Amy Winehouse punches fan while singing???

am I the only one who didn't know that natasha bedingfield and amy winehouse were good friends? Thats weird. Natasha seems like a total opposite

Well theyre both Londoners so its not that unlikely. They were probably friends before Amy went Smacko Whacko.

Rom your spelling needs a slap, girl! Ive corrected for you as an act of kindness...
If I were that fan I'd sure her ass for all she's got (even her crack pipe:rolleyes:).
This is why the U.S will never have events like Glastonbury.In the U.K a scrawny woman throwing a feeble punch at a grown man is no basis for a court case - unless he wants to be the butt of his friends jokes for the rest of his life!
I saw the first half of her set then the temptations of the cider bus in the next field became too much to resist so the final half hour was audio only for me.Her music isn't my taste,I was really just passing time until the excellent Massive Attack appeared on the Other Stage.
This is why the U.S will never have events like Glastonbury.In the U.K a scrawny woman throwing a feeble punch at a grown man is no basis for a court case - unless he wants to be the butt of his friends jokes for the rest of his life!

Well, we do have the Winter Music Conference & the Ultra Music Festival in Miami which is a big deal every March. But nothing compared to what goes on overseas. Glastonbury, Gatecrasher... the list goes on and on.

People are trained here to try and capitalize on every opportunity presented to them. You never know where you'll make your funds, whether it be through hard work, inheritance or from a frivolous lawsuit. Beyond that, the US government frowns upon lots of large music festivals that aren't family orientated in nature. Hence why the New Orlenas Jazz Festival goes through without too much of a problem. But any kind of event that seems geared to young adults partying without parental supervision and they get all crazy.
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Well theyre both Londoners so its not that unlikely. They were probably friends before Amy went Smacko Whacko.

Rom your spelling needs a slap, girl! Ive corrected for you as an act of kindness...

I was praying that she met pre crack amy. Oh yes, I tend to mispell names often
...She also seems like a bitch.

That is the sad thing. Just a few years about she was a serious and very likeable public figure in the UK music scene. Here is an interview from just a few years ago. She is very cockney-crude, but besides that she is very endearing. Or this interview more recently. I think she is a sweetheart when she is clean.

I think these days she is so cracked out, she is just confused and cranky.
update: amy winehouse has punched another fan. There were tons of people including the paps. Apearently her butt was pinched and she blamed it on a innocent man who was trying to take a pic. She must really want to fight someone. Good thing she's hitting men because if she hit me i'd beat her ass down! Oh found a link:

Amy Winehouse's latest hit | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre
update: amy winehouse has punched another fan. There were tons of people including the paps. Apearently her butt was pinched and she blamed it on a innocent man who was trying to take a pic. She must really want to fight someone. Good thing she's hitting men because if she hit me i'd beat her ass down! Oh found a link:

Amy Winehouse's latest hit | The Sun |HomePage|Showbiz|Bizarre

Rommette, when are you gonna grasp the fact that Amy just isnt thinking straight at the moment? I remember we had this discussion way back in another thread you started about her. If you want to judge the real Amy then you need to go back a few years pre-crack. Crack turns you into a selfish monster. I thought you started these threads in support of her but now you seem to have turned on her. Pick a side & stick with it, girl.

I bet some idiot will now call her a tramp...:wink:
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She’s a crack addict that just happens to be able to sing. I have to admit , she was rather attractive before the drug problem. Now she’s on a downward spiral. Of course , its not about looks , but if she didn’t have that voice no one would 2 shits about her.

Sure , there have been other musicians with extreme drug problems. But when we speak of the unanimous great ones , they were all doing something innovative. Not her. I can go in the attic at my momma’s house and retrieve at least 2 dozen albums released 20+ years ago that sound exactly like her (or rather she sounds like them).

If that guy grabbed her tit , she should have knocked his ass. But , I’m just saying , if she would have done that at a club here , it would have a dramatically outcome.
This is why the U.S will never have events like Glastonbury.In the U.K a scrawny woman throwing a feeble punch at a grown man is no basis for a court case - unless he wants to be the butt of his friends jokes for the rest of his life!
I saw the first half of her set then the temptations of the cider bus in the next field became too much to resist so the final half hour was audio only for me.Her music isn't my taste,I was really just passing time until the excellent Massive Attack appeared on the Other Stage.

Eh , we don't have anything like yall do. But we have some decent festivals like Moja (or that might only be here in Charleston) , and alot of blues concerts (maybe only down south at least) that really don't get publicized much. Oh , and I can't forget our annual reggae festival (I'm pretty sure it's only here though) .But if you want good hip hop you have to go to a smaller club or a sad excuse for a coliseum.
Rommette, when are you gonna grasp the fact that Amy just isnt thinking straight at the moment? I remember we had this discussion way back in another thread you started about her. If you want to judge the real Amy then you need to go back a few years pre-crack. Crack turns you into a selfish monster. I thought you started these threads in support of her but now you seem to have turned on her. Pick a side & stick with it, girl.

