big cock lust" taking over the unconcious mind and battling against the "good and logical" mind comes strongly from this story:


Which I share with you in the hope that you will post some more stories that you know with the same tone/themes of big cock lust taking over logic like Baltimore's stories, like the girls like horses stories, and like my one.

Bonus: Also if anyone could find more stories as close to this one as possible it will help me finish this story sooner and better.

Alice was in a daze after the dream but realised it was morning so she may as well stay up. She goes to look at her phone.

Alices texts so far:

"Haha sure sure you "stud" I can see all the imaginary cartoon anime ladies want to get pounded by your "big fat imaginary" cock. Lol I just finished the real thing with your friend John (remember him?) and in the real world it doesn't have to be rough and the size doesn't matter, its all about luv. I hope you're happy with her imaginary boobies too because mine are still better and bigger and actually exist. Ask John ;)"

Alice: PS. Stuffing your underwear with a sock or banana or whatever was a nice touch, I don't know who you think you're trying to impress. Even if that's real, and it obviously isn't but let me teach you a little relationship lesson: it wouldn't matter how big because I'm sure what your "lady friend" cares about is emotional connection. "

Alice: "PSS. Take that stupid stuffing out of your underwear too haha i don't want to see that OR that little miss jealous-of-my-boobs shirt when you come over on the weekend. Try and bring an ACTUAL lady friend if you have any."

Paul's new response:

Paul: Love and emotions? Haha that's so gay. Every girl needs to be fucked hard at least once. LOL did you just admit that size doesn't matter with John? That's hilarious. Is his little dick not satisfying you the way a "big fat imaginary" cock can?

When Alice read these texts she was shocked at the tone and arrogance that nerdy little Paul was using. She was trying to give him hints on how to get better with women and he responded by insulting her boyfriends penis size and her advice.

Alice was angry.

"That's really rude. I'll have you know that John's dick is the perfect size, and I bet he'll out measure you any day. You and your little nerd penis that you're so insecure about you're putting random objects in your underwear. He's loving and gentle, not everyone wants it rough you know! You're just jealous that he gets to fuck me hard and slap my big tits around whenever he wants. Not every girl is going to go crazy about a big penis and I doubt any penis no matter how huge OR fat will fill me and stretch me as nice as Johns! I also disagree that rough sex is a better than the way John does it because this I'm nothing but happy with our sex life and I'm happy that I make John happy! "

Just as she sent the message another photo from Paul came in and all the anger Alice felt was momentarily replaced with a trance-like surprise.

Alice audibly gasps as she realises he's shirtless in his bathroom wearing just a tight pair of underwear with the camera pointed down. He's grabbing onto the subtantial bulge which looks EVEN BIGGER and saying
"And why are you so concerned about what is in my underwear?"

Alice spent a minute staring at the image trying to zoom into the bulge to determine what he had stuffed in there.
"Come on that's so fake. Nobody especially not a skinny little geek like Paul has a dick that big. It's too smooth and not lumpy enough to be a sock so it must be something else. Dicks like that don't exist John and none of my exes where anywhere near that size."
Her body was getting a little fooled however and responding as if it were up close to a giant piece of man meat. Her nostrils flared trying to inhale the man fumes that weren't there. In her trance she unknowingly began to salivate a little as she furrowed her brow trying to find a flaw in Paul's huge bulge that would give it away.

She snapped out of it when she heard her Boyfriend yell at the TV.

Alice: "Paul. You're kind of annoying me now. Stop trying to lie to me about how big your dick is as well. You know I'd actually respect you be more impressed if you embraced your little dick and just owned it instead of trying to make it look like you have a huge big fat ridiculous donkey dick that no one is going to believe. You just send a girl a pic of your bulge and expect her to get all horny, wet, suddenly just dream about and want to worship and slobber all over your "huge cock" when it doesn't actually exist? Imagine if I just stuffed my bra to make it look like I had huge boobs. I mean... I know I do, but if I didn't just imagine how the guy would feel when he found out that you just had small boobs. Imagine when a girl who you sent that to finds out it's just a banana or whatever it is you put in there. HONESTY is the best policy. Just ask John for advice on how to use your little nerd dick. Even though he's bigger than you the advice will still help you.

