"accidental" text from her boyfriend's nerdy friend

The section below is a good example of reducing drag or strange asides. The original post has the paragraph broken up into two separate paragraphs although they are topically focused on the effect the big cock is having on the GF and are still close to one another. Removing the odd gap and combining the two paragraphs would work here to smooth transitions from scene to scene. The next section could also be a single action paragraph as she's received a text and is reading the text, which can be done with a single emphasis and not have to be spread out as if the actions are completely disconnected. Keep in mind that you are writing to lead the reader where you want them to go and to get them to go along with your plat and characters there needs to be a flow from paragraph to paragraph. Keeping character actions, specific descriptive details, and other aspects of the work together builds the flow from moment to moment and can better interlock character interactions, especially when intimately engaged. You don't want to have similar actions taking place between two people that are seemingly in different rooms, or have it read like single statements on a page. You want to give it a life and to engage the reader so that they will follow your characters where ever you wish to have them go.

I like your concept and I think if you pull things together a bit more tightly you'll have a great following here. Your other story has similar issues and, again, it's imminently fixable. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take both stories from here.

"But that night, especially after the powerful orgasm she felt the previous one, Alice felt more bored than usual when her boyfriend was fucking her. She told him he could fuck her harder and grope her big bouncing tits but he came as soon as she said it.
Once he had gone to the bathroom again Alice found herself looking at the text conversation with Paul. Specifically the photos of his big bulge. Imagine if there was a real cock taking up all that room. It released the same sort of submissive trance feeling she had been feeling lately. She felt guilty when she found herself slowly rubbing her pussy through her panties and scolded herself. What was it about the very thought of a big dick that made her feel so submissive. So horny?

But she had already decided that she was in no way attracted to Paul, especially with his little dick.


She received a text from Paul.

She immediately opened the message. Expecting a thankyou and an apology for acting so rudely and lying about his penis size.

A picture."
Check out SizeQueenSupreme on Literotica. All her content is big cock related. Her audio stories are the best, IMO. She is very descriptive and might help motivate you to write more or inspire new ideas.
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The next night she flirts with her boyfriend before he has a shower. Talking dirty to him. "Please show me your big hard dick baby. I want to make you so hard for me. Look at the big huge titties you like so much.

Needless to say, he gets hard. He stands up to go to the bathroom but she is prepared and snaps a pic of his naked hard dick up close.

John: "HEY! What the fuck babe?!"

Alice: "Oh don't worry I just want a picture of your dick for when you're not around baby so I can think about our sexytimes together."

J: "Uhh... Ok... But please don't send that to anyone

Later, she sends a text to Paul and a conversation ensues.

A: "Haha here is my boyfriends penis. He's a nice size 4.5 inches maybe you're smaller but don't worry you can still please a woman just have to try a little harder"

P: "Wow he looks bigger than me. How do I try harder?"

A: "Well you have to please them in other ways with your penis"]

P: Ok, well here's mine.

*He sends her a jpegged bad quality image of a micropenis.*

Alice: "Haha what the fuckkk!? That penis really IS small. Jesus that is so much smaller than my boyfriends and he's not even that big. I won't lie it's gonna be hard to please a lady with that. I don't think I could deal with a dick that small but there's some girl's out there that will love you for you. Small dicks don't turn me on they just aren't manly I just can't respect them"

P:"I thought penis size didn't matter"

A:"There's a limit, I can't respect a guy with such a small penis. You don't deserve to be so cocky with such a small dick to be honest you should be a lot less confident. I can't respect you you have such a tiny dick"

P: "So what if I had a big dick?"

A: "Well obviously it would make you more of a man and woman would respect you more and submit to your huge penis but you're tiny so it doesn't matter"

P: "What would you do if I had a huge penis. How would you react? Especially if I was like much bigger than your boyfriend"

A: "Well I definitely wouldn't laugh at you haha so tiny. I'd probably respect you and your huge dick a lot more. Your big penis would explain why you were so arrogant and cocky when you don't deserve to be but now I know it's all just a lie. It's pathetic how you tried to convince me you had a big dick when you're so small. Honestly you're nowhere near his size if you were bigger than my boyfriend I don't know what I'd do but I definitely would think you're a lot less pathetic than I know you are now with your tiny dick. I realise I only like big dicks like my boyfriend.

P: "You like big cocks?"

