Amy Winehouse punches fan while singing???

what is wrong with her? She must have been high or something.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that she ussually is.

Anyway, if she didn't want her fans to touch her why would she leave the stage to go down to them? Makes no sense:confused:
I heard he tried to grab her tits. If I'd been in her place I'd have done the same thing.

Thats what someone on youtube said in the comments but I didn't see anybody grab her boob. And for that matter it might have been an accident. Fans screaming and shouting (maybe pushing) and a hand just happens to swipe her boob.....she should act proffesional about it. If that did happen she has some lazy ass security!
People who go into topics they don't like just to shit on the conversation sucks. If she's violating some rule, report her. She's not, so don't click on any threads about Amy Winehouse? Fair?
And here I thought I was entitled to my opinion..............:rolleyes:

Now, since you chose to get all defensive on me after a holiday weekend of me breaking my balls working, I'll concede this one time that i should've read it more, deal?

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut- I'd better see you going after someone else who does this with just as much passion like you did with me or I'm going to have to assume you were singling me out & do a one on one with the mods about the inequity of it.

That's all, 'nuff said.
Just because someone has talent does not mean that they have their shit together.
Fame and fortune will not remove stresses from your life.
In alot of ways it magnifies pre existing problems.
It never fails to puzzle me why people would think that it is some kind of magic bullet that will make everything better.
Just because someone has talent does not mean that they have their shit together.
Fame and fortune will not remove stresses from your life.
In alot of ways it magnifies pre existing problems.
It never fails to puzzle me why people would think that it is some kind of magic bullet that will make everything better.
That's true- this all too easily reminds me of Kurt Cobain. He was talented I give him that. To a degree, but the man had serious adjustment problems to success and wound up chewing on a sawed off shotgun for his last meal.

I don't think AW's that bad off- yet. But she certainly has issues.
People who go into topics they don't like just to shit on the conversation sucks. If she's violating some rule, report her. She's not, so don't click on any threads about Amy Winehouse? Fair?

The fact that a duplicate subject gets posted is NOT the problem. This is a board and it is bound by it's very nature to happen.

The problem is people who appoint themselves to be the one to make negative comments about how many, thread merge and crap like that are indeed perhaps the ones to back away for a while. Maybe they have been on here too long, maybe they just need to stay out of threads if they don't care for the subject matter and allow the mods and the TOS to do the work for them. (Bless their little pointed heads.)

I get tired of seeing people do this. Yet this is the first time I have made any mention of this kind of thing.

In all things balance and if you can't do that, I wonder if you get your knickers in a bunch when folks in the grocery store purchase two of a certain item or go down and isle more than once?

Chill out. This ain't Gun Smoke and I am sure Miss Kitty's bar will run just fine without ya'll micro managing the town folk here.

To say Amy W is messed up is an understatement. She is lost in her own head and in her own fame and it is drowning her. That wig looks like a black hair octopus done mounted itself atop her head.
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And here I thought I was entitled to my opinion..............:rolleyes:

You are, I'm just wondering, if you're tired of Amy threads, why do you post in them?

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuut- I'd better see you going after someone else who does this with just as much passion like you did with me or I'm going to have to assume you were singling me out & do a one on one with the mods about the inequity of it.That's all, 'nuff said.

Passion? Going after? I didn't go after you. If I'm correct this is my first time ever addressing you though you've often been dramatic and sensational. The problem here is you invite yourself to criticize others posts, and go up in arms when someone does the same to you. Roomette opened a thread so she has to accept the positive and negative responses. You post so you welcome yourself to positive and negative responses. Why are you the only one allowed to be negative?

Anywho, Amy seems the type of person who hasn't matured with age, most people develop coping mechanisms to combat their insecurities, painful experiences, etc.. It seems epidemic that people turn to substances to surpress feelings they aren't well-equipped to bear. The crazy antics and behavior are all typical of addicts, not just because of how the drugs warp your brain but you become easily irritable and behave irrationally when you don't have the drug in your system.
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Addiction hits the the rich and poor. It shows no mercy once it has a grip on you. Until she hits her bottom all the money in the world wont help her.
Then they'd lose their cash-cow. Her execs love this shit and they know it.

I think they'd love it more though if she got her shit together & recorded more music. She's someone who could make them millions for years & years into the future. Not the way she's going now though....
Just because someone has talent does not mean that they have their shit together.
Fame and fortune will not remove stresses from your life.
In alot of ways it magnifies pre existing problems.
It never fails to puzzle me why people would think that it is some kind of magic bullet that will make everything better.

On the contrary having money probably makes it much worse. Imagine havin the money, power and connections to align you with your most destructive weaknesses. Its a recipe for disaster and the younger these 'stars' get the worse the problem gets.

She is a messed up person, nobody can deny that. But it would be nice to see her treated less as a drugo freak and somebody who really needs help.

Shit! we all help the homeless, starving and addicted but as soon as a someone has money they aren't seen as helpless anymore, they are entertainment
I love her music but hate they way she is ending up. I watched the video close to 10 times and still can't find a reason why she punched that person. Although you can tell from the end of the video where she TRYS to sing that she is, as always, drunk as hell
But the point is she has millions of people telling her how fabulous she is, yet nobody seems to be telling her to get help. look at this clip, she is snorting coke on stage in front of an entire crowd and all people do is cheer and laugh

YouTube - Amy winehouse Takes a bump of cocaine at her Concert

if that isnt fucked up i don't know what is


Yeh, people suck.
If a celebrity uses recreational drugs, we look at it is their being edgy by choice. If a homeless guy does it, it's because he's trying to limit his lucidity (and maybe his lifespan) so he doesn't have to think about all the bad decisions he's made. Encouraging her is still fucked up, but the only thing keeping her from getting the help she needs is the money she gets for upholding an image. She's well aware that snorting coke is bad for her health.