She pressed "send" and was satisfied that she had just owned Paul. He had nowhere to hide and she had called him out. She looked at the bulge for another minute and a part of her wondered what she would do if it was real. She wasn't sure how she'd react... How it would change her perception of him. Maybe it would explain his arrogance and confidence even when he's around her more handsome, taller boyfriend. But she knew he was just a naturally funny guy and funny people always try to make up for insecurities with humour.

The day progressed and Alice ran errands and tried to remember the weird dream she had last night and why it had made her feel so weird today. There was still no response from Paul. She began to feel a little bad. Maybe she had been too harsh on him?

She decided she'd send him a nice picture of her boobs once she got home since he always talked about them openly even with John around. It was something he joked about often.

She put on a nice bra and squeezed her big juicy mammaries together to form some deeply inviting cleavage. She got a good photo and sent it with the accompanying text:

Alice: "If you get tired of beating off to imaginary big boobs here's some real ones. Sorry I had to be so harsh but you were stepping out of line I had to call you out. Having a small penis isn't that bad. Hell I'll even be your wingwoman and help you find a real girl xo"

She clicked send and sat down to watch TV with her boyfriend.
"Good old John, you're just fine. You don't need to pretend you have a big dick to make yourself feel good and I don't need to orgasm from sex for us to have a good sex life."

But that night, especially after the powerful orgasm she felt the previous one, Alice felt more bored than usual when her boyfriend was fucking her. She told him he could fuck her harder and grope her big bouncing tits but he came as soon as she said it.
Once he had gone to the bathroom again Alice found herself looking at the text conversation with Paul. Specifically the photos of his big bulge. Imagine if there was a real cock taking up all that room. It released the same sort of submissive trance feeling she had been feeling lately. She felt guilty when she found herself slowly rubbing her pussy through her panties and scolded herself. What was it about the very thought of a big dick that made her feel so submissive. So horny?

But she had already decided that she was in no way attracted to Paul, especially with his little dick.


She received a text from Paul.

She immediately opened the message. Expecting a thankyou and an apology for acting so rudely and lying about his penis size.

A picture.

A woman was sitting on his bed with a G string. Her ass was juicy and round (still not as nice as hers) and Alice could see that her boobs were B cup at best.

The text that came next said.

Paul: " I have to say, when I was fucking her I was thinking of that picture you sent me. Thankyou and I'm sorry for acting so upfront. I have an idea, okay. I know I have a little dick but I'm trying to use it better. But do you think you could send me a picture of John's dick since he's bigger than me? It's just so when I ask him for sex tips I know what I have to measure up to and make up for in technique. Please. You've made me realise that I need to change how deal with girls. I'm hopeless :p"
Moose, While the formatting, mainly the asides and texting portions, aren't incredibly smooth the story is pretty good overall. I like the end of this most recent chapter, as you decided to not simply have him text the "big cock" to make her turn into a mindless whore for him and instead are taking a different approach to moving her in that direction. I have enjoyed reading this so far and am very interested in seeing you move this forward, soon. Keep writing.

I'm not a writer by any means. This is my first sex story longer than a page. I'd say I'm trying to fill in for the absence of a Baltimore style story who seems to have disappeared :(.

I find it more engaging to go for "stream of thought" style writing for the girl so her "brains" and "goodness" has to fight against her lust which, in sex stories, will always win.

The inspiration for the primal "big cock lust" taking over the unconcious mind and battling against the "good and logical" mind comes strongly from this story:


Which I share with you in the hope that you will post some more stories that you know with the same tone/themes of big cock lust taking over logic like Baltimore's stories, like the girls like horses stories, and like my one.

Bonus: Also if anyone could find more stories as close to this one as possible it will help me finish this story sooner and better.
OK I read ALOT of smut. And in my opinion you write perfectly. It is far more appealing writing like this.

Alice was in a daze after the dream but realised it was morning so she may as well stay up. She goes to look at her phone.

Alices texts so far:

"Haha sure sure you "stud" I can see all the imaginary cartoon anime ladies want to get pounded by your "big fat imaginary" cock. Lol I just finished the real thing with your friend John (remember him?) and in the real world it doesn't have to be rough and the size doesn't matter, its all about luv. I hope you're happy with her imaginary boobies too because mine are still better and bigger and actually exist. Ask John ;)"

Alice: PS. Stuffing your underwear with a sock or banana or whatever was a nice touch, I don't know who you think you're trying to impress. Even if that's real, and it obviously isn't but let me teach you a little relationship lesson: it wouldn't matter how big because I'm sure what your "lady friend" cares about is emotional connection. "

Alice: "PSS. Take that stupid stuffing out of your underwear too haha i don't want to see that OR that little miss jealous-of-my-boobs shirt when you come over on the weekend. Try and bring an ACTUAL lady friend if you have any."

