Andy Pickering Bodybuilder

I can't conceive gays defending islam. Islam is a homophobic religion. Cruelly homophobic.

Religions belong in the realm of ideas and ideas can and should be criticised.

All religions are homophobic.

Yes, but usually nobody that has education believes everything in those religious books, because their logic is flawed. So the most people just make cherry picking. But they should distance themselves from the negative parts of those books. I agree with you on that.

He posted a sick violent islamophobic joke on his Instagram today (now deleted). He has a got body but such a vile human
Muhammed was not better on that, he was very vile too. If you criticize him, you also have to criticize Islam for the same behavior, otherwise you are a hypocirte that dont care about vile behavior.

I am a Muslim and a bisexual man. You have no idea about Islam. It was not Islam that killed black people and destroyed Jews.

Muslims had a lot of Black slaves. the reason was that those prophets were slave holders and that is written in those so called holy books also the koran. Muslims are not better in that regard than the US. Of course, the koran and the bible are not holy books. They are manipulated by negative beings. But a lot of the people on the planet dont get that.

And Muhammed genocided Jews according to islamic texts . They (Muslims) even genocided Jews before the Nazis. With they I mean mainly Muhammed.
Banu Qurayza - Wikipedia

That was the reason why there was a worldwide protest about the pictures of Muhammed. Those protesters supported the denigration of religions that Muhammed did and that he wrote into the koran, but didnt want to get criticised for Muhammed racist and xenophobic behaviour, because they think that was something good. I only speak about the protesters. Usually the most Muslims know that Muhammed was not a perfect person or see the koran as 100 % correct.

I know Islam is not a race. but you are racist. You separate religions. you have no idea about islam
You have no idea about Islam, otherwise you would be aware that Muhammed was denigrating other religions. There are a couple of surah about that and that is racism according to you.

Denigrating a religion for what some stupid people do makes you racist
No that makes him an antiracist, because Muhammed has denigrated other religions and that makes Muhammed a racist. To critisice a racist is always antiracism and to support a racist is racism. So you are a racist, if you dont distance yourself from the xenophobic(antichristian, antijewish, antiatheistic etc.) surahs of the koran.
LOL That doesn't make him racist.. There are a lot of black people who say white lives matter, or all lives matter.. It is primarily done out of rebellion, because many know Black Lives Matter is a fraud and don't care a bit about black people.. 80 million in donations and not one cent to any of the communities, not only damaged due to the toxic culture within the black community, that devalues black life greatly (which BLM never talks about). But the damage due to the senseless lockdowns, combined with the riots that further crushed many black businesses.

Today it seems like the word racist, is thrown at those one disagrees with. The ones who call everything racist however, seem to behave the most racist and only see people as labels instead of individuals.
Regardless of whatever skin color supports white lives matter, it doesn’t make it right…