I bet some idiot will now call her a tramp...:wink:

Honestly, I never heard of Amy Winehouse pre-drugged. It wasn't until about a year ago that I heard of her so I don't know Amy before she was hooked on drugs. I'm not saying she's an angel or devil before she was using because I don't know. I do know that I was offened about her racist comment. Your publisist can say you're ok to be booked but blame it on the drugs when you say a racial slur??? It may be ok with ya'll and even other blacks but the context she used it in was not a positive one. It was meant in a negative way. So what she's on drugs? If she doesn't care about herself why should I? If her record label doesn't care why should I? If her fans don't care and still show up to her gigs why should I? I have had recovering drug addicts in my family (everything from alcohol to pills to herione to coke) and they've all given advice I can't forget. A drugged up person always says whats on a sober persons mind. I can't help but to believe it being that these people have been there and done that. Lets just hope she does like they did and get some real help.

Oh and what keeps bothering me is a ton of questions about the government. WHY THE HELL DON'T THEY RAID HER HOUSE??????? They know she uses drugs, they know when she gets it and they know when a certain person (wink.:wink: wink.:wink:) comes around she's more than likely getting high with him!
The government would be wasting money and resources raiding teh house of a user. No matter how well known. If they were to raid someone , it would be a dealer. Raids are usually the product of months of investigation. Trust me , I know..I've been on the receiving end.......

But what I don't understand is why her "talent" sets her apart from other crackheads. One person will say , "yep...that broad is a junkie" , and someone will immediately chime in with "but she's talented". Oh well, she's still irrational and self-destructive. And I'm probably opening up teh flood gates here , but she's really not that original (if at all) either.
But what I don't understand is why her "talent" sets her apart from other crackheads. One person will say , "yep...that broad is a junkie" , and someone will immediately chime in with "but she's talented". Oh well, she's still irrational and self-destructive. And I'm probably opening up teh flood gates here , but she's really not that original (if at all) either.

meant to tell you mister geechee thats what I been wondering too.
But what I don't understand is why her "talent" sets her apart from other crackheads.

That's because most talented people tend to be a little touched in the head to some level. Mental craziness? Chemical dependency? As nasty as the music business is, everyone in the spotlight has to have some of all of these features. Some are just better at hiding it than others.

Also, she provides a service that is rather enjoyable. Living in New York, all you have to do is ride the subway and you'll see what many of the other crackheads do with their time. Besides, the only other crackhead in music right now is Whitney and she's yet to find God and make her comeback album, as predicted in the Dead Sea Scrolls of Pop-Divadom. :biggrin1:
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I don't get this "she's not original" bullshit, it's so simplistic. NOBODY is original, nobody is doing anything that hasn't been done before. AMY IS A THROWBACK for people who like doo-wop and acoustic sou. This means record-buyers have more options at Tower Records than Usher and Britney's synthesized pop. It means we're hearing live instruments on the record, Not FL Studio 7. Singing in jazz tones, phrasing, slightly off-pitch, emotive singing, Amy's got these techniques in her back pocket? If Amy were without the drugs and were sitting on a corner singing and playing her guitar there'd be a fucking crowd because THE GIRL CAN SING.

She writes introspective songs and has a great sense of humor (lyrically). I can't believe grown adults could be so dense as to question why someone would like something they don't like.

Average adult thinks "I don't like this, how on God's green Earth can anybody else?"


Anywho, if there's one thing in life that's unpredictable it's addicts. Amy may be dead tomorrow, or a year from now she may be in good health. In the meantime I'm going to keep listening to "you sent me flying."
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Honestly, I never heard of Amy Winehouse pre-drugged.

Perhaps if you read something other than grocery store Tabloids... duh!

WHY THE HELL DON'T THEY RAID HER HOUSE??????? They know she uses drugs, they know when she gets it and they know when a certain person (wink.:wink: wink.:wink:) comes around she's more than likely getting high with him!
:eek: You are really creepy, perhaps you might gain some humanity by reading George Orwell.

That's because most talented people tend to be a little touched in the head to some level.

Here, here, VB!... Rommette, are you equally judgmental towards Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Patti Smith... The Beatles, even?... Nah, 'cause you need someone current to gossip about.

Do you obsess on Vincent van Gogh's mental health issues, instead of
appreciating his work?

And you over-40 queens posting here, I'll bet money that Judy Garland, Barry Manilow and Bette Midler are in your Top Ten Play Lists!

What's REALLY up with your campaign against Amy Winehouse?

Listening to her, right now... done with this thread... Onan
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