Paul's new response:

Paul: Love and emotions? Haha that's so gay. Every girl needs to be fucked hard at least once. LOL did you just admit that size doesn't matter with John? That's hilarious. Is his little dick not satisfying you the way a "big fat imaginary" cock can?

When Alice read these texts she was shocked at the tone and arrogance that nerdy little Paul was using. She was trying to give him hints on how to get better with women and he responded by insulting her boyfriends penis size and her advice.

Alice was angry.

"That's really rude. I'll have you know that John's dick is the perfect size, and I bet he'll out measure you any day. You and your little nerd penis that you're so insecure about you're putting random objects in your underwear. He's loving and gentle, not everyone wants it rough you know! You're just jealous that he gets to fuck me hard and slap my big tits around whenever he wants. Not every girl is going to go crazy about a big penis and I doubt any penis no matter how huge OR fat will fill me and stretch me as nice as Johns! I also disagree that rough sex is a better than the way John does it because this I'm nothing but happy with our sex life and I'm happy that I make John happy! "

Just as she sent the message another photo from Paul came in and all the anger Alice felt was momentarily replaced with a trance-like surprise.

Alice audibly gasps as she realises he's shirtless in his bathroom wearing just a tight pair of underwear with the camera pointed down. He's grabbing onto the subtantial bulge which looks EVEN BIGGER and saying
"And why are you so concerned about what is in my underwear?"

Alice spent a minute staring at the image trying to zoom into the bulge to determine what he had stuffed in there.
"Come on that's so fake. Nobody especially not a skinny little geek like Paul has a dick that big. It's too smooth and not lumpy enough to be a sock so it must be something else. Dicks like that don't exist John and none of my exes where anywhere near that size."
Her body was getting a little fooled however and responding as if it were up close to a giant piece of man meat. Her nostrils flared trying to inhale the man fumes that weren't there. In her trance she unknowingly began to salivate a little as she furrowed her brow trying to find a flaw in Paul's huge bulge that would give it away.

She snapped out of it when she heard her Boyfriend yell at the TV.

Alice: "Paul. You're kind of annoying me now. Stop trying to lie to me about how big your dick is as well. You know I'd actually respect you be more impressed if you embraced your little dick and just owned it instead of trying to make it look like you have a huge big fat ridiculous donkey dick that no one is going to believe. You just send a girl a pic of your bulge and expect her to get all horny, wet, suddenly just dream about and want to worship and slobber all over your "huge cock" when it doesn't actually exist? Imagine if I just stuffed my bra to make it look like I had huge boobs. I mean... I know I do, but if I didn't just imagine how the guy would feel when he found out that you just had small boobs. Imagine when a girl who you sent that to finds out it's just a banana or whatever it is you put in there. HONESTY is the best policy. Just ask John for advice on how to use your little nerd dick. Even though he's bigger than you the advice will still help you.

She pressed "send" and was satisfied that she had just owned Paul. He had nowhere to hide and she had called him out. She looked at the bulge for another minute and a part of her wondered what she would do if it was real. She wasn't sure how she'd react... How it would change her perception of him. Maybe it would explain his arrogance and confidence even when he's around her more handsome, taller boyfriend. But she knew he was just a naturally funny guy and funny people always try to make up for insecurities with humour.

The day progressed and Alice ran errands and tried to remember the weird dream she had last night and why it had made her feel so weird today. There was still no response from Paul. She began to feel a little bad. Maybe she had been too harsh on him?

She decided she'd send him a nice picture of her boobs once she got home since he always talked about them openly even with John around. It was something he joked about often.

She put on a nice bra and squeezed her big juicy mammaries together to form some deeply inviting cleavage. She got a good photo and sent it with the accompanying text:

Alice: "If you get tired of beating off to imaginary big boobs here's some real ones. Sorry I had to be so harsh but you were stepping out of line I had to call you out. Having a small penis isn't that bad. Hell I'll even be your wingwoman and help you find a real girl xo"

She clicked send and sat down to watch TV with her boyfriend.
"Good old John, you're just fine. You don't need to pretend you have a big dick to make yourself feel good and I don't need to orgasm from sex for us to have a good sex life."

