Alex Sampson, singer/influencer

I don't know. It feels awkward to come in and talk nasty about someone and then also shit on everything they do. All I can say is, he's young, gorgeous, talented, and making enough money never to need to work some crap job and millions of people like his music. Seems like a winner to me
He lives with his parents in the actual middle of nowhere and seemingly does nothing all day every day.. But sure go off.
He lives with his parents in the actual middle of nowhere and seemingly does nothing all day every day.. But sure go off.
He writes and makes music, posts to socials to make a ton of money, has a lot of engagement, and has a huge upcoming career. I don't pretend he's the best singer, but the guy knows how to market himself. His living at home in a age when rents are $2-6k per month anywhere his career might expect him to be is smart. But sure, judge