A: "Yes Paul I love big fat cocks. I'm a slut for big thick flopping dicks and big hard pulsing meaty dicks like my boyfriends. I don't want little dicks near me I want to get pumped with big huge dicks like my boyfriends."

P: "You're a big cock slut?"

A: "Yes your little dick is making me realise how much size matters. I can't respect a guy when I know his penis is so little compared to another man with such a bigger dick that makes him a real man"

P: "So what would you do if there was a man with a little dick and you saw a much bigger fatter penis that was twice his little dicks size"

A: " I would know who the real man is with the big hanging dick. I wouldn't care if it was floppy or not hard yet as long as its big I'd get on my knees instantly to submit to it and make it hard for me so he, like my boyfriend, could pump me with his huge cock"

She was getting soo turned on and touching herself to the thought of big dicks all in her face and being slapped by big fat cocks. She was getting delirious moaning "big fat dicks big fucking cocks big fat flopping penis slapping my face. Licking big sweaty penises clean. Washing big cock sweaty balls with my tongue slobbering all over it fuck FUCK!". She continued to send texts in a delirious lustful state she didn't care anymore she needed to let it out.

P: "What would you do for a big fucking cock that you wouldn't do for a tiny little dick"

A: "I'd be a total submissive slut for big penis. I'd want to smell the cock the dirtier the better and worship it with my tongue as they shove their big dirty unwashed balls in my face and I would get so turned on smelling the manly musk as I try to lick that big fat floppy dirty penis and big ballsack clean with my tongue licking everywhere because such a big dick deserves to be worshipped."

"What would you do for this cock"

An image comes along of a much less blurry cock that is by far the biggest, fattest, veiniest most powerful penis Alice has ever seen.

Her pussy goes on fire as she examines the new image of the giant thick flaccid penis on the screen. She doesn't notice the thin nerdy hand and wrists of the person holding it just focusing on the big dick.

A: "Oh my goddd that soooo hugee what the fuckkkk thats the biggest penis i've ever seen its sooo big and veiny and FAT! Cock fucking fat and meaty and obese and its still soft and so thick and floppy! PLEASE are there any more pics I need to see more of this dick PLEASE

P: "What about your boyfriends penis"


P: "Why?"

A: "BECAUSE ITS SOO BIGG AND FATT AND HUGEE AND ITS STILL SOFT FUCK PLEASE I mean I'm just curious are there any more pictures you found of it? Please. I'm just curious.

*Paul sends another huge dick pic*

P: "Do girls prefer it cut or uncut"
A: "Well it's kind of distracting because the cock in the picture is such a big fat donkey dick. Wow its sooo huge in that picture. That penis is sooo large and sooo big."

P: You like it?

A: Fuck Paul I fucking love that huge dick it's making me feel so horny and womanly just dreaming of sucking it and submitting to it. It deserves to be worshipped. It deserves my respect. THAT is a cock that deserves my big fucking tits.

P: Your big tits deserve a big fat cock. Your sexy fucking womanly busty big tittied fat bubble butt body deserves to get railed by a big fat dick.

A: YESSSS I DOOOOOO. I need that big fat cock in my life fuckkk this is turning me on sooo much. Please send me moreeeee I need to see MOOREE OF THAT BIG THICK DONKEY COCK.

P: What about my penis?

A: Oh fuck off I don't want to see tiny little dicks just show me more of that big dick please I deserve it for even talking to your little dick"

P: Ok...

Paul sends this time a picture of a huge fucking dick, but this time from the ground up you can see an arrogant smile on Paul's lips waving at her behind his giant huge meat pole...
Alice is stunned at the sight of such a huge fat veiny powerful ridiculous donkey dick. Her pussy instantly prepares to be mated with as it realises before she does she is in the presence of an Alpha penis. A big giant penis that will rock her little pussies world.

Alice's panic sits in as her boyfriend exits the shower, his little dick dangling. She has been confronted with a real dick and she makes a face of disgust as she looks between her boyfriends legs. Then a wave of guilt mixed with overwhelming lust hits her and she responds...

Alice: OH MY GOD NICK THIS IS SO INAPROPRIATE... You mean it's been your massive dick the whole time!? ...This whole time I thought you had a small pathetic little cock and been insulting you but you've HAD THIS GIANT FUCKING HUGE DIyfCK!? You MADE me talk about huge dicks you're such a fucking arrogant sleaze you fucking asshole. You really think you can just flop your giant dick out and because it's so much bigger than my boyfriends I'll just want to worship you and your big hung thick arrogant asshole penis? You think if you just keep sending me photos of your BIG fucking DICK I'll fall into some sort of big dick trance and want you to fuck me with it? I should tell my BOYFRIEND you're being such and ASSHOLE BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN HIM BECAUSE YOU HAVE A HUGE BIGGER DICK that makes my boyfriend look tiny."