But that night, especially after the powerful orgasm she felt the previous one, Alice felt more bored than usual when her boyfriend was fucking her. She told him he could fuck her harder and grope her big bouncing tits but he came as soon as she said it.
Once he had gone to the bathroom again Alice found herself looking at the text conversation with Paul. Specifically the photos of his big bulge. Imagine if there was a real cock taking up all that room. It released the same sort of submissive trance feeling she had been feeling lately. She felt guilty when she found herself slowly rubbing her pussy through her panties and scolded herself. What was it about the very thought of a big dick that made her feel so submissive. So horny?

But she had already decided that she was in no way attracted to Paul, especially with his little dick.


She received a text from Paul.

She immediately opened the message. Expecting a thankyou and an apology for acting so rudely and lying about his penis size.

A picture.

A woman was sitting on his bed with a G string. Her ass was juicy and round (still not as nice as hers) and Alice could see that her boobs were B cup at best.

The text that came next said.

Paul: " I have to say, when I was fucking her I was thinking of that picture you sent me. Thankyou and I'm sorry for acting so upfront. I have an idea, okay. I know I have a little dick but I'm trying to use it better. But do you think you could send me a picture of John's dick since he's bigger than me? It's just so when I ask him for sex tips I know what I have to measure up to and make up for in technique. Please. You've made me realise that I need to change how deal with girls. I'm hopeless :p"

So hot story! Please keep it coming!
Unfortunately I have exams at the moment so will get back to story when they are over.
Will delete this message when I'm back.

In meantime I found this "text message" based story that is really hot that should scratch you itch in the meantime:
If anyone here has read a lot of stories like this I could USE YOUR HELP to post them here for inspiration to the hottest "big cock reaction". Dick pic reaction stories would be even better but anything helps!

Exams are still on. I know how it feels to wait for a story you find really hot, very annoying. Sucks that Baltimore is gone too.

I'm actually, when I procrastinate, trying to find stories or examples that have the best "big cock reactions". Ideally through text messaging but there are no good stories other than the "jaws" above and Baltimore's stories.
But there are a lot of good "show cock and instantly change her mind/rock her world" stories that I'm trying to find the hottest version of. It's even hotter when she tries to resist it or deny it but succumbs to her lust or justify it.

**Story dump**

Here's another great example of a "Mind invading" big cock story persuading a former bitch to a guy to fall madly in lust with his cock:

A great "big dick trance" story:

A nurse turning crazy over a student's big cock:
Then the principal:
Then the principal fucking him and calling out praise for big dicks:

And a girl who says (at first) that size doesn't matter:

And a big cock asshole putting a girl into a big dick trance right in front of her husband who hates him:

If you find any like this (especially text/dick pic reaction based) on your travels, post them here! Anything helps!
If anyone here has read a lot of stories like this I could USE YOUR HELP to post them here for inspiration to the hottest "big cock reaction". Dick pic reaction stories would be even better but anything helps!

Exams are still on. I know how it feels to wait for a story you find really hot, very annoying. Sucks that Baltimore is gone too.

I'm actually, when I procrastinate, trying to find stories or examples that have the best "big cock reactions". Ideally through text messaging but there are no good stories other than the "jaws" above and Baltimore's stories.
But there are a lot of good "show cock and instantly change her mind/rock her world" stories that I'm trying to find the hottest version of. It's even hotter when she tries to resist it or deny it but succumbs to her lust or justify it.

**Story dump**

Here's another great example of a "Mind invading" big cock story persuading a former bitch to a guy to fall madly in lust with his cock:

A great "big dick trance" story:

A nurse turning crazy over a student's big cock:
Then the principal:
Then the principal fucking him and calling out praise for big dicks:

And a girl who says (at first) that size doesn't matter:

And a big cock asshole putting a girl into a big dick trance right in front of her husband who hates him:

If you find any like this (especially text/dick pic reaction based) on your travels, post them here! Anything helps!

Thanks man, not only you write such a good story, but you take care of "our needs" while look for inspiration. :D
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Moose, While the formatting, mainly the asides and texting portions, aren't incredibly smooth the story is pretty good overall. I like the end of this most recent chapter, as you decided to not simply have him text the "big cock" to make her turn into a mindless whore for him and instead are taking a different approach to moving her in that direction. I have enjoyed reading this so far and am very interested in seeing you move this forward, soon. Keep writing.

Example of how to format so easier to read?