Alex Sampson, singer/influencer

gosch… discussing the labels again. He can be whatever he wants. I am male and he is my crush. And he can be what he wants. Who gives a fuck

No, he cannot be what he wants. By the binding rules of this forum he must be gay forever and ever. This is law and exerts power over him in the real world.
Ok I just want to test something out. Can anyone name one of his songs offhand? No googling.
I started following him for his music. Stay Here was my fav for ages, but there's also Take Me Upstairs, which is a bop, Cold Shoulder, etc. His new ones are getting even better, but some of them are just candy pop. Let There Be Light, Play Pretend, Cannonball, Magnet, Lemonade, Like The Rain, All That We Could Have Been...
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