Alberto rosende from “shadowhunters”

I’m pretty sure scruff meant his facial hair. Last time I checked the dude was straight with a girlfriend so I don’t think they’ll be any gay dating app photos from him.

Unlike you I actually went back to read the previous replies to the thread, which if you did you would know what Scruff means in this context:

Before he was even cast in Shadowhunters, he was on Scruff and there was screenshots posted on here and MaleGeneral but they were taken down after he was cast.
Haha, no I was also confused. But I do hope those pics (if they are even real) turn up eventually. Someone must have them, right?
Judging from the discussion it seems unlikely nudes will be leaked, unless someone just happened to save the nudes of a rando they came across on Scruff.

Well that's a shame because Alberto is right up there with the hottest guys on Shadowhunters along with Harry, Will and Matthew
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I don’t really like his casting in Shadowhunters where Simon was supposed to be the “suddenly attractive after he took off his glasses” fake nerd stereotype that became conventionally hot after he turned into a vampire, but I’m glad I was introduced to this cup of 100% nerdy hotness with endless muscle to match.
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