P: Ok. Goodnight"

A: "NO! I mean... can you send me another picture of your big dick? Please... I just need to see more.

P: "Why? Do you want this big dick?"

A: "NO! Of course not! I'm not attracted. This doesn't mean anything. I just want to see your disgusting huge arrogant dick up close so I know what kind of cock makes such a fucking skinny cocky asshole think he deserves me and my big fucking womanly tits.

P: "No"


P: "Show me your fucking big tits. We'll see if you deserve another look at my cock."

A: "Pfft. You're such an idiot. Fine. Yes sir."

*she takes one hand out of her panties and puts her phone down frantically taking her clothes off. She spends 5 minutes trying to take the sexiest picture to impress him.

[mockingly but secretly lustful Alice replies.

Alice:"Do you like my big juicy plump tits Mr BighugeCock? Are they worthy of your huge fucking dick? I hope they're making you hard for me. I saw that girl the other night she had no fucking tits your big fucking dick deserves a real woman with big juicy bouncing plump breasts like mine.

P: "Yes. You are a nice big tittied slut"

A: "How dare you call me that! But fine. I'm a big tittied slut. Now can you please show me your big fat fucking huge penis again I really need to see it."

P: "No"

A: "WHAT!? You fucking LIAR?! I bet it's not even your dick you fuckig little dick fucking liar show me that big fucking dick you asshole I NEED TO SEE IT AGAIN PLEASE"

P: "Send me a video of you begging to see my big dick. Topless. Squeezing your big tits together."

A: "I can't my boyfriends here in the kitchen!"

P: "Go to the bathroom"

For some reason not known to her consciously, or that she is trying to deny, she goes to the bathroom and prepares. She is so wet. Why is this turning her on so much? I mean, she doesn't even like big dick... does she? Why is she doing everything he says just because of he has such a huge fucking big penis? She absent mindedly strokes herself thinking of the huge dick and realises she needs to see it again no matter what.

She faces the camera to her trying to look as slutty as she can, squeezing and groping her big tits.

A:"Please sir. Please show me your size. Please show me how big you are. I need to see your big huge penis. I NEED TO SEE IT PLEASE! PLEEEAAASEEE It's SOOO BIGGG"

She feels so naughty saying all this while her boyfriend is in the next room.

She sends.

She waits. No response.

A: "What the fuck!? You said you'd send another picture of your dick!? Where the fuck is it? Send me a pic of your big fat cock NOW we had a deal.!

P: "Busy now, will send later"

A: "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE Your BIG STUPID DICK IS RETARDED I DON'T EVEN WANT TO SEE IT! You think you're so fucking special because you're hung like a fucking donkey you're just a horse-cocked big arrogant dickhead. FUCK YOU! Don't ever talk to me again!"

She sends it in a furious rage and goes to the kitchen to grab her boyfriend. She needs to take out her horniness. She goes into the kitchen naked and winces when she sees her boyfriends now-realised small little dick become instantly erect at the sight of her naked. As she demands sex he leaps to the opportunity. She tries as hard as she can to be turned on by her boyfriend and keep her thoughts from drifting but Paul's arrogant smile behind is big huge semi erect veiny hot powerful manly cock is burned into her mind.


John: Yes baby take my big fat cock yessss ugghh im cumminggg

Alice is brought back to reality angry she was interrupted from imaging Paul's perfect giant big penis and looks pittingly at her husband as he cums and his eyes roll back.

John: Wow baby that was amazing I don't know what's gotten into you.

Alice says dismissingly

Alice: I'm going to take a shower...

Her boyfriend leans against the kitchen counter still in post orgasmic bliss.

Alice: And Baby? By the way...

John: Yes honeybuns?

Alice: I'm sorry but you don't have a big cock

Her boyfriend looks stunned as Alice closes the door and heads to the shower before he can respond.
Alice is brought back to reality angry she was interrupted from imaging Paul's perfect giant big penis and looks pittingly at her husband as he cums and his eyes roll back.
I assume that should read "boyfriend" instead of "husband or did I miss them getting married?